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2023-02-15 · TA获得超过271个赞
【 #英语资源# 导语】暑假生活像一个五彩斑斓的梦,使人留恋,使人向往,暑假发生的一件件有趣的事,常常把我们带进美好的回忆中。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Summer vacation is coming, the weather is hot, the dog stretched out his tongue and gasped, the cicadas chirped on the branches, and the willow tree drooped its head, looking weak.

  This noon, we stopped water upstairs until we were about to cook, and there was no water. Because my mother looked at my five month old little brother and my father worked outside, I wanted my mother to eat delicious food and then turn it into milk to feed my brother, so I decided to go elsewhere to pick up a pot of water. I hurried downstairs with the empty kettle, and then found a place with water. I hurried to fill the empty kettle with water. At this time, my clothes were wet. I carried the heavy kettle, and walked home step by step. On the way home, I stopped many times. After about fifteen minutes, I walked home tired. My mother saw a bean sized sweat trickling down my red face and was very distressed. I endured the pain and said to my mother with a smile, "it's all right!"

  Mother said eagerly, "you seem to be suffering from heatstroke. I'll boil some mung bean water for you quickly." I really wanted to cry at this time, but I didn't. I think of the construction workers, the sanitation workers and the information collectors in the scorching sun. They are working constantly in the scorching sun. Aren't they hot? Not tired? I want to learn from their spirit of hard work.

  At this moment, I deeply understand the true meaning of this poem.


  On the last day of the final exam, I looked out the window and thought: summer vacation is coming soon. I'm so excited, looking forward to it.

  After the graduation ceremony, when I was turning on the TV to watch my thoughts on animation, my mother suddenly ran over and said, "daughter, this is your summer homework, and I helped you sign up for reading composition class and dance class." I thought to myself: with so much homework and cram school, I fell to the bottom of my heart and cried bitterly. I said to my mother, "can I get rid of the dance class?" My mother said angrily, "then remove the dance class." At this moment, I'm extremely looking forward to it. The next day, I prepared the school supplies for class early and took the bus to class with my classmates. In this hot summer, listening to the teacher with the air conditioner blowing in the classroom made me learn a lot of new knowledge, Mr. Lin said; "In summer vacation, we should not only master basic knowledge, but also read a lot. Insisting on reading is an effective way to cultivate understanding ability. When others are resting and you are working hard, you can go in front of your classmates. Summer vacation is the time to overtake in curves." I thought to myself: what the teacher said is very reasonable. I believe it.

  Although I have to do a lot of homework this summer vacation, I like reading and writing.


  This summer vacation is different. I not only had a holiday, but also moved home. My cousin and cousin also came to my home to stay. I participated in the swimming interest class held by the school. I tell you that I had a very, very happy summer vacation this year.

  You don't know? One day, two classmates called me out to do a fitness survey of people in the city, that is, to investigate people's activity time and activities. After the three of us assigned tasks, we began! Xiao Qi and Xiao Yue were responsible for asking passers-by together. I was timid and didn't dare to ask, so I was responsible for writing what they heard into four tables, which were 7-15 years old, 16-28 years old, 29-50 years old and 51-80 years old. They kindly called a kind old woman and said, "grandma, how long is your activity time? What is the activity project?" The old lady listened to their questions and answered them in detail. I wrote them on a piece of paper. In this way, the three of us kept asking until noon. There were a total of 80 people in the four sheets, and there were 20 people in each sheet! Before returning to her own home. Hee hee! This is an assignment assigned by the teacher!

  Another day, my cousin and her classmates took me out to play. We took a tricycle and wanted to eat and drink in KFC first. As soon as we got there, the people there lined up on the road from there, laughing to death! On the way home, my sister bought some jewelry for me. When I got home, I didn't expect that the second aunt's whole family came and bought many fruits I like. The two children of the second aunt asked me to go with my sister. I just came up and was a little tired, so I didn't go down with them. Of course, what interesting things do they have? I don't know. My cousin and I are the only ones left at home! Cousin is going to turn on the computer and surf the Internet. I ran to the living room, turned on the TV and watched my favorite series. Later, after the second aunt and her family left, only grandma, sister, brother and my cousin were left at home, but soon after, my mother also bought a lot of fruits, and the whole family laughed badly, hee hee! I think, now, the fruit at home is not afraid of not having to eat, just afraid of not finishing it!

  This is my happiest summer vacation.


  Summer vacation arrived, my parents helped me sign up for the summer dance training class, and then I found that I liked dancing.

  When I came to the place where I learned to dance, I was very curious and looking forward to it! Maybe this is the nature of girls! Walked into the dance classroom, "ah! How beautiful!" I shouted in surprise. At this time, the dance teacher came to me and said gently, "don't watch it anymore, children! Join us to learn dance!" Under the guidance of the teacher, I quickly changed into a beautiful pink dance dress and white dance shoes, and practiced happily with other little dance partners.

  In the first few days, the dance teacher taught me not hard, and soon I will jump up with him. But with the deepening of learning, I found that the movement of dancing became more and more difficult, and I had more time to learn the basic skills: pressing legs and stretching tendons. My heart began to be afraid of hardship. At this time, the dance teacher found my problem, came up and said to me carefully, "you dance well, and you must keep practicing! You will jump out of more beautiful movements in the future, but if you give up now, you will not dance in the future." In order to learn my beloved dance well and jump out of the enviable beautiful dance posture, I accepted the teacher's advice and gritted my teeth to continue training.


  Another happy summer vacation is coming. After I finish my summer vacation homework conscientiously, I ask my father to sign up for a badminton interest class for me. I will learn to play badminton every Monday to Friday morning. I went to the badminton court and saw many children learning to play badminton there. My classmates Chen Haodi and Zhao Lingyan were also there. I was very happy to see them.

  On the first day, the coach asked us to exercise for a while, and then began to learn how to weigh the ball. Weighing the ball is to hit the ball up with a racket. After a while, the coach picked a child to lead everyone to do the action. Let's divide into two teams, stand in the white line on both sides of the net and throw the ball forward. Each person threw five balls at a time. The coach shouted to everyone to throw together and asked us to try our best to throw the net, but I couldn't throw it all the time. Later, the coach asked us to take a good time and stand in a good team. He stood in front of us to demonstrate our new action, that is, waving the time from front to back, left to right, and we followed her requirements. I felt sore after practicing for a while. The coach said, "if you don't practice well, you can't play well." Hearing what the coach said, I gritted my teeth and insisted. Towards the end of class, the coach gathered us to jump rope or run. The coach said it was to cultivate our endurance and jumping ability.

  After more than a month of training, I finally mastered the basic movements of playing badminton, and my body is now practicing well. This summer vacation made me not only meaningful, but also full and happy.


  Two months of summer vacation life is long and short. In the twinkling of an eye, it is about to pass. I recall that I have been looking forward to the summer vacation since it was hot. In these days, I prepare things every day and look forward to the start of school. The two-month summer vacation has really brought me a lot of fun and unforgettable.

  In the first week of the summer vacation, my mother, my sister, my grandparents, and my aunt and I went to Guilin to travel together and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Guilin. Traveling brought me a lot of fun, broadened my horizons, and increased my knowledge. My mother promised me that I would go out to travel every summer vacation in the future.

  After a day's rest after traveling back, I quickly went to the studio to participate in the summer vacation class. In the 40 day 'painting study, we learned gouache, line drawing and color lead. Our works were bound by the teacher and distributed to everyone. I also achieved good results in the painting examination and was awarded the third prize. Although it was not the first prize, I was also very happy.

  In addition to painting every day, my task is to do summer homework, and then practice calligraphy. When it's cool in the evening, my mother will also take me to Longquan Lake or the stadium to skate and have cold drinks. After dinner, I will read a book or write a blog with my mother, and record every happy day.

  The unforgettable summer vacation is coming to an end. I have to adjust my schedule these days to prepare for the arrival of the new semester.


  My summer vacation life is full of infinite happiness, growing up in happiness and learning in happiness. Happy anytime, anywhere, with our growth. Happiness makes our childhood colorful and our life colorful. Happiness always accompanies, and smiles bloom. Speaking of happy days, people will never forget it. Those days of laughter make us still come to mind today!

  Summer life, very happy! My summer vacation life, happy at the same time melancholy. This sentence should talk about my feeling of tooth extraction. Tooth extraction makes me very painful, and I am in distress every day. But thinking of my tooth defects, it's the only way. Every day! Ah! In the pain of. How painful! Tooth extraction and correction requires a lot of process, tooth extraction. Split teeth, wear braces, hang teeth. Every one hurts. God. It's so painful.

  There is another thing worth my gloom: summer vacation is summer. Summer is a rainy season. It rains all over the world and I didn't go out to play. It's raining all the time. It's really melancholy. It is a good opportunity to learn. I study at home, which is also a good time to play poker. Occasionally I play poker! How about your summer vacation?

  How do you share your summer vacation! Children's happiest life time is holidays. Happiness is like children's paradise, where you can enjoy playing! Happy!


  Summer vacation is what every student is looking forward to. During the summer vacation, many students will say: it's better to go to school. It's because my mother's nagging has escalated. It's because we can get freedom, but for some reasons, we murder freedom.

  Let's see if our fake life is in deep trouble.

  In the morning, my father-in-law Taiyang had already lifted off, and the warm sun shone on the earth. Listen, the birds are singing; People are exercising; It's the moment I wake up. When I got up early, I put on my clothes and went out to exercise. When I got home, my mother put breakfast in front of me, and happiness covered my whole body. Our family had a warm breakfast.

  In the morning, my mother did housework, I was playing with the computer, and my father went to work,

  At noon, laughter filled the whole room. Chat while eating. After dinner, it's time for our family to go to bed. Look, dad is snoring. He should be sleeping soundly; Mom didn't have any expression, but I know he was sleeping like this. In the evening, another family is eating and laughing


  When... When... Everyone heard the bell, they were very excited, because the long-awaited summer vacation finally came. Some students want to travel abroad, and some want to play computer games at home. Everyone plans to finish many things in the summer vacation.

  This summer vacation is very special for me, because I participated in the Cub Scout camping activities. I lived outside with my teachers and classmates for the first time. During the day, we played water games, glided, rushed into haunted houses... Etc. at night, we slept together and fell asleep.

  This summer vacation, I also went to Shenzhen, Guangdong Province in the mainland. We first took a plane to Hong Kong, then took a boat to Fuyong wharf, and finally changed to a big bus to arrive at Dad's company. I took all three means of transportation, land, sea and air.

  This summer vacation, I learned swimming skills. I can swim 50 meters back and forth, but the speed of kicking water is not very fast. The coach has been correcting my posture. Although it is very hard, I am very happy to think of playing water games later.

  The long two-month summer vacation started in the blink of an eye, and the happy summer vacation life was over. Looking back on the whole summer vacation life, I had a fairly full life, but there are still some imperfections. I hope that I can arrange more activities for the next vacation to make the whole summer vacation richer.


  This summer vacation, our family drove to Pingtan Island, the fifth largest island in China.

  It took us a few hours to finally arrive at Pingtan Island. When I arrived at the beach, I couldn't help sighing, "what a wide beach! What soft white sand! What a blue sea!"

  I can't wait to jump into the sea and swim in the sea. There are several gulls flying in the sky, like silver cherubs, and the waves in the sea are like dancing girls. Suddenly, a huge spray flooded me - the sea was so salty that I felt like drinking several mouthfuls of salt. I climbed ashore, buried my body in sand, only showed my head, and made a "sand bath" for myself. Haha, the sand is so warm.

  Next, I went to Haitan ancient city, where there were a sea of people, not to mention how lively it was. Haitan ancient city has many delicacies, crayfish, hairy crabs, and roast fish! I can't help drooling now. There are also many foreign girls here. They are dancing there in skirts. They are so beautiful. I also experienced bumper cars, so happy.

  In the evening, I went to see the sand sculpture exhibition. There were Zheng He who went to the West for seven times, the lovely Doraemon, and the magnificent ancient castle. Looking at the castle, I couldn't help thinking, is there an evil witch in it? Is there a princess in the castle waiting for us to defeat the Witch and save her with a magic wand? These sand sculptures, one by one, are so lifelike that I am fascinated by them.

  This trip to Pingtan is really interesting. Next summer vacation, I will come to this place to play.

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