我国早期的文学评论家李健吾曾经在他的《福楼拜评传》中写道:“巴尔扎克伟大,司汤达深刻,而福楼拜完美!”福楼拜作为十九世纪重要的批判现实主义作家,他对法国乃至世界文学的发展与创新都有着不可磨灭的贡献。 福楼拜的一生,几乎完全致力于他的文学创作,亨利·詹姆斯在他的《小说的艺术》中指出:“完全撇开他的作品的价值不谈,仅仅因为他个人给了我们一个榜样和形象,表现出脑力劳动的典范,他就会使小说家们对他感兴趣。他天生就是一个小说家,并且作为一个小说家而成长、生活和死去;他只是作为一个献身于创作的人而呼吸、感觉、思考、讲话,从事生活中的每一项活动,尽管他的作品构成了他全部的勤奋的成果。的确,与其说他作为一个小说家而诞生并且度过了他的一生,不如说从事文学活动对他说来具有压倒一的地位。” 1857年,福楼拜的第一部长篇小说《包法利夫人》出版以后,第二帝国便以“有伤风化、诽谤宗教”为名,对福楼拜提起公诉;1862年,埋头五年创作的历史小说《萨朗波》仅以一万法郎的版权费就出让给米歇尔.雷微,而同一年,雨果以一部《悲惨世界》就获得三十万法郎的收益;1870年,第二部现实主义小说《情感教育》刚一出版,批评家们就露出了尖牙利齿,丝毫不肯放过,马上把它撕个粉碎,“小说名曰((,清感教育》,真是糟蹋了这命意;作品的主要特点,是俗,小溪泛不了巨筏,宜乎踩在众人脚下”。 即使每部小说的问世都经历了不同程度的波折,但是亨利·詹姆斯对福楼拜有如此高的评价,己经足以让这位在当时法国文坛倍遭冷遇的文学大师在一个多世纪以后感到欣慰而含笑于九泉之下了。
“爱玛为何落得如此悲惨的境地?”这是小说自发表以来,评论家们不断争论探讨的一个问题。有的认为爱玛的悲剧在于“身体满足与头脑满足的悖逆”,她对爱情幸福的追求“陷入到一种灵与肉的二元对立中”;有的认为爱玛的悲剧是对残酷真实的直面,是想象的破灭;有的认为爱玛的悲剧是堂吉诃德式的行为造成的,即将书本描写的生活和行为当作自己的目标和行动方式,从而导致失败和毁灭;还有的认为,爱玛的悲剧在于她角色不清的生活,是内在心理和外在环境错乱发展的结果。总而言之,国内的大部分研究者把注意力放在社会历史、个人性格、外部环境等各个方面来探讨爱玛悲剧的根源,这无疑对我们准确理解爱玛的命运提供了多维的文化视角,具有重要的启示,但是很少有人从精神分析的层面来剖析爱玛自杀的真正原因。本文运用欲望,无意识,自恋等概念来重新构筑爱玛成长、婚姻、出轨以及自杀的全过程,希望提供一个新的解读视角,同时结合福楼拜的其他作品,试图探讨他完美主义的风格和独特的生存哲学。 展开
“爱玛为何落得如此悲惨的境地?”这是小说自发表以来,评论家们不断争论探讨的一个问题。有的认为爱玛的悲剧在于“身体满足与头脑满足的悖逆”,她对爱情幸福的追求“陷入到一种灵与肉的二元对立中”;有的认为爱玛的悲剧是对残酷真实的直面,是想象的破灭;有的认为爱玛的悲剧是堂吉诃德式的行为造成的,即将书本描写的生活和行为当作自己的目标和行动方式,从而导致失败和毁灭;还有的认为,爱玛的悲剧在于她角色不清的生活,是内在心理和外在环境错乱发展的结果。总而言之,国内的大部分研究者把注意力放在社会历史、个人性格、外部环境等各个方面来探讨爱玛悲剧的根源,这无疑对我们准确理解爱玛的命运提供了多维的文化视角,具有重要的启示,但是很少有人从精神分析的层面来剖析爱玛自杀的真正原因。本文运用欲望,无意识,自恋等概念来重新构筑爱玛成长、婚姻、出轨以及自杀的全过程,希望提供一个新的解读视角,同时结合福楼拜的其他作品,试图探讨他完美主义的风格和独特的生存哲学。 展开
China's early literary critic Li Jianwu once in his " Flaubert Critical Biography " wrote: " the great Balzac , Stendhal profound , and Flaubert perfect ! " Flaubert as an important critique of the nineteenth century realist , his development and innovation of French and world literature are indelible contribution. Flaubert 's life, almost entirely devoted to his literary creation , Henry James in his " Art of Fiction " that: " brushed aside talk about the value of his work , just because he gave us a personal example and image , showing the mental model , he will make novelists interested in him , he is a born novelist , and grow as a novelist , living and dead ; he just as a man dedicated to the creation and breathing, feeling , thinking , talking , engaging in life in every activity , even though his work constitutes the fruits of all his hard work . indeed, not so much as a novelist , he was born and spent his whole life , as engaged in literary activities , said to him to have a position of overwhelming . " after the publication of the Second Empire , using a" " 1857 , Flaubert 's first novel ," Madame Bovary immoral , defamation of religion "as name of Flaubert prosecution ; 1862 , buried five creative historical novel " Salang Bo " only ten thousand francs royalties on transfer to micro Michelle Ray , and the same year , with a Hugo . Department of "Les Miserables" will get three hundred thousand francs of income ; 1870 , second realist novel "emotional education" just a publication , critics on the exposed canine teeth , did not let go , immediately put it is torn to pieces , " the novel is called ( ( , clear sense of education," which really ruined life meaning ; main features of the work, is vulgar , not giant raft Pan creek , it would be desirable to step on the foot of the crowd , " even though each novel. the advent have experienced varying degrees of twists and turns, but Flaubert Henry James has such a high rating , has been enough to make the literary master at the time of the French -loved literary fold after more than a century and are pleased smile on heaven it.
The story takes place in the mid- 19th century French provincial , bourgeois revolution in 1848 achieved a comprehensive victory bourgeois hero 's pride is gone , the storm also had to quell the revolution , followed by a a relatively stable mediocre era , full of vulgar petty , hateful real life , full of Tsuneo Suzi . Hero of the novel Emma Bovary is a wealthy farmer 's daughter from other provinces , according to the wishes of the parents boyhood spent in the monastery , highly aristocratic education , Steeped in romantic works , dreaming legendary love. After Emma adult marry a mediocre , slow , puzzled children style Doctor Charles Bovary township , marriage she does not complacent, frequent affair . The first is an immoral lover Emma squire , and the second is a selfish lover timid trainees , Emma's betrayal not only did not bring her so-called
Happiness , but an opportunity for speculators , forcing Emma became usurers exploit object. In order to please the lover, to maintain an extravagant life , Emma squandered her husband's property , a loan shark , and finally debt, boring for her lover , her dun usurer , in dead end , desperate situation , she had served arsenic suicide.
" Emma, why come to such a tragic situation ? " This is a problem since the self- published novel , critics argue constantly discussed . Some believe Emma 's tragedy is that "body and mind meet meet disobedience ," she love the pursuit of happiness " into the dualism of body and soul in a " ; Some believe that Emma is brutally real tragedy the face was shattered imagination ; some believe Emma 's tragedy is quixotic behavior caused forthcoming book describing the life and behavior as their objectives and means of action , resulting in failure and ruin ; there believes that Emma 's tragedy is that her role is unclear life, is the result of internal and external environment of psychological disorder development. In short , most researchers focus on domestic all aspects of social history, personal character, the external environment to explore the root causes of the tragedy of Emma , which is no doubt we have an accurate understanding of the fate of Emma provides a multidimensional cultural perspective , with an important revelation, but few from the perspective of psychoanalysis to analyze the real reason Emma suicide. In this paper, the use of desire , unconscious , to re- build the concepts of narcissism Emma growth , marriage, and derailed the whole process of suicide , hoping to provide a new interpretation of perspective , combined with other works of Flaubert , trying to explore his perfectionist style and a unique philosophy of existence .
The story takes place in the mid- 19th century French provincial , bourgeois revolution in 1848 achieved a comprehensive victory bourgeois hero 's pride is gone , the storm also had to quell the revolution , followed by a a relatively stable mediocre era , full of vulgar petty , hateful real life , full of Tsuneo Suzi . Hero of the novel Emma Bovary is a wealthy farmer 's daughter from other provinces , according to the wishes of the parents boyhood spent in the monastery , highly aristocratic education , Steeped in romantic works , dreaming legendary love. After Emma adult marry a mediocre , slow , puzzled children style Doctor Charles Bovary township , marriage she does not complacent, frequent affair . The first is an immoral lover Emma squire , and the second is a selfish lover timid trainees , Emma's betrayal not only did not bring her so-called
Happiness , but an opportunity for speculators , forcing Emma became usurers exploit object. In order to please the lover, to maintain an extravagant life , Emma squandered her husband's property , a loan shark , and finally debt, boring for her lover , her dun usurer , in dead end , desperate situation , she had served arsenic suicide.
" Emma, why come to such a tragic situation ? " This is a problem since the self- published novel , critics argue constantly discussed . Some believe Emma 's tragedy is that "body and mind meet meet disobedience ," she love the pursuit of happiness " into the dualism of body and soul in a " ; Some believe that Emma is brutally real tragedy the face was shattered imagination ; some believe Emma 's tragedy is quixotic behavior caused forthcoming book describing the life and behavior as their objectives and means of action , resulting in failure and ruin ; there believes that Emma 's tragedy is that her role is unclear life, is the result of internal and external environment of psychological disorder development. In short , most researchers focus on domestic all aspects of social history, personal character, the external environment to explore the root causes of the tragedy of Emma , which is no doubt we have an accurate understanding of the fate of Emma provides a multidimensional cultural perspective , with an important revelation, but few from the perspective of psychoanalysis to analyze the real reason Emma suicide. In this paper, the use of desire , unconscious , to re- build the concepts of narcissism Emma growth , marriage, and derailed the whole process of suicide , hoping to provide a new interpretation of perspective , combined with other works of Flaubert , trying to explore his perfectionist style and a unique philosophy of existence .