
我的梦想是成为一个普通的人英语作文... 我的梦想是成为一个普通的人英语作文 展开
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2016-10-01 · TA获得超过1万个赞
Dream, avers, countless people in compiling the dream of frustrations.At night, when the dark dream of fire happens, bring people farther and nearly hope suddenly.It floats in the imagination and expect, is the people heart longing.梦想,从古至今,无数的人们在酸甜苦辣中编制着梦想。在黑夜,梦想是时暗时明的火光,带给人们忽远忽近的希望。它漂浮在想象和期待之中,是人们心中孜孜不倦地追求。
In reality, under the impact of dreams just peace of mind, make life more than a light.Established in persistent dream forever, sweat, and tears, overlooking efforts over the past: the great Madame Curie to benefit human, hard struggle for life, and finally produced a pure radium.Her life though because long-term accept radioactive substances stimulation and gone, but she dreamers never stop footstep.She used her dream, write down the eternal life.在现实的冲击之下,梦想只是心灵的安慰,使漫漫人生路多了一份光明。梦想永远建立在执着、汗水、努力与泪水之上,遥望过去:伟大的居里夫人造福于人类,艰苦、辛酸地奋斗了一生,终于提炼出了纯净的镭。她的生命虽然因为长期接受放射性物质的刺激而消逝了,可她追逐梦想脚步却永远不会停下来。她用她的梦想,书写下了生命的永恒。
But we, because many obstacles and stopped because of laziness, or heart and give up the dream.Don't flashy longing dream will come true, also don't immersed in a busy and noisy.Choose the right way, so you must go, no matter how long the road ahead, regardless of whether, as long as have danger "and a" belief, came to the joy of dreams, is far away from you will also?而我们呢,是因为无数的阻碍而停下了步伐,还是因为懒惰的内心而放弃了梦想。不要憧憬华而不实的梦想会实现,也不要沉浸在繁华和喧嚣当中。选择好了这样一条路,就必须要走下去,不管路有多长,不管前方是不是危险重重,只要心中有“再往前一点点就到了”的信念,难道,梦想实现的喜悦还会远离你吗?
The dream is flower seeds, the eagle's dream is ready to fly. "Li-an old hero, costraint", even a nag are able to support the weak body dream.So, whether we should be more young take advantage of this wonderful time chasing the dream trace?种子的梦想是开花结果,雄鹰的梦想是展翅飞翔。“老骥伏枥,志在千里”,连一匹老马都能以梦想来支撑衰弱的身躯。那么,年轻的我们是不是更应该趁着大好年华追逐梦想的踪迹?
Dream, it is like the butterfly wings, with beautiful we capture it, But it is more like a fragrance pubi fragrance, we find it, temptation to catch a refreshing "to".Also no wonder that someone will give up the pursuit of dreams, because "the real dream too is".Don't dream really so hard to reach?No, because those who are too greed, will put the dream with high places, all day but never considered himself ever reach the dream.When it is discovered, he is already dispirited and discouraged, no interest in exploring the dream again.梦想,它像是翩翩的蝴蝶,以绚丽的翅膀吸引我们捕捉它;可它更像一缕芬芳,以扑鼻的香味诱惑我们寻找它,到头来去只捕到一次的“沁人心脾”。也难怪会有人放弃了追求梦想的权利,因为“真正的梦想太可望而不可及”了。难道梦想真的这么难以接触吗?不是,是因为那些人太过于有贪欲,将梦想放在了与天齐高的地方,却从未考虑过自己有没有达到梦想的能力。等到发现这一点是,他早已是心灰意冷,没有了再一次探寻梦想的兴趣。
Dream really so far?In fact, it might be far ahead, are you looking forward to your hand, eagerly.Or, it in the corner, prepare crossroads in unexpected jumped out when you scare you jump, give you a surprise.It may be illusory dreams, perhaps is immensely.The life forever, because dream and flash.梦想真的这么遥远吗?其实,它也许就在前方不远处,正想你招手,翘首盼望你的到来。或者,它在十字路口的转角处,准备在你猝不及防的时候蹦出来吓你一跳,给你一个惊喜。它也许是虚幻的梦境,也许是一时的高兴。生命永远因为梦想而闪光,而耀眼。
In the streets to see the girl singing a song, sweet singing on stage, this should now, but in the eyes of silent singing.Oh, don't disturb her, don't think she is poor, you know, she is in order to realize her dream and playing well.In the persistent efforts, sweat, and tears filled with turn your heart, your dreams will release its true light!在大街上看到一个卖唱的女孩,甜美的歌声本应该在舞台上唱起,现在却在施舍的目光中默默歌唱。哦,不要打扰她,也不要觉得她很可怜,知道吗,她是为了实现她的梦想而打好铺垫。在执着、汗水、努力与泪水轮流充斥你的内心之后,你的梦想就会释放属于它的真正的光芒!

My Dream我的梦想
Every one has his/her own dream.Some people dream to write great composition in English,I also have my own dream,not just a great English composition.Some of my friends' dream is to be a scientist,so that he could do a great effort to development of our society.Some friends of mine dream to be a millinare so that they could buy a lot of thing that they like.Some one dreams to be a super star so that he could get lots of fans...I have my own dream,which is very simple.My dream is that I will get enough free time and enough money so that I can travel all around the world and do a lot of favour to my friends and make my parents a happy and comfortable life.You see,this is my dream.每个人都有梦想,有人的梦想是能写出优秀的英语作文,我也有我的梦想,不仅仅是写出出色的英语作文。有人的梦想成为科学家,可以为社会的发展,人类的幸福发明出各种先进的设备;也有的人梦想成为百万富翁,可以买各种喜欢的东西;有的人则梦想成为明星,可以让万人崇拜;有的人的梦想则是成为高官贵人,可以光宗耀祖。。。我的梦想很简单,我希望自己能够成为一个生活宽裕的人,有足够的时间和足够的钱,可以到世界各地去游历,可以让朋友有所依靠,可以让父母幸福安乐,可以让身边的人开心自在,这,就是我的梦想。
推荐于2017-12-16 · TA获得超过464个赞
Everyone has his own dream. Some want to be doctors. Others hope to be scientists. My dream is to become a teacher.
Teachers can not teach us many things at school, but they do their best to teach us how to learn. Thanks to them, we learn knowledge. And at the same time, we learn how to live a happy life. They spend most time on their students. They are great in my eyes.
老师不仅能在学校教给我们许多事情,而且他们尽力教会我们如何去学习.感谢他们,我们学到了知识.并且在同时,我们知道怎么幸福地生活. 他们花费他们大多数时间在他们的学生身上.他们在我的眼里是伟大的.
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