2002年美国发生了近50万起针对妇女的家庭暴力事件。据美国全国犯罪受害者中心提供的数字,在18岁至65岁的美国妇女中,几乎每4人当中就有1人正在或曾经受家庭暴力,每年由家庭暴力造成的医疗支出达6100万美元,直接和间接造成的经济损失高达2.15亿美元。 展开
2002年美国发生了近50万起针对妇女的家庭暴力事件。据美国全国犯罪受害者中心提供的数字,在18岁至65岁的美国妇女中,几乎每4人当中就有1人正在或曾经受家庭暴力,每年由家庭暴力造成的医疗支出达6100万美元,直接和间接造成的经济损失高达2.15亿美元。 展开
Every 9 minutes in average, a woman would be beaten by her husband or mate all over the United States. And the number of female victims of family violence has reached 4,000,000 each year in this country. What's worse, over 6000 of them had been abused to death. As a result, over 65% of the misused mothers of 11-to-20-year-old boys' fought back and even risk their own lives out of wrath.
In 2002, nearly 500,000 family violence incidence happened in USA. According to the statistics from Criminal Victims Center of United States, among those American female who aged from 18 to 65, almost one out of four is or was suffering from family violence. The medical expenditure caused by family violence has reached to 6,1000,000 dollars and its direct and indirect economical loss has reached 215,000,000 dollars.
In 2002, nearly 500,000 family violence incidence happened in USA. According to the statistics from Criminal Victims Center of United States, among those American female who aged from 18 to 65, almost one out of four is or was suffering from family violence. The medical expenditure caused by family violence has reached to 6,1000,000 dollars and its direct and indirect economical loss has reached 215,000,000 dollars.
The United States every 9 seconds a woman is beaten by her husband or domestic partner, domestic violence each year by the country's 400 million women were domestic violence, destruction of more than 6,000 women died. Which led to more than 65% of 11-20 year-old boy beaten by his mother to the perpetrators of the gas attack, but your life.
In 2002 the United States nearly 50 million cases of domestic violence against women. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime figures provided by 18 to 65 year-old American women, almost 1 in every 4 persons among those who are or have been victims of domestic violence, domestic violence each year caused by the health care expenditures amounted to $ 61,000,000 Direct and indirect economic losses of up to 215 million.
In 2002 the United States nearly 50 million cases of domestic violence against women. According to the National Center for Victims of Crime figures provided by 18 to 65 year-old American women, almost 1 in every 4 persons among those who are or have been victims of domestic violence, domestic violence each year caused by the health care expenditures amounted to $ 61,000,000 Direct and indirect economic losses of up to 215 million.