
Onceuponatime,therelaidtwograinsofsandonthedeepsea.Theyaredistantfromeachotheronlythr... Once upon a time, there laid two grains of sand on the deep sea. They are distant from each other only three inches. One of them falls in love with the other one day. He gazed at his beloved at three-inches away, passing several years in calm happiness. No matter what great transformations happened on the land, it remains serene in the deep blue sea. The sand feels happy, for he can look at his beloved sand everyday.
Dinosaur’s footsteps appear on the sandy beach. The moon waxes and wanes; the tide flow and ebb, yet it has nothing to do with the sand in the deep sea. However, the sand suddenly comes up with an idea that he wants to speak out his love in front of the other sand, and then he embarks on his long long journey. He moves little by little with the help of any dynamic force, a weak undercurrent or a feeble swirl stirred by fishes. He feels grateful whenever he has such opportunity to make a tiny movement.
The footsteps on the beach change to saber-toothed tigers. The oceans waves roll and wash ashore, erasing any left traces silently. The sand is distant from his beloved only two inches now. Till the time when mankind left footsteps on the beach, the sand came in front of his beloved. He gazes at her and recalls his coming way of three inches in the past two hundred million years. At the very moment he feels that he is the happiest creature in the world. The two grains of sand look at each other in their eyes, not saying a single word.
At the very moment when the sand decides to speak, a torrent comes up, and a great force inhales the grain of sand into a big hole. He looks at his long journey and his beloved sand for the last time, not knowing what to say. Then the hole closes and all is darkness. He knows that an oyster captures him.
In the following years the oyster opens the shell occasionally, when the sand has opportunity see the outside world. All that he sees is his beloved sand gazing and waiting him at the distance. The sand feels that the world is beautiful, because in the deep blue sea where the sun cannot corrode, a grain of tiny sand is waiting for him.
One day the sand feels the oyster is wavering and then opens its shell. What come up to the eyes of the grain of sand are sea surface, sunshine and mankind, who look at him with extraordinary exultation. The sand looks at himself and gets to know that he has changed to a big and perfect pearl of priceless value to mankind, yet to the pearl producer, the oyster, it is but a painful accident. Soon the pearl is inlayed into the crown of a king. The sand that has become a pearl now, feels sad, yet not despair, for he knows that his beloved sand is silently waiting for him under the deep sea.
The sand as a pearl on the crown sees the worships of the officials of all ranks, sees the prosperity and decadence of the king as well as the empire. When the king dies,
2011-03-27 · 超过23用户采纳过TA的回答
Once upon a time, there laid two grains of sand on the deep sea.很久很久以前,有摆在深海两个沙粒。 They are distant from each other only three inches.他们彼此只有三英寸远。 One of them falls in love with the other one day.其中一个属于与其他一天爱河。 He gazed at his beloved at three-inches away, passing several years in calm happiness.他凝视着他的三英寸远的爱人,经过几年在平静的幸福。 No matter what great transformations happened on the land, it remains serene in the deep blue sea.没有什么伟大的变革发生在陆地上的问题,它仍然在深蓝色的大海宁静。 The sand feels happy, for he can look at his beloved sand everyday.沙子感到高兴,因为他可以看他心爱的沙子每一天。
Dinosaur's footsteps appear on the sandy beach.恐龙的脚步出现在沙滩上。 The moon waxes and wanes; the tide flow and ebb, yet it has nothing to do with the sand in the deep sea.月亮蜡和减弱;潮流和低潮,但它已没有任何关系,在深海的沙子。 However, the sand suddenly comes up with an idea that he wants to speak out his love in front of the other sand, and then he embarks on his long long journey.然而,沙子突然想出了一个主意,他要说出他在前面的其他沙爱,然后他就踏上了漫长的旅程。 He moves little by little with the help of any dynamic force, a weak undercurrent or a feeble swirl stirred by fishes.他的动作一点一点与任何动力的帮助下,一个软弱的暗流还是鱼激起了微弱的漩涡。 He feels grateful whenever he has such opportunity to make a tiny movement.他感恩每当他有这样的机会,使一个小运动。
The footsteps on the beach change to saber-toothed tigers.在海滩上改变剑齿虎的足迹。 The oceans waves roll and wash ashore, erasing any left traces silently.波涛滚滚的海洋,洗上岸,留下的痕迹抹去任何提示。 The sand is distant from his beloved only two inches now.沙子是从他心爱的现在只有两英寸远。 Till the time when mankind left footsteps on the beach, the sand came in front of his beloved.到时候,当人类的足迹留在沙滩上,沙排在他心爱的前面。 He gazes at her and recalls his coming way of three inches in the past two hundred million years.他凝视着她,回顾过去二点○○亿年他未来3英寸的方式。 At the very moment he feels that he is the happiest creature in the world.在那一刻他觉得自己是世界上最幸福的人。 The two grains of sand look at each other in their eyes, not saying a single word.看沙两国在各个其他谷物在他们眼里,不说一个字。
At the very moment when the sand decides to speak, a torrent comes up, and a great force inhales the grain of sand into a big hole.在非常时刻,沙决定发言,在激流中出现,和一个伟大的力量吸入沙成一个大洞粮食。 He looks at his long journey and his beloved sand for the last time, not knowing what to say.他看了看自己漫长的旅程,他的最后一次心爱的沙子,不知道该说些什么。 Then the hole closes and all is darkness.然后,孔关闭,一切都黑暗。 He knows that an oyster captures him.他知道,一个牡蛎抓走了。
In the following years the oyster opens the shell occasionally, when the sand has opportunity see the outside world.在随后的几年牡蛎壳偶尔打开,当有机会看到沙子外面的世界。 All that he sees is his beloved sand gazing and waiting him at the distance.所有他看到的是他心爱的凝视和沙子等在距离他。 The sand feels that the world is beautiful, because in the deep blue sea where the sun cannot corrode, a grain of tiny sand is waiting for him.沙子认为,世界是美丽的,因为在深蓝色的大海里,阳光无法腐蚀,一个微小的沙粒,是等着他。
One day the sand feels the oyster is wavering and then opens its shell.有一天,沙认为牡蛎是摇摆不定,然后打开它的外壳。 What come up to the eyes of the grain of sand are sea surface, sunshine and mankind, who look at him with extraordinary exultation.怎么上来的一粒沙的眼睛是海面,阳光和人类,谁在看他以非凡的欢欣。 The sand looks at himself and gets to know that he has changed to a big and perfect pearl of priceless value to mankind, yet to the pearl producer, the oyster, it is but a painful accident.看着自己的沙子,并得到知道他已更改为无价之宝大和完美的珍珠给人类,但到珍珠生产国,牡蛎,它不过是一个痛苦的意外。 Soon the pearl is inlayed into the crown of a king.不久,珍珠镶嵌成一个国王的王冠。 The sand that has become a pearl now, feels sad, yet not despair, for he knows that his beloved sand is silently waiting for him under the deep sea.认为现在已经成为一个珍珠砂,感到伤心,但不绝望,因为他知道自己心爱的沙子静静地等待着他在深海。
The sand as a pearl on the crown sees the worships of the officials of all ranks, sees the prosperity and decadence of the king as well as the empire.作为一个皇冠上的明珠沙看到了各级官员的崇拜,看到了繁荣与颓废的国王以及帝国。 When the king dies,当国王去世,

不知道这个能不能帮你 老兄我可是尽力了哦 O(∩_∩)O~
2011-03-27 · TA获得超过5281个赞
Once upon a time, there laid two grains of sand on the deep sea. 很久以前,有两粒沙子在大洋深处。

They are distant from each other only three inches. 它们之间只有3英尺的距离

One of them falls in love with the other one day.一天,其中的一粒爱上了另外一粒

He gazed at his beloved at three-inches away, 他深情地望着距离他三英尺的那粒心爱的沙子,

passing several years in calm happiness. 就这样,几年过去了,而这几年他是过的多么平静地开心。

No matter what great transformations happened on the land, it remains serene in the deep blue sea. 无论陆地上发生了什么,大洋深处还是依然宁静。

The sand feels happy, for he can look at his beloved sand everyday。那粒沙子感到开心,因为他可以每天看着他心爱的沙子。

Dinosaur’s footsteps appear on the sandy beach. 恐龙的足迹出现在沙滩上。

The moon waxes and wanes; 月亮圆了又缺了。

the tide flow and ebb, 潮汐涨了又退yet it has nothing to do with the sand in the deep sea.但这些,都跟在大洋深处的沙子没有关系。

However, the sand suddenly comes up with an idea that he wants to speak out his love in front of the other sand,可是,有一天,这粒沙子突然有了一个想法,那就是在另一粒沙子面前大声说出他的爱

and then he embarks on his long long journey. 然后,他开始了他漫长的旅程。

He moves little by little with the help of any dynamic force,他一点点地向前挪,借助任何可以帮助的动力,
a weak undercurrent or a feeble swirl stirred by fishes. 一股暗流或一个由鱼儿激起的微小的漩涡He feels grateful whenever he has such opportunity to make a tiny movement.无论任何时候,只要有这样的前进的机会,他都会感到很高兴。

The footsteps on the beach change to saber-toothed tigers.沙滩上的脚印换成了是剑齿虎的。 The oceans waves roll and wash ashore, 海洋的波浪打滚并冲刷着沿岸erasing any left traces silently. 把所有留下的痕迹都默默地抹去The sand is distant from his beloved only two inches now. 那粒沙子现在离他心爱的沙子只有两英尺了Till the time when mankind left footsteps on the beach,当人类的足迹出现在沙滩上时, the sand came in front of his beloved. 他终于来到了他心爱的沙子面前。He gazes at her and recalls his coming way of three inches in the past two hundred million years.他凝视着她,并回想起他过去的二百万年为了这三英尺走过的路。 At the very moment he feels that he is the happiest creature in the world. 在这一刻,他觉得他是全世界最幸福的生物。The two grains of sand look at each other in their eyes,这两粒沙子彼此看着对方 not saying a single word.没有说一个字

At the very moment when the sand decides to speak,就在这粒沙子想开口表白的时候 a torrent comes up,一股奔流来到, and a great force inhales the grain of sand into a big hole.一股强大的力量把这粒沙子吸进了一个大洞里 He looks at his long journey and his beloved sand for the last time, 他最后一次看看自己一路走过的路和他心爱的沙子not knowing what to say.不知道该说什么 Then the hole closes and all is darkness.然后这个洞关起来了,只剩下了黑暗 He knows that an oyster captures him. 他知道,一个牡蛎抓住了他。

In the following years the oyster opens the shell occasionally, 在接下来的日子里,那只牡蛎偶尔地开一下他的壳when the sand has opportunity see the outside world. 这个时候,那粒沙子就有机会看看外面的世界All that he sees is his beloved sand gazing and waiting him at the distance.它所看见的就是他心爱的沙子在另一方凝视着他并等候着他 The sand feels that the world is beautiful, 这粒沙子觉得他的世界是美好的,because in the deep blue sea where the sun cannot corrode, 因为在太阳不能侵蚀的大洋深处a grain of tiny sand is waiting for him. 一粒小小的沙子在等着他

One day the sand feels the oyster is wavering and then opens its shell.一天,沙子感到那个 牡蛎在摇曳并打开了他的壳子。What come up to the eyes of the grain of sand are sea surface, 沙子看到的就是海平面,sunshine and mankind,阳光和人类。 who look at him with extraordinary exultation.人类正以极度的狂喜看着他 The sand looks at himself and gets to know that he has changed to a big and perfect pearl of priceless value to mankind,沙子看了看自己,他开始知道,自己已经变成了一粒对人类来说无价的大珍珠 yet to the pearl producer, the oyster, 但对于这粒珍珠的生产者-----牡蛎来讲,it is but a painful accident. 这是一件痛苦的事。Soon the pearl is inlayed into the crown of a king.不久,这粒珍珠就被镶嵌到一个国王得皇冠里面。 The sand that has become a pearl now, feels sad, yet not despair, for he knows that his beloved sand is silently waiting for him under the deep sea.这粒沙子现在变成了一粒珍珠,他感到悲哀但并没有绝望,因为他知道,他心爱的沙子在大洋深处寂静地等待着他。

The sand as a pearl on the crown sees the worships of the officials of all ranks, 这粒变成了珍珠的沙子在皇冠上看见了各阶级的大臣对皇上的膜拜。sees the prosperity and decadence of the king as well as the empire. 看见了国王和这个王国的繁盛和衰落。When the king dies,当国王死的时候
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