请英语高手帮忙翻译一篇文章,汉译英的,谢谢了! 15

搞笑的名堂虽然老版本的词典里没有“搞笑”一词,可如今的中国人似乎没有不知道什么叫“搞笑”的。比如有人搞笑道:尽管三峡大坝造好了,英吉利海峡通隧道了,但世界上还有四大工程没... 搞笑的名堂

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2007-04-27 · TA获得超过2657个赞
Does positive result which smiles Although in the old edition dictionary does not have "to dosmiles" a word, but the present Chinese does not have not to know asif any calls "to do smiles". For instance some people do say with a smile: Although the ThreeGorges dam made, the English Channel passed the tunnel, but in theworld also had four big projects not to complete, they were: Pastesthe ceramic tile to the Great Wall, installs the air conditioning tosun, inlays Phnom Penh to the equator, for Yellow River peacefulparapet! Listens to these four big engineering project, really is thinksfunnily, is very funny. Who can really invest, who can reallyconstruct? Does smiles this, all is plays the computer, hits the game,edits the short note the person plays thing, in order to relax thenerve, the abundant person as soon as smiles, does smiles, own alsothink funnily. As for the philosopher, the scientist, the economist,they to "do smiles" absolutely not spare a glances - I always isthinks like this. But, I hardly bumped hardly mistakenly, once these "the family" wasinfatuated with has done smiles, they acted seriously, certainly to besure said played. For instance, the English Newcastle university two researcher examinedthe locust with the electron in to watch the movie "Star War" the timecerebrum activity; For instance, Australian Arab League 莱德university's scholar Benjamin have studied 131 kind of frog thedifferent smell which sends out under the pressure, finally had theachievement: Some frog can send out the cashew taste, some sends outthe licorice taste, the peppermint taste even smelly fish taste;"Pressure Which for instance the Hungarian scientists published animportant paper, the topic has been called When Penguin ExcretionProduce", he is really when the penguin wants the bowel movement toarrive in their anus to test immediately, fabricated in no way, was anarmchair strategist in no way; Again for instance, an AustralianQueensland University group of scientist started from 1927 to proceedtoward the successor, carefully observed the tar which a groupcoagulated the situation which dropped from the chimney, thisobservation observed for 780 years, to in 2005, finally had thescientific research achievement: The tar average every 9 years drop adrop. Had a scientist failed an examination two drop of times in thetar drop to die, he really a little died with injustice unredressed.Another scientist continuously persisted from the first drop the 9thdrop, the drop all is the merry tear; Also for instance: An Americanbright soda university's researcher is surveying the person to bequick in the water middle reaches or swims in the syrup swimsquickly... ... Once the scientist starts to do smiles, everybody could not prevent,after they certainly to be sure made up wild stories "installed theair conditioning to the sun" to close the handset to sleep, they werethe entertainment in no way, they had to put into practice, and couldmake the unexpected interesting effect. The scientist does smilescompares everybody "the clamour". I am not the scientist, but free hassome kind of project to provide in addition to these speciallyinteresting scientist: First, to 10 cockroach announced must implement"the surgical operation" the type attack, on his/her body producesunusual smell to south pole ozone hole area influence; 2nd, beforehibernation listens to rock and roll daily the toad, after it entersthe hole hibernation, how many swallows the saliva the number of timeseach is? Third, throws in Pacific Ocean spatially models the glassjar, how much time within do 10 years float in the water surface? Howmuch time completely is submerged occupies? Four... ... Finished this young Wen, when doctor's friend accidentally said aspeech, is called me in the heart thump as soon as to jump, he said:Each person's life, all brightly after is confused, at least time totwo. But does smiles also can do the positive result to come, this isthat doctor has not thought.
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