with two methods to create a toolbar. To create a toolbar resource using the Resource Editor, follow these steps: //在资源编辑器中创建一个toolbar资源
Create a toolbar resource.//常见一个toolbar资源
Construct the CToolBar object.//构造一个toolbar对象
Call the Create (or CreateEx) function to create the Windows toolbar and attach it to the CToolBar object.//调用creat或者createx函数创建窗口toolbar并且将其与toolbar对象关联
Call LoadToolBar to load the toolbar resource.//调用 LoadToolBar载入toolbar资源
Otherwise, follow these steps:
Construct the CToolBar object.//构造CToolBar对象
Call the Create (or CreateEx) function to create the Windows toolbar and attach it to the CToolBar object.//调用Create (or CreateEx)函数创建窗口toolbar并关联到CToolBar 对象
Call LoadBitmap to load the bitmap that contains the toolbar button images.//调用LoadBitmap 载入包含了toolbar按钮图片的bitmap*****************载入图标操作,图标可以通过资源管理器导入。
Call SetButtons to set the button style and associate each button with an image in the bitmap.//调用SetButtons 设置按钮类型并且将每一个按钮和图片关联
All the button images in the toolbar are taken from one bitmap, which must contain one image for each button. All images must be the same size; the default is 16 pixels wide and 15 pixels high. Images must be side by side in the bitmap.//所有的工具栏按钮图片都来自于一个位图,且每一个按钮必须包含一个位图。所有的图片必须有相同的大小,默认时16像素宽,15像素高。图片必须边挨边在为图中。
3、用loadbitmap函数将图标载入到工具栏,LoadBitmap 函数的使用可以查阅MSDN
4、用SetButtons 将按钮和图片关联起来就行了
Create a toolbar resource.//常见一个toolbar资源
Construct the CToolBar object.//构造一个toolbar对象
Call the Create (or CreateEx) function to create the Windows toolbar and attach it to the CToolBar object.//调用creat或者createx函数创建窗口toolbar并且将其与toolbar对象关联
Call LoadToolBar to load the toolbar resource.//调用 LoadToolBar载入toolbar资源
Otherwise, follow these steps:
Construct the CToolBar object.//构造CToolBar对象
Call the Create (or CreateEx) function to create the Windows toolbar and attach it to the CToolBar object.//调用Create (or CreateEx)函数创建窗口toolbar并关联到CToolBar 对象
Call LoadBitmap to load the bitmap that contains the toolbar button images.//调用LoadBitmap 载入包含了toolbar按钮图片的bitmap*****************载入图标操作,图标可以通过资源管理器导入。
Call SetButtons to set the button style and associate each button with an image in the bitmap.//调用SetButtons 设置按钮类型并且将每一个按钮和图片关联
All the button images in the toolbar are taken from one bitmap, which must contain one image for each button. All images must be the same size; the default is 16 pixels wide and 15 pixels high. Images must be side by side in the bitmap.//所有的工具栏按钮图片都来自于一个位图,且每一个按钮必须包含一个位图。所有的图片必须有相同的大小,默认时16像素宽,15像素高。图片必须边挨边在为图中。
3、用loadbitmap函数将图标载入到工具栏,LoadBitmap 函数的使用可以查阅MSDN
4、用SetButtons 将按钮和图片关联起来就行了