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2023-01-18 · TA获得超过630个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】童年是最纯真,最美丽的,我们每一天都在编制一个美丽的梦。每当想起童年的时候,你的脑海里会浮出哪一幕呢?以下是 无 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Everyone has their own childhood, and there are many interesting things in childhood! There were many funny things in my childhood.

  Mother likes sports very much. I remember when I was two or three years old, she often took me to the summer resort.

  Because I am a child, my mother's friends will give me a lot of delicious food when they see me. Mother has a thin skin and doesn't think it appropriate to accept so many things from others. So he went home and said to me, "Meilun, when your uncles and aunts give you something in the future, you say no, you don't want it at home." I nodded vaguely. In the future, when someone gives me something, I will wave my hand and say, "no, no, home has, home has." My words often attract people's laughter. Adults laugh and praise me for being sensible!

  Since I was a child, my body has been relatively weak. Once I was ill. When my mother fed me medicine, I said solemnly: "Mom, no, no, home has, home has." Mother was stunned at first, and then laughed back and forth.

  Childhood is beautiful, childhood is happy, and the interesting things of childhood are the good memories of your life.


  Childhood, a happy song, a beautiful dream, a cup of bitter or sweet coffee. In the long river of memory, childhood is like an illusory legend, which makes people experience it and never forget it. Childhood is the most wonderful, childish and vivid thing.

  The riverside of my hometown is my childhood paradise. He brought me more laughter than once or twice. The river in winter is covered with thick ice. Find a thunder and ask grandpa to light it and throw it on the ice. Maybe the ice will be intact. I still remember exploring on the ice with my sister in total disregard of the beating and scolding of adults! That scene, that scene, can be called soul stirring. The river in spring is not as ice as in winter. Father-in-law sun came to persuade ice and snow, and finally persuaded the cold heart of ice and snow. Butterfly bees use their bees to surround the butterfly array to spread pollen for the charming flowers. Looking at those beautiful butterflies, I really have an impulse to rush up and catch one!

  In summer, put a mat on the Bank of the river to see how some big children swimming in the river make a 'pop pop' sound, like a summer sonata. On the mat, I listened to the famous stories told by the old man who was also enjoying the cool by the river. In summer night, we can put the small bed out at the door and lie on it and look up at the stars... In autumn, the fallen leaves all over the mountains have become our playthings.

  Ah, childhood! I can't forget the river in my hometown, and I can't forget those happy things in my childhood!


  In my colorful childhood, it was like a beautiful seashore shell, glittering; Like the stars in the sky, there are countless. Speaking of childhood, let me recall the fun of my childhood

  One afternoon, I saw the farmer's uncle farming in the field. I think of what my mother told me, the melons that grow melons, the beans that grow beans. My cerebellum bag is like: Oh, it's like this! Then I'll plant money! At that time, I could buy whatever I wanted, and they didn't have to take care of me. ha-ha. I thought happily.

  So I immediately went home, took a dime and ran outside. I took the money and a small shovel to the gate of the yard and dug a small hole, so I buried the money. Every day in the future, my heart will say involuntarily, "my money! Have you sprouted? Hurry up, I'm still waiting for you to mature." So a month passed. Until one day, I saw that the money had not grown. I felt that the money should grow under the ground and had sprouted. So I took out a small shovel and dug and dug. I saw there was no money in there. I didn't know where the money had gone. I wailed: "woo woo!" When my mother heard the cry, she immediately came to me and said, "what's the matter?" I cried and said, "I, my money is missing. It's you who say you plant melons. If you plant beans, you will get beans. That kind of gold will also get gold."

  Mom smiled and said, "money can't germinate, only vegetables can germinate!" I heard "say, ah? Then I'll plant cabbage next time, Wuwu"

  Hee hee! Do you think I was silly and funny when I was a child? It's not cute! I hope you like me! Can you make friends with me! ha-ha.


  I spent most of my childhood at my grandmother's house. My cousin is one year older than me and loves raising many animals. Brought me a lot of fun.

  The first time I went to grandma's house, I saw only some chickens kept in a fence. The market was a place to buy animals at that time. So every time after the market, grandma's house will always have more animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits and ducks.

  Walking the dog was a great pleasure for my cousin and me at that time. After breakfast, we will untie the dog chain. Pull out the mighty "big" black dog and slip away.

  The dog is not very big, but it is really big for us who are only one meter.

  Every time the big black dog was released, he would be very excited. Love wandered around the field, like announcing that the land was his own. As a result, the chain dragged on the ground was wrapped around the roots of the plants, making him move. He was willing to be restrained. He rushed forward and tried to break the plants. Finally, he compromised. There were too many plants. He was so tired that he fell on the ground, pulled his ears, and waited for us to untie the chain.

  Hold it, the chain in your hand holds it tightly. Every time he walks the dog, he doesn't cooperate. Let him go east and he goes West. There is often a phenomenon that you can't grasp the chain. As we greeted our neighbors, he seemed to find something that interested him and ran all the way to the grass by the side of the road. The hand slipped. The chain flew out and the dog ran away. We're following. Until it finds a lot of black things. We stopped panting and picked up the chain. We were afraid that if we didn't pay attention, we would let it go again.

  Now I think back to that time when I walked the dog and ran away, I still can't help laughing.


  Everyone's childhood is colorful, everyone's childhood is happy and happy... Of course, I am no exception.      There are many interesting things in childhood, but one thing I can't forget most is to bathe the little fish.

  I remember when I was a child, my mother bought a fish covered with black. I lay down in front of the fish tank and looked at the small black fish. I thought: how is this small fish different from the small fish I usually see? After thinking for a long time, I finally realized the "truth", that is - they must have not taken a bath for too long, so I ran to the kitchen and took a basin. After adding water, I poured the shower gel on the fish. But the little fish "slipped" away from me, and it was the same several times. When I was angry, I simply poured the shower gel into the basin. After that, I brought a small towel and wiped it on the fish again and again. But it hasn't been cleaned yet. Instead, I fell asleep

  After a while, my mother came. When I told her the whole thing, she laughed and said, "Oh, this fish is black. You see, this fish is dead." When I heard it, I immediately sat on the ground and began to cry.

  Looking back now, I was really stupid at that time


  The events of my childhood fluctuated in my heart and kept my memory fresh.

  When I was in the big class of kindergarten, an extremely interesting thing happened.

  It was a Sunday morning. My mother took me to my mother-in-law's house. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw an old hen's eggs coming out. I squatted aside and looked, "cluck, cluck..." the hen went out to look for food.

  Suddenly, an egg trembled. I knew it must be the chicken that was going to shell. I take a closer look. There is a crack on the eggshell. It turns out that the chicken is pecking at the shell. A small hole was pecked out of the eggshell, and a small yellow mouth protruded from it. It took the chicken more than 20 minutes to climb out of the shell. When the chicken came out of the shell, half of the body was inside the shell and half of the body was outside the shell. I think how uncomfortable they are! Let me deliver them!

  I quickly moved to a small bench and sat down in front of the chicken nest. I picked up a trembling egg with residual heat and gently broke and stripped the shell. A chicken with its hair still wet and eyes closed was born. It "squeaked" as if "thanking" me for helping it! Just as I was about to peel the second one, the hen looking for food came back. It put up all its feathers and rushed towards me. It pecked me and I cried.

  When my mother heard it, she hurried out of the house and asked me what was the matter. I told my mother everything. My mother was angry and laughed and told me, "chickens will shell themselves at a certain time. If you help them shell in advance, they will die."

  Later, the facts verified my mother's words, and I was very sad.


  Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warm to your heart, childhood is like a cup of light tea, let you aftertaste; Childhood is like a rainbow after a storm, colorful and dazzling; Childhood is like the afterglow after sunset, so people miss it; Like the winding path, let you grow. The wind cannot blow away this warm memory; The rain can't cover this moving melody one by one. Only the lovely sunshine shines on it and saves it

  One day when I was a child, I was watching TV at home. Watch with relish. "Ding Ling", little buddy, come to me! I put on my clothes and ran away.

  We played basketball a few times and suddenly we were thirsty. After discussion, Wang Hua said, "the family next door planted watermelon. Let's go and have two?" I wouldn't have gone, but these guys dragged me here and there. I had no choice but to go.

  We came to the vegetable field, looked around and saw no one, picked up one and left. Everyone opened the watermelon together and the ground was red. They eat indiscriminately, but I eat tasteless.

  When I got home, I was restless. This matter bothered me all day. I couldn't help but admit my mistake.

  When I arrived at my neighbor's house, I sincerely apologized. Unexpectedly, he didn't scold me and beat me. He also gave me a big watermelon to praise my honesty. As long as I'm honest, I'm a good child. I cut it and tasted it. It's so sweet!

  My childhood is colorful. It will become the best memory in my life!


  Listen to my mother, I had fun when I was a child: dark hair, fat face, white and tender, like a "flour ball", loved by everyone. Coupled with a pair of particularly clever black eyes, it is more likable. Mom took out the picture, which was really beautiful when I saw it. My favorite is the picture of my mother lying on the hammock with me in her arms.

  I quarreled with my mother to tell me the story of my childhood. Under my repeated entreaties, my mother finally agreed. Mother said, "when you were a child, you cried loudly when watching the video of your mother and your father bathing you and kissing you!" "Why?" I asked, "because you think your father and I will report other people's children again! Just like you now." I also heard from my grandmother about some things when I was a child: when I took a nap at noon, I slept on the sofa, but I didn't know why I ran to the bottom of the sofa for no reason. When my grandmother came out of the room, she found that I was missing. She immediately searched the whole house, but didn't find me. Finally, my grandmother heard my snoring and found me. Another time was when I learned to walk: my grandmother took me to the park. I saw a butterfly and wanted my grandmother to catch it for me, but my grandmother asked me to catch it myself. I took off my coat and ran after the butterfly.

  Looking at the photos of me growing up bit by bit, I thought of my mother's hard work. I grow up day by day, but my mother is getting old day by day. Thinking of this, my eyes are moist.


  Childhood is like a colorful dream. The sweets and bitters in the dream are really interesting when I think back now!

  One summer when I was five, "get up, lazy, get up!" The naughty little alarm clock broke my dream. I thought to myself: I'm so sleepy. Sleep a little longer. But when I got up, I found: No, I'm going to be late! I'll brush my teeth, wash my face and have breakfast right away. After breakfast, I changed my clothes again.

  "Ah, where are my socks?" My mother helped me turn over the house and couldn't find it. Mother was worried like an ant on a hot pot. She said, "no matter it, you should first get a pair of socks from the wardrobe and wear them first. You can find them when you go home after school." When I was ready to wear socks, I was surprised to find that the socks were well worn on my feet! I laughed, and my mother laughed. She smiled and said, "the socks are on her feet. It's good to say they're gone. Hahaha... You're so 'big headed shrimp' when you're young?" Oh, there's not enough time! " Before I finished laughing, I pointed to the clock and screamed. We rushed out to the kindergarten

  In my memory, I spent that early morning when I went back to kindergarten with my mother in such a busy but orderly, nervous but full of laughter.

  Although childhood is insignificant, it is like a light on the road of growth, which has always accompanied my growth. When I grow up, it's fun to recall the stupid things in my childhood!


  "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; childhood songs, happy songs; childhood footprints, childhood stories..." this song reminds me of that beautiful childhood life and reminds me of that interesting childhood story.

  I remember once, my mother and I came to a restaurant for dinner. There are more in the restaurant. There are braised ribs, steamed white fish and fried cucumbers... My mother and I went into the restaurant and ate them. I picked up a big white fish and put it in my mouth. Accidentally, I ate a soybean.

  I was very anxious and thought: soybeans will sprout in the soil. Will that sprout in my stomach? Suddenly, my eyes turned and I thought: if I don't water the plants, they won't sprout. I don't drink water.

  It was a hot summer. My mouth skin had been dried into "raisins". If it goes on like this, what should I do! I came to my mother crying and said to her, "if I accidentally ate a soybean, will it sprout in my stomach!" my mother smiled and said, "silly child, the soybean you eat is ripe, how can it sprout? Besides, if it is true, the soybean seeds will not sprout in my stomach!" After listening to my mother's words, I also smiled happily.

  Childhood is like running water, gone forever. But Li Na's good memories of the same year will always remain in my heart.

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