在进行泛读中除了要运用阅读技巧还应保证泛读的速度,要保证一定的泛读速度首先要养成良好的阅读习惯,即要克服逐词阅读的毛病。在阅读时将语句分成几个小的意群,逐个意群进行阅读,这样可使阅读速度明显加快。在速度与技巧的协调配合下泛读水平将会有个长足的提高。 展开
在进行泛读中除了要运用阅读技巧还应保证泛读的速度,要保证一定的泛读速度首先要养成良好的阅读习惯,即要克服逐词阅读的毛病。在阅读时将语句分成几个小的意群,逐个意群进行阅读,这样可使阅读速度明显加快。在速度与技巧的协调配合下泛读水平将会有个长足的提高。 展开
First, the purpose of skimming is to skim the method with browse fulltext of careless and get the main idea of the article structure and a general concept. Skimming must use the prancing reading, faster, general 250 words in the passage to two or three minutes after reading. In skimming should pay special attention to the beginning of the text segment, the concluding paragraph, article of each segment ending sentence first sentence and paragraph links and discourse in the article means and keywords, because they are often the most briefly to the content of the summary of the general idea of the text, is to understand the key. In examination process skimming applies to generalize careless topic and the reading comprehension questions of the types of questions purpose such as reading practice.
Followed by check, check read read that roughly reading the whole text. After reading through checking out this theme should be further grasp the main facts and theme used in the article with a purpose for specific information and details. Check pronunciation apply to reading judge questions, to complete the sentence and reading comprehension of the details of the topic to wait, according to question the key words of dry clues to find answers.
The third is to read, read on for certain passage is sentence to keywords and reading, especially the key words to carefully study the deeper, more accurate understanding and mastery. Not only to realize its literal meaning, but also to articles by reasoning judgment clear lines of potential meaning. The reader must from grasping material and explore according to their own understanding of the author's intention. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc.
The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed. Reading when should not for meet individual words and stopped reading the dictionary, this will interrupt read and slow reading speed and will eventually affect understanding of it.
In addition to the efficacy using reading skills should also guarantee the speed of reading, to ensure that certain extensive reading speed must first develop good reading habits, namely to overcome the wrong with word for word reading. While reading will statements into several small one meaning group, meaning group to read, so can make reading speed faster speed. In speed and skill and coordination with extensive reading level under will have a considerable improvement. 好了
Followed by check, check read read that roughly reading the whole text. After reading through checking out this theme should be further grasp the main facts and theme used in the article with a purpose for specific information and details. Check pronunciation apply to reading judge questions, to complete the sentence and reading comprehension of the details of the topic to wait, according to question the key words of dry clues to find answers.
The third is to read, read on for certain passage is sentence to keywords and reading, especially the key words to carefully study the deeper, more accurate understanding and mastery. Not only to realize its literal meaning, but also to articles by reasoning judgment clear lines of potential meaning. The reader must from grasping material and explore according to their own understanding of the author's intention. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc.
The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed. Reading when should not for meet individual words and stopped reading the dictionary, this will interrupt read and slow reading speed and will eventually affect understanding of it.
In addition to the efficacy using reading skills should also guarantee the speed of reading, to ensure that certain extensive reading speed must first develop good reading habits, namely to overcome the wrong with word for word reading. While reading will statements into several small one meaning group, meaning group to read, so can make reading speed faster speed. In speed and skill and coordination with extensive reading level under will have a considerable improvement. 好了

2025-02-25 广告
众多期刊推荐的编辑机构,12年专业品牌-美辑编译(MJEDITOR) ----垂询电话:18503080051(微信同号);座机:0755-25111772, 美辑编译(MJEDITOR)始创于2014年,是领先的学术语言解决方案提供商,针...
First, the purpose of skimming is to skim the method with browse fulltext of careless and get the main idea of the article structure and a general concept. Skimming must use the prancing reading, faster, general 250 words in the passage to two or three minutes after reading. In skimming should pay special attention to the beginning of the text segment, the concluding paragraph, article of each segment ending sentence first sentence and paragraph links and discourse in the article means and keywords, because they are often the most briefly to the content of the summary of the general idea of the text, is to understand the key. In examination process skimming applies to generalize careless topic and the reading comprehension questions of the types of questions purpose such as reading practice.
Followed by check, check read read that roughly reading the whole text. After reading through checking out this theme should be further grasp the main facts and theme used in the article with a purpose for specific information and details. Check pronunciation apply to reading judge questions, to complete the sentence and reading comprehension of the details of the topic to wait, according to question the key words of dry clues to find answers.
The third is to read, read on for certain passage is sentence to keywords and reading, especially the key words to carefully study the deeper, more accurate understanding and mastery. Not only to realize its literal meaning, but also to articles by reasoning judgment clear lines of potential meaning. The reader must from grasping material and explore according to their own understanding of the author's intention. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc.
The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed. Reading when should not for meet individual words and stopped reading the dictionary, this will interrupt read and slow reading speed and will eventually affect understanding of it.
In addition to the efficacy using reading skills should also guarantee the speed of reading, to ensure that certain extensive reading speed must first develop good reading habits, namely to overcome the wrong with word for word reading. While reading will statements into several small one meaning group, meaning group to read, so can make reading speed faster speed. In speed and skill and coordination with extensive reading level under will have a considerable improvement.
Followed by check, check read read that roughly reading the whole text. After reading through checking out this theme should be further grasp the main facts and theme used in the article with a purpose for specific information and details. Check pronunciation apply to reading judge questions, to complete the sentence and reading comprehension of the details of the topic to wait, according to question the key words of dry clues to find answers.
The third is to read, read on for certain passage is sentence to keywords and reading, especially the key words to carefully study the deeper, more accurate understanding and mastery. Not only to realize its literal meaning, but also to articles by reasoning judgment clear lines of potential meaning. The reader must from grasping material and explore according to their own understanding of the author's intention. Make certain aspects of the evaluation and judgment. This method is applicable to reading comprehension questions, the reasoning gestalt fills up the topic, etc.
The last is guess read the new words, reading materials are the important factors affect reading speed. Reading when should not for meet individual words and stopped reading the dictionary, this will interrupt read and slow reading speed and will eventually affect understanding of it.
In addition to the efficacy using reading skills should also guarantee the speed of reading, to ensure that certain extensive reading speed must first develop good reading habits, namely to overcome the wrong with word for word reading. While reading will statements into several small one meaning group, meaning group to read, so can make reading speed faster speed. In speed and skill and coordination with extensive reading level under will have a considerable improvement.
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