将下列句子翻译成英语
1个回答
展开全部
带着些东西到学校来
Take
something
to
the
school.
帽子在梳妆台上
The
hat
is
on
the
dresser.
手表在抽屉里
The
watch
is
in
the
drawer.
我的数学书在书包里(否定句,一般疑问句)
My
maths
book
is
in
the
bag./My
maths
book
isn't
in
my
bag./Is
my
maths
book
in
the
bag?
他的闹钟在书桌上(否定句,一般疑问句)
His
clock
is
on
the
desk./His
clock
isn't
on
the
desk./Is
his
clock
on
the
desk?
他们在你的书包里
They
are
in
your
bag.
上课用的东西
things
needed
in
class
我的数学书
my
maths
book
我的语文书
my
Chinese
book
带回去
take
back
Take
something
to
the
school.
帽子在梳妆台上
The
hat
is
on
the
dresser.
手表在抽屉里
The
watch
is
in
the
drawer.
我的数学书在书包里(否定句,一般疑问句)
My
maths
book
is
in
the
bag./My
maths
book
isn't
in
my
bag./Is
my
maths
book
in
the
bag?
他的闹钟在书桌上(否定句,一般疑问句)
His
clock
is
on
the
desk./His
clock
isn't
on
the
desk./Is
his
clock
on
the
desk?
他们在你的书包里
They
are
in
your
bag.
上课用的东西
things
needed
in
class
我的数学书
my
maths
book
我的语文书
my
Chinese
book
带回去
take
back
已赞过
已踩过<
评论
收起
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