令人烦恼的英文:troublesome; annoying; What makes it rather disturbing。
Nonetheless, I noticed something of a disturbing trend in the Python community that prompted this article.然而,我在这篇文章归属的Python社区中注意到了一种令人烦恼的趋势。
Van Norden still bellyaching about his cunts and about washing the dirt out of his belly. Only now he's found a new diversion.范诺登仍为了他的女人、为了把肚子里的脏东西冲洗出来而发牢骚,只是现在发现了一种新消遣,他发现手淫不那么令人烦恼。
Of course it's galling , but I'm looking at it as a massive blessing in disguise because it could have been much worse.当然,伤病是令人烦恼的,但是我缺想说‘塞翁失马,焉知祸福’,因为伤病有可能更糟糕。