
南北战争南北战争,又称美国内战(theAmericanCivilWar)是美国历史上唯一的一场内战,交战双方为美国联邦和美国南方邦联,战争的主题是奴隶制。实行奴隶制的十一... 南北战争

南北战争,又称美国内战(the American Civil War)是美国历史上唯一的一场内战,交战双方为美国联邦和美国南方邦联,战争的主题是奴隶制。实行奴隶制的十一个南方州于1861年退出联邦,另立以杰斐逊·戴维斯为“总统”的政府,挑起战争,北方的亚伯拉罕·林肯总统为了统一而与南方交战,1865年,南方叛军统帅罗伯特·李向联邦统帅尤里西斯·辛普森·格兰特投降,南北战争结束。


战争开始后南方很快地取得优势,南方的劳力大部分为黑奴,因此可以在非常短的时间之内集结数目惊人的白人男丁,且有骁勇善战的Robert Lee为总指挥,这就是为什么北方虽然已经高度工业化,但是却在战事一开始节节败退, 但北方一直受到国际的承认,但在战事中期,北军的经济力量终于还是逐渐可以抵挡住南方的猛烈攻势, 尤其是广大的铁路网最为关键,但是林肯一直没有找到卓越的将军,后来有了U. S. Grant后,战局才逐渐改观。

1863年时Grant已经控制了整个密西西比河流域,将南方切成东西两个部分,战略上的改观便从此时开始; 因此Lee为了扭转情势,希望借由入侵宾夕法尼亚州来得到国际上普遍的承认,进而调停这场战事,但是这种可能性却因为 盖次堡的失败而消失。

(注:1863年1月1日,林肯发表了著名的宣言,宣示无条件解放黑奴,但并未在战事上带来改变,顶多是使得北军的攻击, 带有一点征讨叛军的意味)

之后Grant不计成本地压迫Lee的军队,单独在1864年6月,他就损失了几乎是Lee的全部兵力(60000), 但北军在战略以及经济上的优势使得1865年4月Lee终于放弃了南部联盟的首都(里士满),北军胜利的态势已经非常明显, Lee在里士满沦陷后一周内被俘。




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2007-04-26 · TA获得超过239个赞
Civil War
Civil War, also called US the civil war (the American Civil War) is in the American history an only civil war, rencountre both sides for south the American federation and US the confederation, the war subject is a slavery.Implemented the slavery 11 south states to withdraw from the federation in 1861, in addition stood take Jefferson · Davies as “president” but the government, provoked the war, north Abraham · Lincoln President in order to unify joins battle with the south, in 1865, south the rebel army commanded Robert · Li to command west Urey to the federation Si · Simpson · Grant to surrender, the Civil War ended.
War cause
US abolishes the slave system influence enhancement, the American Republican Party person, Lincoln although is not liberates the black slave to initiate, but he thought gathers the slave not humanity, opposed expands gathers the slave, therefore south is hostile toward he.In 1860, his president-elect, speaking of the south, the not different federation to gathers the slave system to declare war, the South Carolina state in 1861 first announced the withdrawal federation, and will guard with the military force in there American army drives away, has fired the civil war first gun.Afterwards, other some south states also withdraw from the federation, founds south US the confederation, take Jefferson · Davies as president, a large-scale war start.
After the war process
war starts south to have the superiority, the south labor force majority is very quickly a black slave, therefore may build up the number astonishing Caucasian adult male within the extremely short time, also has brave Robert Lee is the commander in chief, why is this north although already highly industrialized, but from the very beginning retreated in defeat again and again actually at the war, but north received the international acknowledgment continuously, but in the war intermediate stage, north armed forces' economical strength finally might resist the south gradually the violent offensive, the general railway networks were in particular most essential, but Lincoln had not found remarkable general, afterwards had U. S. After Grant, the war has a new look only then gradually.
When 1863 Grant has already controlled the entire Mississippi river basin, south will sliver the thing two parts, in the strategy has a new look then starts from this time; Therefore Lee in order to reverse the circumstance, hoped taking advantage of by invades the Pennsylvania state to obtain on the international universal acknowledgment, then mediates this war, but this possibility vanishes actually because of Ge Cibao the defeat.
Note: On January 1, 1863, Lincoln has made the famous manifesto, declared liberates the black slave unconditionally, but by no means brings the change at the war north, at most causes armed forces' attack, has subjugates the rebel army meaning)
Afterwards Grant does not count the cost to oppress Lee the army, alone in June, 1864, his lost nearly is the Lee entire force (60000), but north the armed forces caused in strategic as well as the economical superiority April, 1865 Lee finally to give up south the alliance capital (Richmond), north the armed forces victory situation already extremely was obvious, Lee fell to the enemy in the latter week in Richmond to be captured.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
On May 26, 1865, south the armed forces total surrender, the war announced the conclusion.
The logic of war
in 1865, north has regained south the majority of areas, south army because the military supplies are insufficient, many soldiers starve to death.Finally Robert · Li Si · Simpson · Grant asks to surrender to Urey west, south the confederation disintegrates, the war restores the unification by the country to end.
2007-04-26 · TA获得超过3471个赞
与其耗费人力翻译这些,还不如自己在google上找civil war的原版英文资料更为便捷、可信。可以多设置几个关键词,组合后多试几次,如你每段中出现的关键词civil war, slavery, jefferson, lincon, 1861, 1865, union, Confederate, federal,Robert Lee, U.S. Grant, Pennsylvania, KKK,等等

参考资料: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_War 等权威官方网站

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