It has long been accepted that domestic policies and laws can nullify or impair the purported benets of trade policies, and that the WTO must therefore reach beyond border measures (Bhagwati, 1996 : 23–24). The GATT’s national treatment and MFN obligations do this to some extent, but the growth in non-tari barriers to trade during the 1960s–1970s prompted GATT parties to negotiate the Standards Code, the predecessor to the TBT, in the Tokyo Round. The addition of the SPS during the Uruguay Round stemmed from the failures of the Standards Code to curtail the growth in technical regulations in food and agricultural products (Marceau and Trachtman, 2002 : 813–815). The TBT and its companion on food and plant safety now add considerably to the disciplines on domestic regulatory autonomy that are contained in the GATT.
The Preamble to the TBT sheds light on the Agreement’s underlying harmonization claims. Its key trade concerns are to promote transparency by eliminating a country’s ability to choose rules that have greater protective eect and to facilitate trade expansion with associated economies of scale (TBT, Preamble;WTO CTBT, 1995, annex 4, Principle 10). These objectives do not necessarily require regulatory harmonization in the form of a single international standard or rule. If the basis of the claim for harmonization is simply to achieve economies of scale or to address transparency concerns, Cassis de Dijon makes clear that mutual recognition would be equally appropriate (Leebron, 1996 ; Bhagwati,1996 : 9 ; Bhagwati and Srinivasan, 1996 : 15). But mutual recognition does not respond to concerns that the regulatory regime of another country imposes transboundary costs, hinders the implementation of domestic laws, or is somehow ‘ unfair ’ (Leebron, 1996 : 94). Such concerns frequently underpin domestic regulation in elds of consumer safety and environmental health. 展开
The Preamble to the TBT sheds light on the Agreement’s underlying harmonization claims. Its key trade concerns are to promote transparency by eliminating a country’s ability to choose rules that have greater protective eect and to facilitate trade expansion with associated economies of scale (TBT, Preamble;WTO CTBT, 1995, annex 4, Principle 10). These objectives do not necessarily require regulatory harmonization in the form of a single international standard or rule. If the basis of the claim for harmonization is simply to achieve economies of scale or to address transparency concerns, Cassis de Dijon makes clear that mutual recognition would be equally appropriate (Leebron, 1996 ; Bhagwati,1996 : 9 ; Bhagwati and Srinivasan, 1996 : 15). But mutual recognition does not respond to concerns that the regulatory regime of another country imposes transboundary costs, hinders the implementation of domestic laws, or is somehow ‘ unfair ’ (Leebron, 1996 : 94). Such concerns frequently underpin domestic regulation in elds of consumer safety and environmental health. 展开
很久以前就已经被承认的国内政策和法律可以benets废或削弱所谓的贸易政策,因此,必须超越WTO的边境措施(巴格瓦蒂,1996:23 - 24日)。关贸总协定的国民待遇和最惠国待遇义务这样做在某种程度上,但生长在non-tari贸易壁垒在1960s-1970s促使关税贸易总协定政党商谈的标准代码,前身的技术性贸易壁垒,在东京回合。再加上另外的SPS在乌拉圭回合谈判起源于失败的标准代码来减少技术法规的增长在食品及农产品(二零零二年:玛索和——813-815)。而陪伴的技术性贸易壁垒在食物和工厂的安全现在增加相当学科,对国内监管自治包含在《关贸总协定》。
导言对技术性贸易壁垒的光源协议上的潜在协调化索赔。其关键的贸易关切是促进透明度通过消除一个国家的能力去选择规则,有更大的保护除,并促进贸易的发展,与之相关的经济规模(技术性贸易壁垒,导言,WTO CTBT,1995年,附件4、原理10)。这些目标并不一定需要监管协调的形式,一个单一的国际标准或规则。如果索赔的基础上协调的仅仅是实现规模经济的担忧或地址的透明度,黑醋栗德第戎明确指出,相互承认应该是同样适当的(Leebron巴格瓦蒂,1996年,2003;9例;巴格瓦蒂和Srinivasan:,1996:15)。但相互承认不回应担心监管制度transboundary另一个国家的征收的实施成本,阻碍国内法律,或以某种方式的不公平的”(Leebron,1996:94)。这样的担心elds频繁的调节支撑国内消费安全及环境卫生。
导言对技术性贸易壁垒的光源协议上的潜在协调化索赔。其关键的贸易关切是促进透明度通过消除一个国家的能力去选择规则,有更大的保护除,并促进贸易的发展,与之相关的经济规模(技术性贸易壁垒,导言,WTO CTBT,1995年,附件4、原理10)。这些目标并不一定需要监管协调的形式,一个单一的国际标准或规则。如果索赔的基础上协调的仅仅是实现规模经济的担忧或地址的透明度,黑醋栗德第戎明确指出,相互承认应该是同样适当的(Leebron巴格瓦蒂,1996年,2003;9例;巴格瓦蒂和Srinivasan:,1996:15)。但相互承认不回应担心监管制度transboundary另一个国家的征收的实施成本,阻碍国内法律,或以某种方式的不公平的”(Leebron,1996:94)。这样的担心elds频繁的调节支撑国内消费安全及环境卫生。
2024-04-03 广告
2024-04-03 广告
到技术性贸易壁垒协定序言揭示的基本协调索赔光。它的主要贸易问题是促进消除一个国家的能力有更大的选择规则,保护eect和便利贸易的规模与相关经济(贸易技术壁垒,序言;世贸组织全面禁试条约,1995年,附件4,原则10)扩展的透明度。这些目标并不一定需要在一个统一的国际标准或规则的形式监管的协调。如果进行统一要求的基础上,只是为了实现规模经济或解决透明度问题,黑醋栗去第戎明确,相互承认将是同样适宜(Leebron,1996;巴格瓦蒂,1996:9;巴格瓦蒂和Srinivasan,1996: 15)。但是,相互承认不响应关注到另一个国家的监管制度规定跨界成本,阻碍了国内法律的实施,或以某种方式'不公平'(Leebron,1996:94)。这种担忧在消费者经常巩固安全和环境卫生电致发光显示国内法规。
我对英语也不是很明白太专业了呵呵!在线翻译了一下还是看不懂嘿嘿! 问问别人吧呵呵!
到技术性贸易壁垒协定序言揭示的基本协调索赔光。它的主要贸易问题是促进消除一个国家的能力有更大的选择规则,保护eect和便利贸易的规模与相关经济(贸易技术壁垒,序言;世贸组织全面禁试条约,1995年,附件4,原则10)扩展的透明度。这些目标并不一定需要在一个统一的国际标准或规则的形式监管的协调。如果进行统一要求的基础上,只是为了实现规模经济或解决透明度问题,黑醋栗去第戎明确,相互承认将是同样适宜(Leebron,1996;巴格瓦蒂,1996:9;巴格瓦蒂和Srinivasan,1996: 15)。但是,相互承认不响应关注到另一个国家的监管制度规定跨界成本,阻碍了国内法律的实施,或以某种方式'不公平'(Leebron,1996:94)。这种担忧在消费者经常巩固安全和环境卫生电致发光显示国内法规。
我对英语也不是很明白太专业了呵呵!在线翻译了一下还是看不懂嘿嘿! 问问别人吧呵呵!