请翻译一下·!!(汉转英) 10
华佗重视预防保健,认为“人体欲得劳动,但不当使极尔。动摇则谷气得消,血脉流通,病不得生,譬如户枢不朽也”。华佗还自创“五禽戏”操,模仿虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟的姿态而作体操,索引屈伸肢体,活动关节,“以求难老”, “亦以除疾,并利蹄足”。“体中不快,起作一禽之戏,沾濡汗出,因上著粉,身体轻便,腹中欲食”。当时就有人长期实践华佗提倡的生活与保健方式,或“年九十余,耳目聪明,齿牙完坚”,或“寿百余岁”。
华佗不仅精于医学,还是个精通《诗》、《书》、《易》、《礼》、《春秋》等儒家经典著作的大学问家。可是这样一位优秀的医学家,最后却被曹操杀害,医术也未能流传下来,令人扼腕。及后,曹操幼子病重,无人可医而死,令曹操叹曰:“吾悔杀华佗,令此儿强死也。” 展开
华佗不仅精于医学,还是个精通《诗》、《书》、《易》、《礼》、《春秋》等儒家经典著作的大学问家。可是这样一位优秀的医学家,最后却被曹操杀害,医术也未能流传下来,令人扼腕。及后,曹操幼子病重,无人可医而死,令曹操叹曰:“吾悔杀华佗,令此儿强死也。” 展开
Hua attention to preventive health care, saying that "the body for enriching work, but very inappropriate to Seoul. Waver in the Valley angry consumption, blood flow, patients may not students, such as a door hinge is immortal." Hua also created "five animals" exercise, imitation tiger, deer, bears, monkeys, birds gesture as gymnastics, index limb flexion and extension, joint activities, "the old order is difficult," "Yi Yi addition to disease, and Lee hoof foot. " "Unpleasant body, make a bird from the show, James How to sweating, because on the powder, light body, belly Yushi." Hua was promoted to some long-term practice way of life and health, or "ninety years, intelligent eyes and ears, teeth, finished strong," or "life over a hundred years old." Hua not only skilled in medicine, was a proficient in "Poetry", "book", "easy", "li", "Spring" and other classics of the university asked the Confucian family. Nevertheless, such an excellent physician, but was finally killed by Cao Cao, medicine has not been handed down, were distraught. Later, Cao Cao's son was seriously ill, and no doctors die, so Cao Cao sighed and said: "I regret killing Hua, so strong in this child die."
Attention preventive care, think hua tuo "human to labor, but makes extremely improper's anger is valley. Shake away, blood circulation, disease, such as household atlas and shall not be born. Also" immortal Hua tuo still barbeque · wuqinxi "hold," imitation of tiger, deer, bear, apes, birds posture and be gymnastics, index flexion and limbs, activity joints, "old", "to difficult except illness, and also take the hoof foot". "Body of a poultry is unpleasant, up with the play, but because the sweat out, the body, deft, stomach powder to feed". Then someone long-term practice of life and health care hua tuo advocate, or "way more than 90 years, fresh and clever, teeth, or" Kennedy "after more than 100 years old life."
Hua tuo, or a skilled in medicine not only master "poem", "book", "yi", "ritual", the spring and autumn annals of Confucian classics such as XueWenGu. But such an excellent medical, finally was killed, cao herbalism also failed to spread down, litany. And later, cao cao youngest son is seriously ill, and died, and no cure to cao cao TanYue: "my regrets kill hua tuo, make this son dead also." strong
Hua tuo, or a skilled in medicine not only master "poem", "book", "yi", "ritual", the spring and autumn annals of Confucian classics such as XueWenGu. But such an excellent medical, finally was killed, cao herbalism also failed to spread down, litany. And later, cao cao youngest son is seriously ill, and died, and no cure to cao cao TanYue: "my regrets kill hua tuo, make this son dead also." strong
Hua tuo attention preventive care, think human labor, but not to the valley's shaken makes extremely is anger away, blood circulation, disease, such as jehu shall not be born barnado immortal hua tuo also · wuqinxi exercise also barbeque, imitate tiger deer bear apes bird stance and for gymnastics, index flexion and limbs, activities, in order to difficult joints with old, except illness also and the full body hoof is unpleasant, up in a poultry, but the drama with for sweated with powder, body deft, belly to food then someone long-term practice of life and health care hua tuo advocate, or years more than ninety way, fresh and clever, teeth Kennedy, or life after more than 100 years old