
会员管理信息系统正在越来越多的被各种企业应用于消费管理领域。随着众多企业的管理者对管理信息系统的重视程度的提高,会员消费管理信息系统的管理功能也在不断的增强,发挥的作用越... 会员管理信息系统正在越来越多的被各种企业应用于消费管理领域。随着众多企业的管理者对管理信息系统的重视程度的提高,会员消费管理信息系统的管理功能也在不断的增强,发挥的作用越来越大。从开始的只能进行数据的浏览、添加、修改等简单操作的管理信息系统逐步向着超大数量的数据存储、数据的精确计算、报表的自动化生成、人性化的友好界面操作以及牢固的系统架构和安全的数据交换等方向发展。河北省艺术中心是石家庄市唯一的一处能让广大市民享受到高雅艺术的场所,随着今年来业务的不断发展,尤其是比较成功的举办了几场大型的演唱会后,艺术中心的领导层也发现了一个新的盈利增长点,既人们在欣赏高雅艺术的同时,也需要享受相同级别的消费,这样艺术中心金诺威休闲会馆随之产生,会馆按照西式餐厅的运营模式,为人们提供一个安逸休闲的消费场所。我们在对会馆的经营管理的消费流程做过深刻的研究之后,根据和艺术中心的协议,为会馆编写这套结合会员管理和消费管理于一体的客户关系管理系统,来把消费数据和各项属性数据有机的联系起来,使之具有很强的“可视化”和图形处理能力,而更重要的是它可以提供非常丰富的属性信息和统计分析结果,还具有快速定位、快速的信息处理和信息查询能力,并通过空间分析、统计汇总及建模为各种事件处理提供决策支持,同时还可以完成各种日常管理工作及报表、图形的输出等。和其它CRM管理软件不同的是,这套系统完全按照使用者的操作流程和操作习惯编写,涉及到的功能模块也和日常工作一致,屏弃了那些看起来很多但实际上并不适用的功能,降低了管理软件操作难度;采用图形化的操作模式让用户很容易直接的操作,该系统占用计算机资源少,操作方便,成本低;我们完全拥有该技术的知识产权。
本文还对面向对象的系统设计方法、工程项目管理以及测试驱动开发(TDD)的应用进行了探讨,描述了在DELPHI开发平台上实现应用系统的三层体系架构和基于SQL SERVER的数据交换技术
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2007-05-07 · TA获得超过3235个赞
The member manages the information system just at more and more of is apply by various business enterprise in consume management realm.Along with numerous governors of business enterprises to the exaltation of[with] value degree that manages the information system, the member consumes the management function of the management information system also in the continuous to build up, exertive of the function is more and more big.Can carry on a data to browse,increase,modify from of[with] beginning etc. operates in brief of the management information system gradually facing the super and a large sum of data is saving,data of accurate calculation,the automation of the statement is born,humanization of the friendly interface operate and the firm system structure and safety of the data exchange etc. direction development.Art center in Hebei is the stone house an unique place of Chuang City can let the large citizenry enjoy to the elegant art of place, come to business to develop continuously along with this year, is after the comparison success held a few large singing performances particularly, the leadership layer of the art center also discovers a new earnings growth order, since people also need to enjoy the consumption of the same Class at the time of appreciating an elegant art, so the art center gold promise 威 the recreational guild produces immediately, guild according to the luck camp mode of the western restaurant, provide a comfort and ease recreation for people of consumption place.We at manage to the management of the guild of the consumption process did a deep research after, according to with the agreement of the art center, for the guild write this set combine a member to manage and consume to manage in the integral whole of customer the relation management system, the consumption data and various attribute datas contacts organically, making it have very strong"can see to turn" and sketch to handle an ability, but more important it can provide very abundant of the attribute information and covariance analyze a result, also having fast fixed position,fast information processing and information to search an ability, and pass space analysis and statistics to gather and set up a mold for various affairs processing provide the decision support, in the meantime can also complete various daily management work and the exportation of the statement,sketch etc..Being different with the other CRM management software BE, this system writes habitually according to the operation process and operation of the user completely, involve to of the function mold piece also is consistent with daily pursuit, casting aside those look a lot of but combine obsolescent actually of function, lower the management software operation difficulty;The operation mode that adopts sketch to turn let very easily direct operation of customer, that system takes up the calculator resources little, operate convenience, the cost is low;Our owning completely should technical intelligent property right.
This text returnsed opposite toward the system design method,the engineering item management and test of the object to drive the application of the development(TDD) to carry on a study, describing to develop three layer system structures of the platform top realization application system in the DELPHI with exchange a technique according to the data of the SQL SERVER
2007-05-07 · 超过25用户采纳过TA的回答
The member management information system are being more and more manyis applied by each kind of enterprise to the expense managementdomain. Along with the multitudinous enterprise's superintendents themanagement information system value degree enhancement, the memberexpend the management information system the management function inthe unceasing enhancement, the display function more and more are alsobig. From starts only to be able to carry on the data the browsing,the increase, the revision and so on the simple operation managementinformation system gradually to the ultra great quantity data storage,the data precise computation, the report form automated production,human nature friendly direction and so on contact surface operation aswell as reliable system overhead construction and safe data exchangedevelops. The Hebei Province art center is Shijiazhuang city only canlet the general residents enjoy to the lofty artistic place, comes theservice along with this year the unceasing development, after comparedin particular successfully has held several large-scale 演唱会, theartistic center leadership has also discovered a new profit growthspot, also people during appreciation lofty art, also needed to enjoythe same rank the expense, such artistic center 金诺 prestigeleisure clubhouse along with it production, the clubhouse according tothe western-style dining room operation pattern, provided an easy andcomfortable leisure for the people the expense place. We in has donethe profound research after the clubhouse management managementexpense flow, according to with the artistic center agreement, for theclubhouse compiles this wrap to unify the member management and theexpense management to a body customer relations management systemmanagement system, comes the expense data and each attribute dataorganic relation, enable it to have very strong "visible" and thegraph handling ability, but more importantly it may provide theextremely rich attribute information and the statistical analysisresult, but also has the fast localization, the fast informationprocessing and the information inquiry ability, And through thespatial analysis, 统计汇总 and the modelling processes for eachkind of event provides the policy-making support, meanwhile maycomplete each kind of daily supervisory work and the report form, thegraph output and so on. With other CRM management software differentis, this set of system completely defers to user's operation flow andthe operation custom compilation, involves the function module alsoand the routine work is consistent, the screen abandoned these to looklike very many but in fact certainly not the suitable function,reduced the management software operation difficulty; Uses the graphoperation pattern to let the user very easy direct operation, thissystem takes the computer resources few, the ease of operation, thecost is low; We completely have this technical the intellectualproperty rights. This article also opposite to object system design method, engineeringproject management as well as test actuation development (TDD) theapplication has carried on the discussion, described has developed inthe platform in DELPHI to realize the application system three systemsoverhead construction and based on the SQL SERVER data exchangetechnology
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