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2013-04-11 · TA获得超过1447个赞



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风筝在飞,鸟儿在叫。这一切都是春天所带来的。 "你真的要走吗?"女孩可怜的问道。
他们是一对情侣,因为父母的原因,他们不得不偷偷的相见。男孩快走了,他要去外面闯荡,因为他是一个男人,要承担起一个家。 男孩轻抚着女孩的头发,"我也不想离开,可是我一想到我们的未来,我不得不努力。"男孩深情的说道。
女 孩开心的笑了,男孩眯着眼看了看天上苦辣的太阳,看着女孩说:"这地方热,你回去吧!"女孩低着头,激动的不知所措。男孩端起碗,喝了起来。这凉水让男孩 的眼泪似乎要流了出来。他闭上了眼睛,在回忆。突然,男孩9抱着头,表情很痛苦。女孩吓了一跳,连忙去帮助男孩,可是男孩一把把女孩甩了出去。女孩重重的 坐在了地上,眼泪不知不觉中流了下来。
傻瓜走了,好难受呀!真舍不得他。真想把他抱住,不让他离开我。傻瓜,你听到了没有?你快点回来哦!我在这里好害怕。没有人陪我,没有人愿意和我去那棵杨树下。傻瓜,无论你走多远,都要想着我。因为我爱你。 离开傻瓜的第二天
傻 瓜回来了,我很高兴。zdz6看见他健健康康的样子,真开心。可是你为什么不认识我了。我现在想哭,又想笑。你出去的这几年,你知道我有多担心你吗?看见他的眼 神,他变了,变得很成熟了。不再是当初的那个笨笨的傻瓜了。我真的好想让他抱抱我。为什么?为什么?你没有抱我。而是把我当成了一个陌生人。我现在终于知 道了。最远的距离不是天涯海角,而是我站在你的面前,你却不知道我是你的宝贝。是你变了,还是我的幻觉。
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2012-04-05 · TA获得超过404个赞
In this world, there are many many let people people moving, there are many, many people moved to the matter. They like the stars in the sky, flash, lit up the heart of people, lit up the behavior of people and morality. Have one small like stars, as in my heart, let I never forget.
It is a just under the afternoon light rain, a mother and daughter went downstairs for a walk. Then the air and ground is damper, sending out the scent of earth. There are several little drops, green, green leaves for added a few lovely. One flower out of smiling face. The day is so blue, the air is so clear bright, small insects also enjoy the gifts of nature. People also have come out in the activities, for this beautiful picture add a lot of vitality. The little girl ran and sing, like a spring a beautiful and smart lovely butterfly. She runs, jump jump ah, singing singing, and in a while came to a them beside the only road. Only way with a above water, it looks very slippery. She is very careful walking arm in arm with his trousers, step by step walked past. She saw the mother, then disappeared from blunt mother shouted: "mother, the road is slippery, you be careful!" Say that finish, blunt mother sweetly smiling.
It is a small matter, but embodies the little girl that single care about others' kind hearts. Although just a short word, but it can reflect her mother and mother love of love. I saw a story, a child often help others, care about others, have the joy Shared with others, others have sorrow her to share together, finally won the happiness of life. And a student, respect from the mother, and his mother depended on each other, but he did go to college, who will take care of a mother? He opted to take her university. It finally moved the headmaster of filial piety, special case he take her to go to school. You see, care about other people, respect their elders, this virtue of told by people. It brings me a lot of enlightenment, let me long aftertaste, people had everyone concerned about other people, respect their elders, then the world will be more beautiful. These days, mother is sick, lay rest at home. Father every time out repeatedly charged me should take good care of the mother, help my mother do some housework more.

This day, I in the online play computer games, are fascinating, mother woke up and said to me, "son, my mother is very uncomfortable, you eat, and then cooking at home health clean?" "All right! All right! I went to." I impatiently say. But the eyes but cannot leave computer, gradually, I forget mother explaination of things...

After a long time, I looked back and saw yi? Mother where? I came to the sitting room, mom was lying on the sofa, mop to fall on the ground, half the wet. I seem to understand what, in the mind like a knife, don't know what to do, what to say, standing around gawking mother tired face...

After a few minutes, I took my quilt cover to mother. At this moment, I heard a sound of the metal crash, my heart "bang" "bang" jumping up. Sure enough, dad came back, he put the mother to wake up and ask: "have a meal not? How to sleep in here?" My mother nodded. Dad turned and asked me: "to help my mother do something no?" I lowered my head, face is red, in the mind very ashamed. But mother took the words: "he is very good, help me to do a lot of things!" Father touched my head and smiled.

This surprised me, I never thought mother will say so. Maybe mom is afraid of stern father criticized me? But I do not do the housework!!!!! I should let my mother or father frank to hide? I really don't know what to do...

Because of this, I reflected on several days. My mother worked so hard in a take me from a kiddo up and now I grew up, and can do some things for my mother, should the initiative to do.

Move is a kind of intangible things, I cannot see with the naked eye, it is only with the heart to feel. May 12, 2008 minute, wenchuan county, sichuan province has happened a magnitude 8.0 earthquake, this is the biggest earthquake in China ever happened. That a moment later, wenchuan and around area is almost a ruins, most workers have been buried.
Earthquake ruthless people love, DangXin tight is all common feelings of people. After the earthquake, the party central committee to make rapid deployment, earthquake relief as the most important work, put the rescue trapped the masses in the first place. In the key moment of the earthquake relief, general secretary hu jintao close to the quake-hit sichuan province, guiding earthquake relief. Prime minister wen jiabao for five days to rush about in the disaster area. The sudden earthquake blew the Chinese soldiers ChongFengHao, from all parts of the country QiangXianDui in succession to the disaster areas to earthquake relief. In the 100000 square meters of hard-hit desperate relief troops and death on racing soul-stirring life and death. A disease in, a disease into! Breakthrough, breakthrough! Rescue, rescue...... They put the risk of death for himself; The hope of the life to the masses. It was their first, gathered up a strong will of the seismic force sticks; It is their exemplary role, make under the ruins of people see the hope.
May 18,, in sichuan province town of shifang j China rescue site, with general secretary hu jintao voices firmly shouted: "any difficulty nanbu dao hero of the Chinese people!" The loud voice echoed in the disaster site, expressed a nation of confidence! Yes, we have experienced many difficulties, from 98 to flood fighting against SARS, from snowstorm rescue to earthquake relief, but we have never been difficult beats. We issues, because we have the strong leadership of the party central committee; We issues because, in our side have a large number of key moments away, the communist party member; We issues, because we always have a presence in listening to the party of words, service people, a courageous warrior people's army.
In the earthquake happened in these days, we are countless screen to move: the strong mother before his death left the arms of children "baby, remember that I love you." This text messages; Hero's teacher with his own body simply blocking the fallen floor slab under protection of the students. ;The name didn't even leave the volunteers buried deep in the ruins of more than 100 hours of survivors with a pair of bloody hand hold up; That saved others children to save his child's police, that save dry food to the neighbor's workers; That helped each other out of the danger zone farmers; The people's own army take the dangerous life dash a gu city, built a blood life channel, and countless donors, blood donors...... The ordinary person, in daily life, we may not have too much to pay attention to them, but it was they, these ordinary people use ordinary light beam, make a brilliant spiritual beams of light. Our eyes is a tall towering mountains, also is the backbone of the Chinese people. Our side side of the lingering is: "the child, don't cry! Mother stand live! Don't cry, wenchuan! China stand live!
Disaster is inevitable, but disaster let us in sorrow in more strong!
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In this world, there are many many let people people moving, there are many, many people moved to the matter. They like the stars in the sky, flash, lit up the heart of people, lit up the behavior of people and morality. Have one small like stars, as in my heart, let I never forget.
It is a just under the afternoon light rain, a mother and daughter went downstairs for a walk. Then the air and ground is damper, sending out the scent of earth. There are several little drops, green, green leaves for added a few lovely. One flower out of smiling face. The day is so blue, the air is so clear bright, small insects also enjoy the gifts of nature. People also have come out in the activities, for this beautiful picture add a lot of vitality. The little girl ran and sing, like a spring a beautiful and smart lovely butterfly. She runs, jump jump ah, singing singing, and in a while came to a them beside the only road. Only way with a above water, it looks very slippery. She is very careful walking arm in arm with his trousers, step by step walked past. She saw the mother, then disappeared from blunt mother shouted: "mother, the road is slippery, you be careful!" Say that finish, blunt mother sweetly smiling.
It is a small matter, but embodies the little girl that single care about others' kind hearts. Although just a short word, but it can reflect her mother and mother love of love. I saw a story, a child often help others, care about others, have the joy Shared with others, others have sorrow her to share together, finally won the happiness of life. And a student, respect from the mother, and his mother depended on each other, but he did go to college, who will take care of a mother? He opted to take her university. It finally moved the headmaster of filial piety, special case he take her to go to school. You see, care about other people, respect their elders, this virtue of told by people. It brings me a lot of enlightenment, let me long aftertaste, people had everyone concerned about other people, respect their elders, then the world will be more beautiful. These days, mother is sick, lay rest at home. Father every time out repeatedly charged me should take good care of the mother, help my mother do some housework more.

This day, I in the online play computer games, are fascinating, mother woke up and said to me, "son, my mother is very uncomfortable, you eat, and then cooking at home health clean?" "All right! All right! I went to." I impatiently say. But the eyes but cannot leave computer, gradually, I forget mother explaination of things...

After a long time, I looked back and saw yi? Mother where? I came to the sitting room, mom was lying on the sofa, mop to fall on the ground, half the wet. I seem to understand what, in the mind like a knife, don't know what to do, what to say, standing around gawking mother tired face...

After a few minutes, I took my quilt cover to mother. At this moment, I heard a sound of the metal crash, my heart "bang" "bang" jumping up. Sure enough, dad came back, he put the mother to wake up and ask: "have a meal not? How to sleep in here?" My mother nodded. Dad turned and asked me: "to help my mother do something no?" I lowered my head, face is red, in the mind very ashamed. But mother took the words: "he is very good, help me to do a lot of things!" Father touched my head and smiled.

This surprised me, I never thought mother will say so. Maybe mom is afraid of stern father criticized me? But I do not do the housework!!!!! I should let my mother or father frank to hide? I really don't know what to do...

Because of this, I reflected on several days. My mother worked so hard in a take me from a kiddo up and now I grew up, and can do some things for my mother, should the initiative to do.

Move is a kind of intangible things, I cannot see with the naked eye, it is only with the heart to feel. May 12, 2008 minute, wenchuan county, sichuan province has happened a magnitude 8.0 earthquake, this is the biggest earthquake in China ever happened. That a moment later, wenchuan and around area is almost a ruins, most workers have been buried.
Earthquake ruthless people love, DangXin tight is all common feelings of people. After the earthquake, the party central committee to make rapid deployment, earthquake relief as the most important work, put the rescue trapped the masses in the first place. In the key moment of the earthquake relief, general secretary hu jintao close to the quake-hit sichuan province, guiding earthquake relief. Prime minister wen jiabao for five days to rush about in the disaster area. The sudden earthquake blew the Chinese soldiers ChongFengHao, from all parts of the country QiangXianDui in succession to the disaster areas to earthquake relief. In the 100000 square meters of hard-hit desperate relief troops and death on racing soul-stirring life and death. A disease in, a disease into! Breakthrough, breakthrough! Rescue, rescue...... They put the risk of death for himself; The hope of the life to the masses. It was their first, gathered up a strong will of the seismic force sticks; It is their exemplary role, make under the ruins of people see the hope.
May 18,, in sichuan province town of shifang j China rescue site, with general secretary hu jintao voices firmly shouted: "any difficulty nanbu dao hero of the Chinese people!" The loud voice echoed in the disaster site, expressed a nation of confidence! Yes, we have experienced many difficulties, from 98 to flood fighting against SARS, from snowstorm rescue to earthquake relief, but we have never been difficult beats. We issues, because we have the strong leadership of the party central committee; We issues because, in our side have a large number of key moments away, the communist party member; We issues, because we always have a presence in listening to the party of words, service people, a courageous warrior people's army.
In the earthquake happened in these days, we are countless screen to move: the strong mother before his death left the arms of children "baby, remember that I love you." This text messages; Hero's teacher with his own body simply blocking the fallen floor slab under protection of the students. ;The name didn't even leave the volunteers buried deep in the ruins of more than 100 hours of survivors with a pair of bloody hand hold up; That saved others children to save his child's police, that save dry food to the neighbor's workers; That helped each other out of the danger zone farmers; The people's own army take the dangerous life dash a gu city, built a blood life channel, and countless donors, blood donors...... The ordinary person, in daily life, we may not have too much to pay attention to them, but it was they, these ordinary people use ordinary light beam, make a brilliant spiritual beams of light. Our eyes is a tall towering mountains, also is the backbone of the Chinese people. Our side side of the lingering is: "the child, don't cry! Mother stand live! Don't cry, wenchuan! China stand live!
Disaster is inevitable, but disaster let us in sorrow in more strong!
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