1.人物描写文(description of a person)
Mariak Anagian was a woman I would never forget.She was ninety-two years old when I met her,a gentle,diminutive lady in European dress.Her face was deeply lined,and hercoarse grey hair had yellowed with the years.She spoke in aquivering voice that was half English and half American.Her gnarled hands testified to the years of hard work on the farm in her homeland.Yet in her dark eyes and in her gentle manner there was a childlike simplicity as she told me her tale.I thought,“She has the wisdom that comes with years of experience,and the gentle purity of a child——a wonderful but strange combination of traits.”(Adapted from“Writing English as a Second Language”)
这是一幅用凝重言辞构成的人物素描。作者首先用old,gentle,diminutive,deeply lined,grey hair,quivering voice等词语勾勒出主人公那苍老衰弱凄楚的形象,从其年迈的面容中看到她那智慧之光和她那孩童般的质朴无华,听到了她内心的啜泣。读后令人久久不能忘却这位饱经风霜、智慧、慈祥和纯朴的老妪。
2.地点描写文(description of a place)
1)整体印象→细节描述(overall impression to detailed discussion)
这种方法的描写先给出地点全貌的鸟瞰,然后用细节叙述对整体印象加以描述。这种方法的特点是突出文章的主题,吸引读者。具体的写法是,首先选定你描写的地点,譬如你的教室。想想这个教室给你留下什么突出的印象。并将这种印象概括为一句话,这句话便是该段的主题句,如My classroom is very clean and tidy.然后就描述它如何clean和tidy。
2)细节描述→整体印象(detailed discussion to overall impression)
The walls of our dining room are painted a cheer colour.The ceiling is high,and so it is airy in here.The floor is clean and tables and chairs are plentiful.Since there are many windows on either side of the hall for serving food,we can quickly get our meal.Food here has variety and dishes are delicious.The music from the speaker system is beautiful.No wonder it is an enjoyment to have meals here.
1.人物描写文(description of a person)
Mariak Anagian was a woman I would never forget.She was ninety-two years old when I met her,a gentle,diminutive lady in European dress.Her face was deeply lined,and hercoarse grey hair had yellowed with the years.She spoke in aquivering voice that was half English and half American.Her gnarled hands testified to the years of hard work on the farm in her homeland.Yet in her dark eyes and in her gentle manner there was a childlike simplicity as she told me her tale.I thought,“She has the wisdom that comes with years of experience,and the gentle purity of a child——a wonderful but strange combination of traits.”(Adapted from“Writing English as a Second Language”)
这是一幅用凝重言辞构成的人物素描。作者首先用old,gentle,diminutive,deeply lined,grey hair,quivering voice等词语勾勒出主人公那苍老衰弱凄楚的形象,从其年迈的面容中看到她那智慧之光和她那孩童般的质朴无华,听到了她内心的啜泣。读后令人久久不能忘却这位饱经风霜、智慧、慈祥和纯朴的老妪。
2.地点描写文(description of a place)
1)整体印象→细节描述(overall impression to detailed discussion)
这种方法的描写先给出地点全貌的鸟瞰,然后用细节叙述对整体印象加以描述。这种方法的特点是突出文章的主题,吸引读者。具体的写法是,首先选定你描写的地点,譬如你的教室。想想这个教室给你留下什么突出的印象。并将这种印象概括为一句话,这句话便是该段的主题句,如My classroom is very clean and tidy.然后就描述它如何clean和tidy。
2)细节描述→整体印象(detailed discussion to overall impression)
The walls of our dining room are painted a cheer colour.The ceiling is high,and so it is airy in here.The floor is clean and tables and chairs are plentiful.Since there are many windows on either side of the hall for serving food,we can quickly get our meal.Food here has variety and dishes are delicious.The music from the speaker system is beautiful.No wonder it is an enjoyment to have meals here.