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2022-11-03 · TA获得超过1.3万个赞
1. A horse may stumble on four feet.马有四条腿,亦有失蹄时。
2. Birds in their little nests agree.同巢之鸟心儿齐。
3. A running horse needs no spur.奔马无需鞭策。
4. Don’t ride the high horse.勿摆架子。
5. The fox preys farthest from his hole.狐狸捕食,远离洞府。兔子不吃窝边草。
6. There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it.海里的好鱼多的是。
7. Dead dogs bite not.死狗不咬人。
8. He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad。 欲加之罪,何患无词。
9. A staff is quickly found to beat a dog with。 欲加之罪,何患无词。
10. Love me, love my dog。 爱屋及乌。
11. Too much pudding will choke a dog。 布丁太多噎死狗。
12. Every dog has his day。 人人皆有得意时。
13. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. 不能既和野兔一起跑又和猎狗一起追。
14. You cannot catch old birds with chaff.用粗糠捉不住老鸟。
15. It is a poor mouse that has only one hole. 狡兔三窟。
16. The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken。只有一个洞的老鼠,很快就被抓住。
17. A speck of mouse dung will spoil a whole pot of porridge。一粒老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥。
18. . Sheep
19. If one sheep leaps over the ditch
all the rest willfollow. 榜样的力量是无穷的。
20. A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy. 懒羊嫌毛重。
21. There’s as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼多的是。
22. The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping. 兔子睡懒觉,乌龟跑赢了。
23. The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken. 只有一个洞的老鼠,很快就被抓住。
24. The best fish swim near the bottom. 好鱼常在水底游。
25. One swallow does not make a spring. 孤燕不报春。
26. Never offer to teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。
27. Barking dogs don’t seldom bite。 爱叫的狗很少咬人。
28. Let sleeping dogs lie。 勿惹事生非。
29. Dead dogs bite not。 死狗不咬人。
30. All are not thieves that dogs bark at。 狗见了叫的不一定都是贼。不要以貌取人。
31. Every dog is a lion at home。 狗在家门口就成了狮子。
32. Don’t be a dog lying in the manger。 莫学狗占马槽不吃草。不要占着茅坑不拉屎。
33. Dog does not eat dog。 同类不相残。
34. It’s an ill bird that fouls own nest.家丑不可外扬。
35. All are not thieves that dogs bark at.狗见了叫的不一定都是贼。不要以貌取人。
36. The fox may grow grey
but never good.狐狸毛色可变灰,但是本性难移。
37. Lock the barn door after the horse is stolen.失马之后锁马厩。亡羊补牢
38. Who will bwll the cat? 谁去给猫系铃?谁愿意为大家冒风险?
39. A cat has nine lives.猫有九条命;吉人天相。
40. Care kill a cat.忧虑愁死猫。

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