这是一个强调句型。It is not until ... that...直到......才......(= Not until ...+倒装句=... not ...until...)。如:
It is not until he approves that we will start our project. 直到他同意, 我们才会开始我们的项目。
It was not until the 1940s that such machine could be built. 直到20世纪40年代这种机器才能制造。
Not until they heard that she was safe and sound were their minds set at rest. 听到她平安无事的消息,大家心里才一块石头落地。
Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family. 直到有了这对双胞胎他们才感到组成了一个家庭。
Don't speak until you've got the thing clear in your mind. 把问题闹清楚了再发言。
I won't rest until I find it. 找到之前我不会休息的。
It is not until he approves that we will start our project. 直到他同意, 我们才会开始我们的项目。
It was not until the 1940s that such machine could be built. 直到20世纪40年代这种机器才能制造。
Not until they heard that she was safe and sound were their minds set at rest. 听到她平安无事的消息,大家心里才一块石头落地。
Not until they had the twins did they feel they had formed a family. 直到有了这对双胞胎他们才感到组成了一个家庭。
Don't speak until you've got the thing clear in your mind. 把问题闹清楚了再发言。
I won't rest until I find it. 找到之前我不会休息的。
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