我的阿拉伯兄弟们,不要任由外人在我们纯净的阿拉伯领土上跳舞,麻痹的话就可能会身处美国和西方国家的包围中,希望大家行动起来! 展开
我的阿拉伯兄弟们,不要任由外人在我们纯净的阿拉伯领土上跳舞,麻痹的话就可能会身处美国和西方国家的包围中,希望大家行动起来! 展开
各国代表们,和平的维持者们,你们好。 National delegates, who were to maintain peace, you good. 我代表我国人民来到这里,代表我受苦受难的人民来到这里。 On behalf of my people here, on behalf of my suffering people to be here.
不久前我的国家刚刚经受了一次战火,渴望着和平的阳光,渴望着不再有子弹飞来,不再有炮声响起。 Not long ago, my country has just experienced a war, eager for peace sun, eager to no longer have bullets flying, no more guns sounded. 我们可能不在其境,但如果我们在战火中时,我们也会期盼和平与安定。 We may not be its territory, but if we in the war, we will look forward to peace and stability. 一战时,士兵们都在祈祷着,战争赶快结束,我们想尽快离开这里。 A time of war, the soldiers are praying, the war up close, we want to leave here as soon as possible. 但是短暂的战火之后,我们迎来的,不是和平,不是温暖的家园和安定的生活,而是外国强加给我们的战争与虚伪的正义。 But after a short war, we greet, not peace, not a warm home and a stable life, but the war forced upon us by foreign countries and false justice. 本来我国的战争,只是一场很小的战争,现在却被扩大成如此的规模,我深感不安。 Originally of the war, only a small war, now being expanded into the same scale, I am deeply disturbed. 我们可以想象,众多的飞机与军舰入侵我们的海岸,打死打伤我的人民,抢走我们的财产,侮辱我们的妇女,我想每一个国家都不愿自己会被如此入侵。 We can imagine, many of the aircraft and warships to invade our shores, my people killed and injured, taken away our property, insulted our women, I think every country will be so reluctant to own invasion. 但是你们正在对我国的国民做出这样的事情。 But you are citizens of our country to make such things. 己所不欲勿施于人,希望你们能停止这样的入侵,给予我们和平。 Doing is not do to others, I hope you can stop this invasion, give us peace.
我们都盼望和平,你们也是这样,所以才有了联合国。 We all look forward to peace, you, too, so have the United Nations. 我们加入联合国,也是因为相信你们可以维持和平,希望你们不要辜负我国人民的信任。 We join the United Nations, but also because I believe you can maintain peace, hope you do not live up to our people's trust.
几十年来,我一直在治理着我的国家,就像父亲对待自己的女儿一样,但就算是父女之间,也是有很多矛盾和分歧的。 For decades, I have been in control of my country, to treat his daughter like father, like, but even between father and daughter, but also a lot of contradictions and differences. 我与我的国家也是如此。 I and my country as well. 有些人不理解我的用心,挥动着手中的武器来反对我,他们手中的武器是谁提供的,这还不重要,重要的是,那些反对我的人在我再三的忍让与宽恕后,依然有部分人在反对我,并且对我的人民犯下了大罪。 Some people do not understand my intentions, waved the arms against me, their hands who provided the weapons, it is not important, it is important that those who oppose me repeatedly in my patience and forgiveness, still some people against me and of my people have committed a great sin. 我在不得已之下作出了出兵的决定,想尽快解决战争,使我的人民尽快得到和平与稳定的生活。 I had no choice but to send troops under the decision made, to resolve the war as soon as possible, as soon as possible so that my people peace and stability in life. 我想你们如果遇到国内的叛乱,肯定也会如此行动。 I think you if you encounter domestic rebellion, affirmative action will be, too. 如果有人冲进白宫,肯定会有美国大兵清理现场,如果有人袭击女王,英国军队也会毫不犹豫的拔枪,如果法国议会被炸弹袭击,法国安全部队也会追查到底,但是,我国的军队维护了我国的政权,却成了一些国家入侵我国的正当理由,我不知道这是为什么。 If someone broke into the White House, there will certainly be U.S. troops clean up the site, if someone attacks the queen, drew the British army will not hesitate, if the French parliament is bombings, the French security forces will track down in the end, however, China's military maintenance regime in China, has become in some countries to justify the invasion of China, I do not know why. 我不知道你们为什么声称保护我国人民,但不愿让他们享受一天和平呢? I do not know why you claim to protect our people, but do not want to let them enjoy the day peace? 我家的后院如果起火,我不会期望你们能帮我灭火,但更不希望你们在我家前院再烧一把火。 If my backyard on fire, I would not expect you to help me to fire, but do not want you in my front yard and then burn a fire.
听说法国是极贪利的,他们的议会就是为了他们的国家利益而建设的,但是每个国家不都是如此吗? France is very Menthods heard, their parliament is to build their national interests, but not every country is so? 礼尚往来,我们绝不反对,我们可以接受你们的正当贸易,甚至长期的合作,都是完全可以的。 Reciprocity, we have no objection, we can accept your legitimate trade, and even long-term cooperation, are totally acceptable. 我的国家也需要这样的贸易。 My country also needs such a trade. 但是你们不是正当的拿钱来换石油,而是拿枪炮,拿飞机军舰来威逼我们,这种行为在个人身上的话,在每个国家都是违法的,为什么在侵略者那里就成为了正义,请问这是为什么? But you do not get money for the proper oil, but to get guns, aircraft, warships to threaten us to get this behavior on individuals, then, is illegal in every country, why there became just the aggressor , may I ask why?
我也知道,美国和西方国家实力强大,我们的力量很难与其对抗,美国一直在隔岸观火,想要趁火打劫,法国更是迫不及待地想要推翻我们的民族政府,想让我们再次成为他们的傀儡,他们的殖民地,这是我国人民不允许的,也是世界人民所不允许的,希望你们不要贸然侵略,我们虽然并不强大,但我们会团结在一起,将你们驱赶出境的! I also know that the United States and Western countries are strong and hard with our strength against the U.S. has been standing on the sidelines, you want to take advantage of others, France is eager to overthrow the government of our nation, want us to once again become their puppet, their colony, which is not allowed to our people, and it is not allowed people of the world, I hope you do not rashly invaded, although we are not strong, but we will together, will you drive out of the country!
忠告美国一句话,如此的穷兵黩武,不能成为世界的霸主,秦失其鹿,天下共逐之,希望你们自重。 Advice American word, so militaristic, not become the overlord of the world, Qin missing the deer, the world total by the hope that you self-respect.
我的阿拉伯兄弟们,不要任由外人在我们纯净的阿拉伯领土上跳舞,麻痹的话就可能会身处美国和西方国家的包围中,希望大家行动起来! My Arab brothers, do not let outsiders in our territory of pure Arab dancing, paralysis, then it may be living surrounded by the United States and Western countries, we hope to action!
不久前我的国家刚刚经受了一次战火,渴望着和平的阳光,渴望着不再有子弹飞来,不再有炮声响起。 Not long ago, my country has just experienced a war, eager for peace sun, eager to no longer have bullets flying, no more guns sounded. 我们可能不在其境,但如果我们在战火中时,我们也会期盼和平与安定。 We may not be its territory, but if we in the war, we will look forward to peace and stability. 一战时,士兵们都在祈祷着,战争赶快结束,我们想尽快离开这里。 A time of war, the soldiers are praying, the war up close, we want to leave here as soon as possible. 但是短暂的战火之后,我们迎来的,不是和平,不是温暖的家园和安定的生活,而是外国强加给我们的战争与虚伪的正义。 But after a short war, we greet, not peace, not a warm home and a stable life, but the war forced upon us by foreign countries and false justice. 本来我国的战争,只是一场很小的战争,现在却被扩大成如此的规模,我深感不安。 Originally of the war, only a small war, now being expanded into the same scale, I am deeply disturbed. 我们可以想象,众多的飞机与军舰入侵我们的海岸,打死打伤我的人民,抢走我们的财产,侮辱我们的妇女,我想每一个国家都不愿自己会被如此入侵。 We can imagine, many of the aircraft and warships to invade our shores, my people killed and injured, taken away our property, insulted our women, I think every country will be so reluctant to own invasion. 但是你们正在对我国的国民做出这样的事情。 But you are citizens of our country to make such things. 己所不欲勿施于人,希望你们能停止这样的入侵,给予我们和平。 Doing is not do to others, I hope you can stop this invasion, give us peace.
我们都盼望和平,你们也是这样,所以才有了联合国。 We all look forward to peace, you, too, so have the United Nations. 我们加入联合国,也是因为相信你们可以维持和平,希望你们不要辜负我国人民的信任。 We join the United Nations, but also because I believe you can maintain peace, hope you do not live up to our people's trust.
几十年来,我一直在治理着我的国家,就像父亲对待自己的女儿一样,但就算是父女之间,也是有很多矛盾和分歧的。 For decades, I have been in control of my country, to treat his daughter like father, like, but even between father and daughter, but also a lot of contradictions and differences. 我与我的国家也是如此。 I and my country as well. 有些人不理解我的用心,挥动着手中的武器来反对我,他们手中的武器是谁提供的,这还不重要,重要的是,那些反对我的人在我再三的忍让与宽恕后,依然有部分人在反对我,并且对我的人民犯下了大罪。 Some people do not understand my intentions, waved the arms against me, their hands who provided the weapons, it is not important, it is important that those who oppose me repeatedly in my patience and forgiveness, still some people against me and of my people have committed a great sin. 我在不得已之下作出了出兵的决定,想尽快解决战争,使我的人民尽快得到和平与稳定的生活。 I had no choice but to send troops under the decision made, to resolve the war as soon as possible, as soon as possible so that my people peace and stability in life. 我想你们如果遇到国内的叛乱,肯定也会如此行动。 I think you if you encounter domestic rebellion, affirmative action will be, too. 如果有人冲进白宫,肯定会有美国大兵清理现场,如果有人袭击女王,英国军队也会毫不犹豫的拔枪,如果法国议会被炸弹袭击,法国安全部队也会追查到底,但是,我国的军队维护了我国的政权,却成了一些国家入侵我国的正当理由,我不知道这是为什么。 If someone broke into the White House, there will certainly be U.S. troops clean up the site, if someone attacks the queen, drew the British army will not hesitate, if the French parliament is bombings, the French security forces will track down in the end, however, China's military maintenance regime in China, has become in some countries to justify the invasion of China, I do not know why. 我不知道你们为什么声称保护我国人民,但不愿让他们享受一天和平呢? I do not know why you claim to protect our people, but do not want to let them enjoy the day peace? 我家的后院如果起火,我不会期望你们能帮我灭火,但更不希望你们在我家前院再烧一把火。 If my backyard on fire, I would not expect you to help me to fire, but do not want you in my front yard and then burn a fire.
听说法国是极贪利的,他们的议会就是为了他们的国家利益而建设的,但是每个国家不都是如此吗? France is very Menthods heard, their parliament is to build their national interests, but not every country is so? 礼尚往来,我们绝不反对,我们可以接受你们的正当贸易,甚至长期的合作,都是完全可以的。 Reciprocity, we have no objection, we can accept your legitimate trade, and even long-term cooperation, are totally acceptable. 我的国家也需要这样的贸易。 My country also needs such a trade. 但是你们不是正当的拿钱来换石油,而是拿枪炮,拿飞机军舰来威逼我们,这种行为在个人身上的话,在每个国家都是违法的,为什么在侵略者那里就成为了正义,请问这是为什么? But you do not get money for the proper oil, but to get guns, aircraft, warships to threaten us to get this behavior on individuals, then, is illegal in every country, why there became just the aggressor , may I ask why?
我也知道,美国和西方国家实力强大,我们的力量很难与其对抗,美国一直在隔岸观火,想要趁火打劫,法国更是迫不及待地想要推翻我们的民族政府,想让我们再次成为他们的傀儡,他们的殖民地,这是我国人民不允许的,也是世界人民所不允许的,希望你们不要贸然侵略,我们虽然并不强大,但我们会团结在一起,将你们驱赶出境的! I also know that the United States and Western countries are strong and hard with our strength against the U.S. has been standing on the sidelines, you want to take advantage of others, France is eager to overthrow the government of our nation, want us to once again become their puppet, their colony, which is not allowed to our people, and it is not allowed people of the world, I hope you do not rashly invaded, although we are not strong, but we will together, will you drive out of the country!
忠告美国一句话,如此的穷兵黩武,不能成为世界的霸主,秦失其鹿,天下共逐之,希望你们自重。 Advice American word, so militaristic, not become the overlord of the world, Qin missing the deer, the world total by the hope that you self-respect.
我的阿拉伯兄弟们,不要任由外人在我们纯净的阿拉伯领土上跳舞,麻痹的话就可能会身处美国和西方国家的包围中,希望大家行动起来! My Arab brothers, do not let outsiders in our territory of pure Arab dancing, paralysis, then it may be living surrounded by the United States and Western countries, we hope to action!