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萨克雷(1811~1863)[Thackeray,WilliamMakepeace]英国作家。1811年7月18日生于印度加尔各答附近的阿里帕,1863年12月24日卒于... 萨克雷(1811~1863)[Thackeray,William Makepeace]
萨克雷还创作有长篇小说《彭登尼斯》、《亨利·埃斯蒙德》、《纽克姆一家》、《弗吉尼亚人》,中篇小说《巴利·林顿的遭遇》 ,短篇小说集《 势利眼集》等。其中以《亨利·埃斯蒙德》和《纽克姆一家》最为出色。萨克雷以英国有教养的绅士所特有的机智幽默甚至玩世不恭的态度无情地展示生活的真实,是对英国18世纪由斯威夫特、菲尔丁、斯特恩等人开创的讽刺小说传统的继承和发扬。他成为英国19世纪小说发展高峰时期的重要作家。
9世纪的英国妇女主要是作为家庭角色而不是职业角色出现于社会,因此她们的社会功能有很大的局限性。妇女的地位低下,只是男人的附庸和奴婢,她们没有权利,没有资产,只能依靠婚姻,成为一位先生的太太。从小说家萨克雷在《名利场》中塑造的主要女性形象中揭示十九世纪的英国女性在男权社会中的无奈, 及其在物欲横流、虚伪堕落的名利场中的悲剧命运。 故事取材于英国19世纪初的上层社会。故事里有两个重要人物,一个是机灵乖巧的漂亮姑娘: 蓓基·夏泼。蓓基出身贫苦,步步挣扎,苦心经营,一心掌握自己的命运,梦想摆脱困境,跨入上层社会“。她不向环境屈服,但又始终没有克服她的环境。”蓓基是萨克雷塑造的最成功的人物,也是他所憎恶的人物。另一个也是漂亮姑娘:爱米丽亚·赛特笠。但与蓓基相反,爱米利亚出身优越,安于天命,又渴望爱情,最后家庭幸福,生活富足,在她们身上,反映了小说家对人世的批评和思考,更体现了他的男权思想。
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2011-05-04 · 超过11用户采纳过TA的回答
novel "Peng Dennistoun", "亨利埃斯蒙 Germany", "Niu Kemu a", "Virginian," novella "Barry Linton's experience", short story Set "snob set," and so on. Among them, "亨利埃斯蒙 virtue" and "Niu Kemu a" most outstanding. Thackeray in the United Kingdom and bred gentleman specific witty cynicism even ruthless display of real life, is the 18th century by the British Swift, Fielding, Sterne, who created the traditional satire inherit and carry forward.
He became a British 19th century novels during the peak period the development of an important writer.
Famous for
Novel "Vanity Fair" is famous for, and Thackeray's masterpiece. It is the bitter irony of the way, the real 1810 ~ 1820 depicts the Prince Regent during the decline of the British upper class nobles and bourgeois upstarts such as the ugly face of colorful characters and the law of the jungle, reveals the relationships. Novel length scale, spectacle, plot complexity, psychological depth characterization, and its sharp pungent satirical style is more exciting. Thackeray for "Vanity Fair" shook the literary world, and Dickens famous.
Critical realism famous British writer William Makepeace (Thackery) in the famous novel "Vanity Fair" called "novel without a hero." Of showing people the Motivation of England the early 19th century high society is very vivid picture of life, depicting the British aristocracy fame, no moral, cold false in Taipei. Miss novel securities firms and the poor painter's daughter Amelia as the main character Rebecca.
1, the main characters and background
9th century British women primarily as family roles rather than professional roles appear in the community, so their social function has many limitations. The low status of women, but men's dependency and slaves, they have no right, no assets to rely on marriage, became the wife of a gentleman. From the novelist Thackeray in "Vanity Fair" in shaping the image of women in revealing the major nineteenth-century British women in the patriarchal society of the helpless, and in materialistic, hypocritical, in the fall of the tragic fate of Vanity Fair. Story taken from the early 19th century British upper class. There are two important figures in the story,
One is pretty clever and well-behaved girl: Becky Sharp. Becky was born poor, struggling step by step, painstaking efforts, as one of their own destiny, the dream out of the woods, into the upper class. "She does not yield to the environment, but has not overcome her environment." Becky is Thackeray shape of the most successful people, but also his hate figure. Another is a beautiful girl: Amelia Saite Li. But Becky Instead, Aimiliya origin location, Anyu destiny, and desire for love, the last family happy, prosperous, on them, reflects the novelist's criticism and reflection on this world, but also reflects the thinking of his patriarchal .
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2011-04-27 · 超过35用户采纳过TA的回答
Thackeray (1811 ~ 1863) [Thackeray, William Makepeace]
British writer. Born near Calcutta, India, on July 18, 1811.December 24, 1863, passed away in London. Father of the British East India Company officials. At 4-year-old, his father passed away, his stepfather was a wealthy merchant. Thackeray attended the United Kingdom Charterhouse School and Trinity College, and was accept to Cambridge. Thus he gained access to high society, and studied abroad in Europe . After college, he tried running a newspaper, and studied painting in Paris. In 1833, after squandering away money from his family, Thackeray worked for "Fraser magazine" and "clumsy" magazine as a columnist. During that time, he wrote a large number of short stories, novels, essays, travelogues, book reviews. After 1847, Thackeray began writing his serial novel "Vanity Fair", From 1851 to 1853 Thackeray held literary talks in the US, the speech was published as the "18th century British humorist." From 1859 to 1862,Thackeray became editor in chief for "Cornhill Magazine" .

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British writer.On July 18 in 1811 near Calcutta ali was born in parma.On December 24, 1863 he died in London.Father for British east India company officials.4 for anyone, his stepfather businessmen.In Britain, it's SaKeLei to public and problem.your at trinity college, Cambridge accept education system.Discrepancy upper-class.And study in continental Europe.After leaving college,Tried running.And in Paris to study painting.1833 later,Income heritage squander is exhausted.Successivelyare appointed the Fraser magazine "and" clumsy magazine columnist.Write a lot of ZhongDuanPian novels, novels, essays, travel notes and book reviews.1847 later start writing long serial novel "vanity fair",In 1851 ~ 1853 held on domestic and American literary lecture,Its notes with published "the 18th century British humor writer".1859 ~ in 1862 as "KangXiEr magazine editor-in-chief.
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2011-05-03 · TA获得超过2914个赞
SaKeLei (1811 ~ 1863, William Makepeace Thackeray) []]
British writer. On July 18 in 1811 near Calcutta ali was born in napa, 24 December 1863 he in London. Father for British east India company officials. 4 for rich, or SaKeLei stepfather to it's house in Britain at trinity college, Cambridge public and education, access to accept system upper-class, and study in continental Europe. After leaving college tried newspapers, and in Paris to study painting. 1833 later, income heritage exhausted and successivelyare appointed the squandering Fraser magazine "and" clumsy magazine columnist, has written a lot of ZhongDuanPian novels, novels, essays, travel notes and book reviews. 1847 later start writing long serial novel "vanity fair", in 1851 ~ 1853 domestic and American literary lectures, held its notes with published "the 18th century British humor writer". 1859 ~ in 1862 as "KangXiEr magazine editor-in-chief.
Works and achievements
SaKeLei is also the author of the novel "peng boarding a nice", "Henry ace have DE", "duke's a", "the Virginian," novelette Barry linton experience ", short story collection "collection of snob. Among them with "Henry ace have DE" and "the duke's a" the most excellent. SaKeLei to British well-bred gentleman unique wit humor even cynical attitude relentlessly show life reality, is 18th century to Britain by the swift, Fielding, stern pioneered by satires as traditional inheritance and development. He became 19th century British novel development peak of important writer.
The novel "vanity fair" is the SaKeLei baiwei and masterpiece. It with sarcastic technique, the real described the 1810 ~ 1820 when British regent polite society and bourgeois declining aristocracy upstart motley assortment of ugly faces and the law of the jungle, intrigues interpersonal relationship. The novel length grand, spectacular, if the circumstances are complex, psychological depicting deep, its sharp provocative irony style matchup. SaKeLei because of "vanity fair" thundering literary, and dickens &jeremy.
A famous British critical realist writer SaKeLei (the famous novel the Thackery) called "vanity fair, the novel" no heroes. The author to showcase the early 19th century British upper-class extremely vivid life picture scroll, describe the outline of the British aristocracy, grim ambitions, no moral false pictures. The novels by a securities firm miss Emily and and poor the artist's daughter Rebecca as the main character.
1 main figures and background
9th century of British women primarily as family role rather than professional roles in society, so they appear the social function with great limitations. Women's status is low, but man, they don't dependencies and maid rights, no assets, can only rely on marriage, become a sir's wife. In the SaKeLei from novelist vanity fair, the main female images created in 19th century Britain revealed women in patriarchal society in the helpless, and fallen, false wuyuguangliu the tragic fate of vanity fair.
Watership story at the beginning of the 19th century British upper society. There are two important characters in the story, is a clever clever of beautiful girls: bud, which yankees. Bud base was born poor, ayu struggle, elaborations, a heart control of your own destiny, dream and enter the upper social dilemma. She not to environment "yield, but never overcome her environment." The yankees SaKeLei preparation.basically shape is the most successful figure as he detests characters. Another is also pretty girl: Emily and · saite Li. But the yankees with bud, Emily and background contrary content with destiny, and superior, and the longing for love, finally, life rich, family happiness in their possession, reflects on the criticism and novelist world more reflect his thinking, the patriarchal ideology.
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