my friend英语作文范文【十篇】

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2023-01-27 · TA获得超过333个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢? 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 friend英语作文范文

  My little friends are so many that they can't count as many as the stars in the sky. But in my heart, Zhang Qiyu is always the brightest one.

  Zhang Qiyu, with short hair, big bright eyes, a round stomach and two thick legs, walks like a penguin.

  Although Zhang Qiyu is so fat, he is the king of street dance in our class. As long as International Children's Day comes, he will dance hip-hop on the stage. He will always reinvent his style and dance very well.

  Zhang Qiyu is very helpful. I remember one afternoon when I was sweeping the floor in the clean area alone. At that time, the sun was blazing in the sky, and I was also sweeping the floor alone, so I was tired and out of breath. Just then, I saw a figure. It was Zhang Qiyu. He saw that I was very tired when sweeping the floor alone. He took up the broom to help me sweep the floor without saying a word. I whispered, "Thank you!" Zhang Qiyu did not turn back and continued to help me sweep the floor. I thought to myself: Zhang Qiyu is really willing to help others.

  Zhang Qiyu is not only helpful, but also excellent at playing. One time in a physical education class, the boys in our class were playing football. They grabbed the ball for a long time, but the ball was still at the other's feet. Zhang Qiyu grabbed the ball and kicked a dash, and the ball entered the other's goal. At this time, our team was elated and finally entered.

  This is my little partner, who is willing to help others and has good football skills. friend英语作文范文

  I have a little partner. She has watery eyes, a face as big as a "plate", and her body is very fat. She is very optimistic and often teases us with her face and body! Although she is a girl, she has the strength of a boy.

  Once, one of my things couldn't be opened. I asked the girls in our class to help me drive, but they were either too weak or tactfully refused me. It made me sad. Just when I was heartbroken, she came to help me. I saw her playing left and right. I saw my things open like an orificer. "Can you be good friends with me? I just came here and I have no friends." She said shyly. I did not hesitate to say: "Good!" In the future, I can't open anything, as long as it passes her hand.

  She has not only the strength of boys, but also the flexibility of girls' fingers. Once, I went to play with her and saw her deskmate teaching her paper frogs. Look! She folded it here and there, and a paper frog was folded out by her dexterous hands. The paper frogs she folded were so lifelike that they looked like real frogs. Even her deskmate spoke highly of her, saying that he had never seen anyone fold paper frogs lifelike for the first time. I asked her why she not only has great strength, but also has very flexible fingers. She told me: "I am strong because I am not picky about food; my fingers are flexible because I often move my fingers."

  I decided that I would never be picky again and would stick to moving my fingers. Her name is Siting, and she is my little partner. friend英语作文范文

  "Ha ha... Let's go out and play!" "Good" The bell was accompanied by music. My good friend Wang Deqin and I went out to play in the classroom.

  Wang Deqing, he has a thick black short hair, a pair of bright big eyes, a ruddy, small nose. He has a big Chinese face and fair skin, but his face will be as red as an apple after sports. He has a strong physique, and his stomach often bulges slightly. He shakes when walking, and feels very happy. He laughs all day and seldom loses his temper with others.

  Wang Deqin is very generous in his class. As I said, he seldom loses his temper with others. I remember once I looked at one of his Hero pens during the break. But I don't know who pushed me. I loosened my hand and snapped, and the pen fell to the ground. The pen was broken because its tip was facing down. Wang Deqing heard the voice and asked me, "What's wrong?", "Sorry, I broke my pen." He shook his head and said, "It's OK. If it's broken, it's broken!"

  Wang Deqing is not only tolerant to people but also good at learning. His teacher often praises him in class. In a Chinese class, the teacher raised a small question about the text, and everyone was thinking hard. Only Wang Deqing confidently raised his hand, and the answer was completely correct. Can't this prove that he is clever? My friend Wang Deqin is a diligent and inquisitive person. He is outgoing, joking and knows a lot of extracurricular knowledge. In the past six years, my first impression of him has changed a lot. I remember when I was in the first grade, I always saw him smiling and joking, but now he is broad-minded, has excellent grades, and is excellent in both character and learning. This is my good friend. He is outgoing, witty, intelligent and knowledgeable. Many teachers praised him, which also made me want to learn from his tolerance and learn more from him. Knowing that there must be my teacher in the three person line, I will learn from him in the future. friend英语作文范文

  When it comes to small partners, it can be described in four words: countless. Everywhere I go, I can make friends easily, which can be said to be a "good fortune". However, I was lucky to meet this friend on my first day of primary school

  When I was six years old, I was still a shy little girl, and I was only open to acquaintances. When I first entered this school when I was six years old, I felt very strange and panicked. At this time, under the guidance of a teacher, I walked into Class Two, and sat next to a boy in the first row. "Hello! My name is Zhang Zhanhe. Nice to meet you!" There was a sweet voice nearby. I was a little nervous and said, "Ah? Oh, are you... calling me?" The boy next to me said, "Hmm." "Hello, my name is Deng Yawen." Then, we started a pleasant and interesting conversation, not nervous, not constrained, Zhang Zhanhe also made funny moves from time to time to make me laugh.

  At this time, I suddenly felt thirsty and coughed all the time. Zhang Zhanhe asked me with concern: "What's wrong with you? You are thirsty. Drink some water!" "No, I didn't bring the kettle!" "Oh, wait for me!" Zhang Zhanhe disappeared after saying that. Five or six minutes later, his cucumber shaped body suddenly appeared in my sight, holding a paper cup in his hand, and went back to the seat. He said to me, "This is my water. Pour some for you. Drink quickly!" I took the water and quickly said thank you. In this way, I met my first friend at school. friend英语作文范文

  I have a small partner who has great ability and plays with me every day. It is a cat.

  The cat belongs to the neighbor. When I first caught him, he was just a small meat ball! When I looked at its round and pure eyes, I felt a surge of love in my heart and couldn't help holding it up. Its triangular ears, golden fur and long beard on its mouth surprised me. "Meow --" Hey, it barked, its voice was thin and long.

  As it grew up, it became more and more naughty. Our mop has a wooden handle. The kitten often shows its sharp claws to grab the wooden handle. The handles are all "maces", and no one dares to take them. Not to mention, the kitten scratched a big hole in my newly bought pants. One day, he even climbed up to the top of the wall of our house. I was so worried that it would fall to death. At this time, the kitten jumped down and stood there, unharmed! Later, I checked on the Internet and found that the bones of cats are very soft. Even if they fall from a very high place, they can land on all fours first. Whoa! It was a false alarm.

  Kitten is also good at playing. One day, I was playing table tennis. The kitten stared at the table tennis ball up and down for a while, ran quickly, jumped up, and wanted to catch the ball. However, it didn't catch it, and the ping-pong ball fell to the ground. The kitten chased the ball, stretched its paws and tried hard to catch it, but it could not catch it. Looking at the cute kitten made me laugh. The kitten didn't catch the ball, so she started to play. She pushed left, grabbed right, and played table tennis for a long time!

  The kitten is spoiled by me. It only needs to eat braised fish. Every time I yell, "Mimi~", he knows that I'm going to pour him food, and runs quickly to him. "Meow -- meow --" he keeps barking, as if he can't wait for a minute.

  How about my little partner? Do you like it? friend英语作文范文

  This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at ru

  This is my friend. His name is Tom. He has two big eyes and a small nose. He has a big mouth and two small ears. He likes eating beef, chicken, hamburger, pizza, pork and Chinese cabbage. He is good at playing football and he is good at running. Tom runs faster than me. friend英语作文范文

  She has a lovely face, long hair, crescent eyebrows, dark eyes like two black gemstones, a high nose, a red mouth, which is often said to be a cherry mouth. She is my good friend - xx.

  I remember one time, when the bell rang, the head teacher walked into the classroom and saw that the blackboard was not cleaned. He said angrily, "What are the students on duty doing today? Why didn't they clean the blackboard?" The students all looked at the students on duty, but they dared not come out. At this time, xx walked out of the seat, she picked up the blackboard eraser and wiped the blackboard. xx was a little short, so she often jumped up when cleaning the blackboard. Some students laughed when they saw xx like this. Xx seemed to know nothing about it, and carefully cleaned it. After wiping, she went to the teacher with a red face and head bowed, and said hesitantly, "Old... teacher. I'm sorry I didn't clean the blackboard on time, please forgive me!" The teacher said loudly, "OK! I'll forgive you. Next time you do this, you will be criticized." Xx nodded slightly, then went to the seat and sat down. One student said, "Teacher, today is not XX on duty!" After saying that, a female classmate stood up and said, "Teacher, I'm on duty today, not XX. I'm sorry." The teacher cast a favorable look at xx, and then said to xx, "xx, you have done a good job. Students should learn from xx."

  My friend xx is such a person. She has a heart like gold. I am proud of having such a good partner. friend英语作文范文

  In our class, I have four very good friends, all of whom have their own unique personality characteristics. I find it very interesting to get along with them.

  The first partner is Xiao X. He is the monitor of our class. He has short black hair and often wears a pair of black glasses on his nose, like a detective. His hobby is playing table tennis. I remember the last time I fought him in a table tennis match. At the beginning, I went forward bravely and won him two goals. Later, Xiao X gradually exerted his strength to catch up with him. After a hard tug of war, I still lost to him. He is not only a table tennis enthusiast, but also a table tennis expert!

  The second partner is Xiao X. He is our vice monitor. He is a good runner. Last year, the school sports meeting was held. He took part in the 50 meter race in 9.55 seconds and won the first place! All of a sudden, there were cheers of applause on the court, one after another, echoing through the clouds. He can always win honor for us, because he is so good at running! I guess he will be able to participate in the Olympic Games and win honor for our motherland when he grows up. I'm proud of him!

  The third partner is Xiao X. He has a short flat head, a chubby face, a little fat, and weighs 90 kg. But he likes playing basketball very much, and he is very active and excited every time he has PE classes. When we played basketball, none of the three of us could beat him. How awesome! Xiao X is really a sports expert!

  The fourth partner is Xiao X. He is a boy. He has two fleshy ears and a small nose. He listens very carefully in class and actively raises his hand to answer questions. The teacher asks a question in class. Xiao Hao always thinks about it for ten seconds and then raises his hand to answer. Once, the teacher asked him a difficult question. No one in the class thought of it. Unexpectedly, he thought of it soon. The teacher asked him a question, but the answer was correct! I really admire him. friend英语作文范文

  In my childhood, I had many friends, but one of them was my confidant. Today, I will tell you about her!

  I usually call her "Lao Sun" and she calls me "Lao Zhang". We are inseparable sisters.

  "Lao Sun" has a round face, like a big watermelon. Her thick eyebrows and big eyes make people praise her. Her eyes are round and bright, like a pearl just fished from the sea floor. She has a round nose and a small, eloquent cherry mouth. "Lao Sun" usually wears a horse's tail and her forehead is smooth, like a doll. However, "Lao Sun" has recently changed his style and cut a slanted fringe, which looks so mature! Originally, I also had the idea of cutting the sea, and it disappeared immediately after she cut it.

  "Lao Sun" has countless hobbies. She likes playing the piano and drawing. She can draw when she is dead. She especially likes writing compositions. She loves a lot and learns a lot. Maybe she is too tired. There are dark circles under her eyes. Our sisters all laugh that she is going to the beauty salon for maintenance. Hehe!

  I have said so many funny things about "Lao Sun" before. Now let's talk about what she is worth learning from!

  She is very practical in her studies. From the first to the fourth grade, her studies have never declined. I sometimes like to be aloof, but despite her great achievements, she is never proud. I said in my heart that I would learn from her. Learn from her to win without pride and to lose without despair!

  "Lao Sun" works very seriously. Once, when I asked her to play games, she also had to finish her homework before going. At that time, it was very noisy, and all the students were playing. She was the only one doing her homework quietly. I really admired "Lao Sun".

  After all this talk, do you know who the so-called "Lao Sun" is? To tell you the truth, she is my second sister Sun Yundi! friend英语作文范文

  My little partner is Liu Xia.      She has a pair of small ears that listen carefully. Her eyelashes are thin and long. At the same time, a bright light shines in her round and big eyes, which is very attractive.

  She has the sweetest mouth in the world on her round and oval face. Her black hair swayed from side to side when she walked, which was very temperament.

  Oh, I forgot to tell you that her skin is snow-white. It's so beautiful!

  She likes drawing very much. As long as she comes to art class, she will use her brain to draw beautiful works. As it happens, I also like painting, which may be the reason why we become good friends.

  Also, she likes pink very much. Most of the stationery in her pencil case is pink. Even her clothes, shoes, water cup, schoolbag, notebook, art bag, Tagamoto, shuttlecock... are all pink.

  Her math score was not very good. One time she got 89 points in math, another time she got 81 points in math, and the lowest time she got 79 points.

  The teacher said, "Those below 90 points should print and rewrite."

  Liu Xia cried.

  Liu Xia's character is the third most beautiful in the class. There are all "Youjiaxing" or "You" in her copybook!

  She is gentle and lovely. She is the best friend I have ever met in the world! I like making friends with her very much. Guess what she said? She said, "I also like making friends with you!"

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