英语作文 What I want to be when I grow up

2011-05-05 · TA获得超过2万个赞
What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

What I Want to Be When I Grow up ?My answer is "An Interpreter", an English interpreter. Why do I hope to become an English interpreter? There are three reasons.
First, I know if I want to be a good interpreter, I have to study two languages well: Chinese and English. When I was a lit-tle child,! loved my native language. I was interested in it very much and learned it diligently. When English came into my life, it became another best friend of mine. I'm doing my best to master the correct pronunciation, accents on each word, and intonation. I communicate with foreigners whenever it's possible and try to in-troduce our great motherland to them quite proudly.
Secondly, English is widely used. It's an international lan-guage and spoken as a second language by a lot of people in many different countries. China is now a developing country, so we need to learn some advanced science and technology from the west. As the interpreters of the 21st century, we will certainly take the re-sponsibility of building the bridge to a better world.
Well, the last reason is the most important. Interpreters are cultural ambassadors. China is an ancient country with a long his-tory. Interpreters can "export" the cream of Chinese culture to the west, and also "import" the essence of western modern civilization. Interpreters translate one language into another in order to pro-mote communication and understanding between different nations in the world.
To become an interpreter, there's still a long way for me to go. I must enrich my knowledge and study harder. I'm sure in the near future I can do some contribution to build the bridge be-tween the two cultures.

When I grow up I want to be an English teacher.
When I first came to school, I found myself almost knowing nothing. It wash my teacher who taught me to read and write with the teachers help, I came to know many things and now I have grow into a good student. In my mind teaching is the greatest job in the world. Now if you ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I will say I want to be an English teacher. I like English very much, because it is one of the popular languages in the world and it is very useful. But first of all, I must study hard to learn English well, when I became an English teacher, my students, just us my teachers do I’ll devote my teachers helping to my students.

What do I want to be when I grow up? Its a question that I asked myself every year. I still don't know the answer to it. When I was in forth grade, my sister Tiffany said that she want to be an lawyer, my mom was suprised about that answer. And from that on, I started to think about my future too! I was thinking of a lot jobs. First, I choose to be an fashion designer,then engineering design, and the last one is more challenging,its someone who study the brain, and I know that this one is really difficult to me, so I didn't put a lot attention to it. All of my choices was rejected by my mom, but I didn't feel sad when she told me her piont of view.She said that she wants me to find a batter job, which is a job that can earn a lot money. So, I did listen to her advice, and give up my dream job. Few years later, my sister had change her mind, she said that she want to learn about business and finace. My mom had agree with her, but at that time, I was a little bit worried. I don't know what I want to be still. Then I went back and think of all the jobs that I like, and still, no answers. And I hope that somedays, a job that I like can pop up to my head, and my parents can agree with me.

2011-05-05 · TA获得超过8.6万个赞
《My Dream》
I'd like to be a ENGLISH teacher when I grow up.Why?I think I can be a teacher when I grow up. I can help many students learn things well。one reason is I like the scool life,which is simple and happy,for I'm quite pure and simple,too complicated life is not suitable for me,the other reason is I will feel well if I can face the students everyday,because they are so young and so lively.Well,the most important reason is that there are two long holidays as a teacher,and I can travel everywhere on holidays in the future.Do you know?Travelling is my favorite hobby.
答案补充 等我长大后,我想成为一名老师,为什么呢?一个原因是我喜欢既简单又开心的学校生活,因为我性格很单纯,太复杂的生活不适合我;另外一个原因是如果能每天对着学生,我会感觉很好,他们是那么单纯又那么活泼。还有,最重要的原因是当老师有两个假期,到时候,在假期期间我可以到处去旅游。你知道吗?我最喜欢旅游了。

What I want to be when I grow up is to be an english teacher

i have a dream,i want to be a teacher when I grow up,an english teacher.why?

i like english very much,and it is my favorite subjuct.i have been studying english for six years.i think i am able to speak english well.for this ,i have joined lots of english speech competitions.last year,i won the frist prize,i am very pround of it.and igot an A this term.i study english very hard,and i'll go on studying hard as well.

i believe that the harder i study it,the better achievement i will get.i will achieve my dream by myself.

my future isn't a dream.then,i'll do my best to help my students study english.i'll be the happiest english teacher.

Everyone has his dream. My dream is to be a dancer when i grow up. i want to be a dancer because i like dancing very much. i think dancing can make me happy and it can also bring pleasure to people when they are watching wonderful performs . but it is not easy to be a good dancer. it needs hard work.

so from now on, i must study hard. and try to learn more about dancing. and also have to do lots of practice every day. i think if i put my heart into it,nothing is impossible. and i am sure i can be a famous dancer one day.
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2011-05-08 · TA获得超过1.4万个赞
I want to be a tour guide when I grow up.I'd like to travel .I think it is the best way to be a tour gide for me to travel around the world.So I have to study foreign languages now.I believe my dream will come true some day.If I succeed ,I can visit many countries and I also makes lots of friends all over the world at the same time.I will learn all kinds of culture.That is very interesting.I believe success belongs to me.
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2011-05-05 · TA获得超过3395个赞
When I was a little girl ,I dreamed to grow up. Because I think a child doesn't has freedam,and can't do anything himself.
But now I have grow up,to my surprise,I feel more tired and have more surfrng.Though I can do something myself, I don't feel happy at all.

I believe you also have the same thoughs with me. when every us was a child , we wanted to grow up, but when we became a older man,we don't have such nice life as wish.

So whatever we are children or adults, we should try to make our life better, and make ourselves more happy. we should try our best to study hard, then we can let parents have goog life, too!

Let's do our best to do ourself ! Believe yourself ! You are the best!
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2011-05-05 · TA获得超过4114个赞
What do I want to be when I grow up? Its a question that I asked myself every year. I still don't know the answer to it. When I was in forth grade, my sister Tiffany said that she want to be an lawyer, my mom was suprised about that answer. And from that on, I started to think about my future too! I was thinking of a lot jobs. First, I choose to be an fashion designer,then engineering design, and the last one is more challenging,its someone who study the brain, and I know that this one is really difficult to me, so I didn't put a lot of attention to it. All of my choices was rejected by my mom, but I didn't feel sad when she told me her piont of view.She said that she wants me to find a batter job, which is a job that can earn a lot money. So, I did listen to her advice, and give up my dream job. Few years later, my sister had change her mind, she said that she want to learn about business and finace. My mom had agree with her, but at that time, I was a little bit worried. I don't know what I want to be still. Then I went back and think of all the jobs that I like, and still, no answers. And I hope that somedays, a job that I like can pop up to my head, and my parents can agree with me.
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