Xamarin 实际开发效果如何,求解答?
微软收购了Xamarin。Visual Studio的跨平台跨语言开发能力和github上的大量开源项目,Xamarin的发展将会非常有趣。
Xamarin Studio是用c#语言开发跨平台应用的一个集成开发环境,它与iOS和Android SDK紧密集成。Xamarin Studio提供了许多现代开发功能,包括代码完成、调试器、打包和发布应用程序(支持通过TestFlight发布应用程序)。对于Android,Xamarin还包括它自己的UI生成器(适用于iOS、苹果Xcode的UI生成器),以及Git和Subversion。开发人员可以使用Xamarin Studio来测试模拟器和真实机器上的移动应用程序。Xamarin Studio非常适合Windows和Mac。
Xamarin做得很好,比这个产品快30%——c . Xamarin在这个行业中已经成为一个山王,很难找到不使用他的理由。当然,您会发现这次的结果和上次的结果是非常不同的,这是因为一些网民(@ migueldeicaza)指出在上次的测试中,我不应该使用DateTime。UtcNow,因为它是有效的。在这个测试中,我去掉了它,得到了结果。我不得不说,这是一个很好的结果。
预计Xamarin将进一步集成到Visual Studio中,微软将进一步沿着NET平台的道路前进。
As the role of mobile devices in people's lives expands even further, mobile app developers have become a driving force for software innovation. At Microsoft, we are working to enable even greater developer innovation by providing the best experiences to all developers, on any device, with powerful tools, an open platform and a global cloud.
As part of this commitment I am pleased to announce today that Microsoft has signed an agreement to acquire Xamarin ,a leading platform provider for mobile app development.
In conjunction with Visual Studio, Xamarin provides a rich mobile development offering that enables developers to build mobile apps using C# and deliver fully native mobile app experiences to all major devices – including iOS, Android, and Windows. Xamarin’s approach enables developers to take advantage of the productivity and power of .NET to build mobile apps, and to use C# to write to the full set of native APIs and mobile capabilities provided by each device platform. This enables developers to easily share common app code across their iOS, Android and Windows apps while still delivering fully native experiences for each of the platforms. Xamarin’s unique solution has fueled amazing growth for more than four years.