
咖啡的传说话说咖啡这植物的起源可追溯至百万年以前,事实上它被发现的真正年代已不可考,仅相传咖啡是衣索比亚高地一位名叫柯迪Kaldi的牧羊人,当他发觉他的羊儿在无意中吃了一... 咖啡的传说
话说咖啡这植物的起源可追溯至百万年以前,事实上它被发现的真正年代已不可考,仅相传咖啡是衣索比亚高地一位名叫柯迪 Kaldi 的牧羊人,当他发觉他的羊儿在无意中吃了一种植物的果实后,变得神采非常活泼充满活力,从此发现了咖啡。
中东地区的人们执着於基本的饮用方式,他们将咖啡豆深度烘焙至接近暗黑( Dark Roast ),通常研磨成极细的粉末,然后煮沸几次再加入糖即成为一小杯极浓、苦中带甜、且有沉淀的咖啡。人们以考究而有礼的态度从容不迫的轻啜着这一小杯咖啡。
咖啡树 ( The Plant )
咖啡树原产自衣索比亚,属於植物学中 Rubiaceae 族之 Coffee 属的常绿只 子叶植物,其高度可达十公尺, 而人工栽种者由於经过修剪,故仅有二至四公尺高。咖啡大概会在三至四年结子,而二十至二十五年后产量 会减少,但也有部分咖啡树超过百年寿命却仍然结出果实。咖啡树的树枝对立生长,呈水平或下垂分枝生长 ,其树叶则对生於短径分枝上。最主要的两个种类,阿拉比卡 ( Coffee Arabica ) 和罗巴斯达 ( Coffee Robusta )。 阿拉比卡的叶长约 15 公分。罗巴斯达的树叶较长,呈软卵形或尖形,颜色亮绿。
你是心情好还是心情不好的时候想喝杯咖啡呢?每个人的答案都不一样,但因为咖啡是心情好的时候喝的饮料,所以唯有在情绪不错时,想看看蓝蓝的天与晒晒温柔的阳光时才能品尝出咖啡的香醇美味。心情不好时你应该去酒吧喝酒解闷。咖啡馆里慵懒的爵士、扣人心弦的歌剧、浪漫的法国香颂或轻柔的钢琴演奏是你最常会听到的音乐。当然这和咖啡馆老板的品位有关。你可以和亲密的朋友或三五知己在一起聊聊天,探讨一下各自感兴趣的话题,随着时间的深入,你会发现心情渐渐的平静,甚至有一些感动, 所有的理由都很单纯:随兴。 当你感觉今天心情不错时来一杯咖啡吧,你会发现咖啡最美好的一面。
据史料记载,1884年咖啡在台湾首次种植成功,从而揭开了咖啡在中国发展的序幕。大陆地区最早的咖啡种植则始于云南,是在二十世纪初,一个法国传教士将第一批咖啡苗带到云南的宾川县。在以后的近百年里,咖啡种植在幅员辽阔的中国也只是“星星点点”。然而,近年来中国咖啡种植和消费的发展愈来愈为世界所瞩目。麦斯威尔、雀巢、哥伦比亚等国际咖啡公司纷纷在中国设立分公司或工厂,为中国市场提供品种更优、价格更优的产品。作为西方生活方式的一部分,咖啡已正式进入中国人的家庭和生活;北京、 上海、广州等大城市的咖啡馆伴随着咖啡文化的成长也如雨后春笋般出现,成为青年人新的消费时尚,装点着都市风情。
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Coffee fable The speech said coffee this plant the origin may trace tomillion years before, in fact it the true age which discovered has notbeen possible to test, only hands down the coffee is Ethiopia highground named the shepherd which the tan oak enlightens Kaldi, after hedetected his Yang Er has been accidentally eating one kind of plant'sfruit, extremely changes the appearance in a lively way to be full ofthe energy, from this time on has discovered the coffee. The world coffee drinks with the tradition Mideast people rigid to basic drinking with way, they cure thecoffee bean depth to approach darkly black (Dark Roast), usuallygrinds Cheng Jixi the powder, then boils several time joins the sugarnamely to become a small cup again extremely thick, center the belt ispainstakingly sweet, also has the precipitation the coffee. The peopleare unflustered by elegant and the courteous manner lightly aresipping this small cup of coffee. Coffee-tree (The Plant) The coffee-tree originally produces from Ethiopia, belongs toChang Lvzhi which in the botany Rubiaceae race Coffee of is seed leafplant, it highly may amount to ten meters, but artificial plantingbecause the process prunes, therefore only has two to four meter high.The coffee probably can in three to four years seed, but the outputcan reduce 20 after 25 years, but also had a part of coffee-tree tosurpass hundred years life actually still to tie the fruit.Coffee-tree's branch opposition grows, assumes the level or thesagging branching grows, his/her leaf to had been born on the minoraxis branching. The most main two types, Allah (Coffee Arabica) andthe Luo Buss reaches (Coffee Robusta) compared to the card. Allahcompares the card Ye Changyue 15 centimeters. The Luo Buss reaches theleaf is longer, assumes the soft oval or 尖形, color brilliantgreen. The coffee, may accompany oneself passed many satisfied time. After early morning gets out of bed drinks a cup to awake the brain,daytime when work lightly swallows to stimulate, has in the leisure todrink cup of coffee, to eat several cakes, chats with the friendslightly gathers. The coffee is enriching our life, also reducedbetween your me the distance. After fine food, soaks cup of coffee,reads a newspaper, perhaps and the lover, the friend and the familymember is sharing together warmly is comfortable, the pleasureinfinite coffee time, is one kind of happiness. There we are infatuated with the air, the light, the sound, forgot thetime immerses in there, perhaps in a crowd with the oneself sameperson in the middle of, continues a person, but everybody has a tacitunderstanding. Male, female, open and bright, melancholy, a crowdcomes, orphaned from sits alone, smokes, drinks the thick coffee, orsimply does not drink the coffee. We found each other depending on thefeeling, depending on is staring at the roof pinnacle or the coffeecup look found each other, calculated you are looking outside thewindow, actually not necessarily is looking at any.. I think you, Iknew, I and you are dissimilar, is dissimilar with all people, therealism can come the cafe, but cannot belong to here, cannotcontinuously sit takes a break, own put the chair to the table on onlythen walks. Coffee and mood You are the mood are good or mood not good time want to drinkthe cup coffee? Each person's answer is all dissimilar, but becausethe coffee is mood good time drinks drink, therefore only has is goodwhen the mood, wants to have a look the blue sky with exposes to thesun when the gentle sunlight to be able to taste the coffee the mellowdelicacy. Mood not good time you should go to the bar to drink findrelief. In the cafe lazy knight, the exciting opera, romantic Francefragrant praises or the gentle piano performance is a music which yourmost regular meeting hears. Certainly this and the cafe boss'spersonal status concerns. You may are chatting together with theintimate friend or 35 friends the day, discusses respectively isinterested the topic, along with time thorough, you can discover themood gradually tranquility, even has some moves, all reasons all verypure: Along with is popular. When you felt today mood is good whencomes cup of coffee, you can discover coffee happiest one side. The coffee enters China According to the historical data record, in 1884 the coffeeplanted for the first time in Taiwan successfully, thus had opened thecoffee the prologue which developed in China. The land area earliestcoffee planter then the beginning to Yunnan, is in the beginning of20th century, a French missionary first group of coffee Miao DaidaoYunnan's Binchuan County. In the later nearly hundred years, thecoffee planter in vast in territory China also only will be "thetwinkle star". However, in recent years the Chinese coffee planter andthe expense development increasingly focused attention on for theworld. Mai Si 威尔, 雀巢, Colombia and so on the internationalcoffee company in abundance in the Chinese establishment subsidiarycompany or the factory, provides the variety for the Chinese market tobe more superior, a price more superior product. As a west life stylepart, the coffee officially entered Chinese's family and the life;Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on the big city cafe is followingthe coffee culture growth also like mushroom growth appearance,becomes the young people new expense fashion, is decorating themetropolis character and style.

2007-04-19 · TA获得超过448个赞
Coffee legends
Coffee said that the origins can be traced back to millions of years before plants, in fact, it was the real 1990s can not be traced. Ethiopia highlands coffee is only a legend Mingjiaokedi Kaldi the shepherd, When he realized that he apparently inadvertently eat the fruit of a plant, have become very lively and vibrant appearance. Since then found a coffee.
The traditional world coffee consumption
It sticks to the basic region of the Middle East drinking, They will be baked beans depth to almost toxicity (Dark Roast), usually ground into very fine powder. Then again boiled several times into a small cup of sugar that is a strong, suffer with sweet, and there precipitation coffee. People can say the calm and polite manner that Qingchuo a small cup of coffee.
Coffee trees
Origin coffee from Ethiopia. Coffee is the national Botany Rubiaceae cotyledon is the only evergreen plants, The height of up to 10 meters, and the growing because of artificial After pruning, it is only two to four meters high. Coffee Knot probably in three to four years, after which production will be reduced 20 to 25 years. However, some coffee trees more than 100 years life expectancy is still bearing fruit. Coffee tree branches growing antagonism, horizontal or drooping branches grow their leaves were born in the short track on the branch. The two main types, arabica (Arabica Coffee) robusta (Coffee Wisnumurti). Arabica leaves about 15 cm. Robusta longer the leaves, ovate or condyloma was soft, light green color.
Coffee can accompany himself spent many happy days.
Restoring the morning immediately after drinking a cup of the day, when light swallow one refreshing, more leisure Lane, a cup of coffee, eat a few pieces of cake. Poly small and chatting with a friend. Coffee enriched our lives and shorten the distance between you and me. U.S. meal, vesicles cup of coffee, reading a newspaper or lovers, friends and families together to share a warm and comfortable Fun coffee time is a blessing.
We are fascinated by the park's air, light, sound, time to forget where immersion in the same group with their own people, Perhaps to continue a person, but we all have a tacit understanding. The men, woman, cheerful and melancholy, the group, isolated from alone, smoking, drinking strong coffee. or simply do not drink coffee. We find the feel of each other, with their minds focused on the eyes or Essential find, even if you Looking at the window, ... I did not see what you see, I know that you and I are different, and all the people, realists will come to the café, but is not here, nor will it have come to close. put on the table before taking their own chairs.
Coffee and heart
You are in a good mood or a bad mood when I wanted a cup of coffee? The answer is different for each person, but when they drink coffee beverage is a good mood, but in good mood, I would like to see both blue skies and gentle sun when the sun drying out coffee howiinol delicious taste. When it's in a bad mood you should go bar monotony. Lane reclining Jazz Café, the thrilling opera. French chanson, or the gentle romantic piano music you will hear most often. Of course, the quality and the owner of the café. And the closest you can chat with friends or Sanwuzhiji together, to explore their interest in the topic. With the depth, you will find the calm mood gradually, and even some touching, all the reasons are very simple : With Hing. When you feel good mood today to a cup of coffee at the bar, you will find a coffee best.
Coffee into China
According to historical records, in 1884 in Taiwan's first coffee growing success, thus opening a coffee in the development of the event. The first coffee plantations began in the mainland, Yunnan, in the 1920s, a French missionary to the first batch of coffee seedlings to Binchuan County in Yunnan. But in the past hundred years ago, the vast coffee plantations in China were only "bits and pieces." However, in recent years, China's consumption of coffee plantations and the development of more and more world attention. Max, Nestle, the Colombian coffee and other international companies have set up branches or factories in China. better varieties for the Chinese market, the price of better products. As part of the Western lifestyle, coffee has officially entered the Chinese family and life. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities in the coffee shop along with the mushrooming growth in coffee culture there, young people become new consumption trend, with the city of Phnom Penh and habits.
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The coffee fable
speech said coffee this plant the origin may trace to 1,000,000 years before, in fact it the true age which discovered has not been possible to test, only hands down the coffee is an Ethiopia high ground name named the shepherd who the tan oak enlightens Kaldi, after he detected he the sheep has accidentally been eating one kind of plant's fruit, becomes the appearance extremely lively fill vigor, from this time on has discovered the coffee.
The world coffee drinks
the tradition Mideast the people rigid in basic drink the way, they cure close to the coffee bean depth dark black (Dark Roast), usually grinds Cheng Jixi the powder, then boils several times joins the sugar namely to become a small cup again thick extremely, painstakingly the belt sweet, also has the precipitation coffee.The people unflustered are lightly sipping this small coffee by elegant and the courteous manner.
The coffee-tree (The Plant)
the coffee-tree produces originally from Ethiopia, belongs to in the botany Rubiaceae race Coffee of to be is often green the seed leaf plant, it may amount to ten meters highly, but artificial planting as a result of process trim, therefore only has two to four meter high,The coffee probably could in three to four years seed, but can reduce 20 to 25 year after-birth quantities, but also had a part of coffee-tree to surpass hundred years life still to tie the fruit actually.Coffee-tree's branch opposition grows, assumes the level or the sagging branching grows, his/her leaf to had been born on the minor axis branching.The most main two types, Allah (Coffee Arabica) and the Luo Buss reaches (Coffee Robusta) compared to the card. Allah compared to card leaf long approximately 15 centimeters.The Luo Buss reaches the leaf is long, assumes the soft oval or V-shaped, color brilliant green.
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Coffee legends
Coffee said that the origins can be traced back to millions of years before plants, in fact, it was the real 1990s can not be traced. Ethiopia highlands coffee is only a legend Mingjiaokedi Kaldi the shepherd, When he realized that he apparently inadvertently eat the fruit of a plant, have become very lively and vibrant appearance. Since then found a coffee.
The traditional world coffee consumption
It sticks to the basic region of the Middle East drinking, They will be baked beans depth to almost toxicity (Dark Roast), usually ground into very fine powder. Then again boiled several times into a small cup of sugar that is a strong, suffer with sweet, and there precipitation coffee. People can say the calm and polite manner that Qingchuo a small cup of coffee.
Coffee trees
Origin coffee from Ethiopia. Coffee is the national Botany Rubiaceae cotyledon is the only evergreen plants, The height of up to 10 meters, and the growing because of artificial After pruning, it is only two to four meters high. Coffee Knot probably in three to four years, after which production will be reduced 20 to 25 years. However, some coffee trees more than 100 years life expectancy is still bearing fruit. Coffee tree branches growing antagonism, horizontal or drooping branches grow their leaves were born in the short track on the branch. The two main types, arabica (Arabica Coffee) robusta (Coffee Wisnumurti). Arabica leaves about 15 cm. Robusta longer the leaves, ovate or condyloma was soft, light green color.
Coffee can accompany himself spent many happy days.
Restoring the morning immediately after drinking a cup of the day, when light swallow one refreshing, more leisure Lane, a cup of coffee, eat a few pieces of cake. Poly small and chatting with a friend. Coffee enriched our lives and shorten the distance between you and me. U.S. meal, vesicles cup of coffee, reading a newspaper or lovers, friends and families together to share a warm and comfortable Fun coffee time is a blessing.
We are fascinated by the park's air, light, sound, time to forget where immersion in the same group with their own people, Perhaps to continue a person, but we all have a tacit understanding. The men, woman, cheerful and melancholy, the group, isolated from alone, smoking, drinking strong coffee. or simply do not drink coffee. We find the feel of each other, with their minds focused on the eyes or Essential find, even if you Looking at the window, ... I did not see what you see, I know that you and I are different, and all the people, realists will come to the café, but is not here, nor will it have come to close. put on the table before taking their own chairs.
Coffee and heart
You are in a good mood or a bad mood when I wanted a cup of coffee? The answer is different for each person, but when they drink coffee beverage is a good mood, but in good mood, I would like to see both blue skies and gentle sun when the sun drying out coffee howiinol delicious taste. When it's in a bad mood you should go bar monotony. Lane reclining Jazz Café, the thrilling opera. French chanson, or the gentle romantic piano music you will hear most often. Of course, the quality and the owner of the café. And the closest you can chat with friends or Sanwuzhiji together, to explore their interest in the topic. With the depth, you will find the calm mood gradually, and even some touching, all the reasons are very simple : With Hing. When you feel good mood today to a cup of coffee at the bar, you will find a coffee best.
Coffee into China
According to historical records, in 1884 in Taiwan's first coffee growing success, thus opening a coffee in the development of the event. The first coffee plantations began in the mainland, Yunnan, in the 1920s, a French missionary to the first batch of coffee seedlings to Binchuan County in Yunnan. But in the past hundred years ago, the vast coffee plantations in China were only "bits and pieces." However, in recent years, China's consumption of coffee plantations and the development of more and more world attention. Max, Nestle, the Colombian coffee and other international companies have set up branches or factories in China. better varieties for the Chinese market, the price of better products. As part of the Western lifestyle, coffee has officially entered the Chinese family and life. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities in the coffee shop along with the mushrooming growth in coffee culture there, young people become new consumption trend, with the city of Phnom Penh and habits.
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The coffee biography speech said coffee this plant the origin may trace to 1,000,000 years before, in fact it the true age which discovered has not been possible to test, only hands down the coffee is an Ethiopia high ground name named the shepherd who the tan oak enlightens Kaldi, after he detected he the sheep has accidentally been eating one kind of plant's fruit, becomes the appearance extremely lively fill vigor, from this time on has discovered the coffee. The world coffee drinks the tradition Mideast the people rigid in basic drink the way, they cure close to the coffee bean depth dark black (Dark Roast), usually grinds Cheng Jixi the powder, then boils several times joins the sugar namely to become a small cup again thick extremely, painstakingly the belt sweet, also has the precipitation coffee.The people unflustered are lightly sipping this small coffee by elegant and the courteous manner. The coffee-tree (The Plant)the coffee-tree produces originally from Ethiopia, belongs to in the botany Rubiaceae race Coffee of to be is often green the seed leaf plant, it may amount to ten meters highly, but artificial planting as a result of process trim, therefore only has two to four meter high.The coffee probably can in three to four years seed, but can reduce 20 to 25 year after-birth quantities, but also had a part of coffee-tree to surpass hundred years life still to tie the fruit actually.Coffee-tree's branch opposition grows, assumes the level or the sagging branching grows, his/her leaf to had been born on the minor axis branching.The most main two types, Allah (Coffee Arabica) and the Luo Buss reaches (Coffee Robusta) compared to the card. Allah compared to card leaf long approximately 15 centimeters.The Luo Buss reaches the leaf is long, assumes the soft oval or V-shaped, color brilliant green. The coffee, may accompany oneself passed many satisfied time. After early morning gets out of bed drinks a cup to awake the brain, daytime when work swallows one to stimulate lightly, has in the leisure to drink a coffee, to eat several cakes, chats with the friend slightly gathers.The coffee is enriching our life, also reduced between your me the distance.After fine food, pours into a coffee, reads a newspaper, perhaps and the lover, the friend and the family member is together sharing warmly comfortable, the pleasure infinite coffee time, is one kind of happiness. There we are infatuated with the air, the light, the sound, forgot perhaps the time immersion in there, in a crowd with the oneself same person in the middle of, continues a person, but everybody has a tacit understanding.Male, female, open and bright, melancholy, a crowd comes, from sits alone orphaned, smokes, drinks the thick coffee, or simply does not drink the coffee.We found each other depending on the feeling, depending on is staring at the roof pinnacle or the coffee cup look found each other, even if you are looking outside the window, not necessarily is looking at any actually…I think you, I knew, I and you are dissimilar, is dissimilar with all people, the realism can come the cafe, but cannot belong to here, cannot sit continuously takes a break, own put the chair to the table on only then walks. The coffee and the mood you are the mood good or mood not good time wants to drink the cup coffee? Each person's answer is all dissimilar, but because the coffee is mood good time drinks drink, therefore only has is good when the mood, wants to have a look the blue sky with exposes to the sun when the gentle sunlight to be able to taste the coffee the mellow delicacy.Mood not good time you should go to the bar to drink find relief.In the cafe lazy knight, the exciting opera, romantic France praises or the gentle piano performance is fragrant a music which your most Chang Hui hears.Certainly this and the cafe boss's personal status concerns.You may are chatting together with the intimate friend or 35 friends, discuss various self inductances interest topic, along with time thorough, you can discover the mood gradually tranquility, even has some moves, all reasons very are all pure: Along with is popular. When you felt today mood is good when comes a coffee, you can discover coffee happiest one side. The coffee enters China according to the historical data record, in 1884 the coffee planted for the first time in Taiwan successfully, thus had opened the coffee the prologue which developed in China.The land area earliest coffee planter begins in Yunnan, is in the beginning of the 20th century, a French missionary first group of coffee Miao Daidao Yunnan's Binchuan County.In later near hundred years, the coffee planter in vast in territory China also only is “the twinkle star”.However, in recent years the Chinese coffee planter and the expense development focused attention on increasingly for the world.Mai Si Will, Nestle, Colombia And so on International Coffee Company in abundance sets up the subsidiary company or the factory in China, provides the variety for the Chinese market to be more superior, a price more superior product.As a West life style part, the coffee entered Chinese's family and the life officially; Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on the big city cafe is following the coffee culture growth also like mushroom growth appearance, becomes the young people new expense fashion, is decorating the metropolis character and style.对了吧,100分拿来
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