印刷术发明后,为适应印刷的需要,文字逐渐向适于印版镌刻的方向发展,出现了横平竖直、方方正正的印刷字体—宋体。随着文化事业的发展,几百年来,在宋体字的基础上又衍生出长宋、扁宋、仿宋等多种变体。这些新生的字体,都是应雕版印刷和传统的活字印刷的需要诞生的。近代西方印刷术传入后,在西文字体影响下,又出现了黑体、美术字体等多种新的字体。然而,由于宋体字即适于印刷刻版,又适合人们在阅读时的视觉要求,一直沿用至今,是出版印刷使用的主要字体。 展开
印刷术发明后,为适应印刷的需要,文字逐渐向适于印版镌刻的方向发展,出现了横平竖直、方方正正的印刷字体—宋体。随着文化事业的发展,几百年来,在宋体字的基础上又衍生出长宋、扁宋、仿宋等多种变体。这些新生的字体,都是应雕版印刷和传统的活字印刷的需要诞生的。近代西方印刷术传入后,在西文字体影响下,又出现了黑体、美术字体等多种新的字体。然而,由于宋体字即适于印刷刻版,又适合人们在阅读时的视觉要求,一直沿用至今,是出版印刷使用的主要字体。 展开
Chinese character font design and the integration of a national culture, the Chinese emergence and development of Chinese characters is the record of Chinese language Chinese is a language, as well as the most widely used language, It has a long history and the different stages of development. China emerged from the letter, I have experienced the early picture writing, inscriptions, symbols, Seal, official script, regular script, running hand, cursive, After the invention of printing in order to meet the printing requirements derived from the gradual various printing styles such as long development course. Oracle late Shang dynasty word is written or carved in shells, along with animal on top of the letter. Jin is carved or cast in bronze containers language. Seal is divided into Dazhuan and Xiaozhuan, is a Chinese book-an important stage. Lishu the emergence and development have for a longer period of time evolution, variety, it is when people who love the long-term use of language. Kaishu, graceful strokes has been in use ever since, as a standard font for the world love. Fame, lies with the cursive handwriting : between the characters on a free body. Cursive, also known as broken grass, this grass, Seal, 8 minutes, Running, followed many changes from the ancient writing. After the invention of printing, in order to meet the needs of printing, writing and gradually engraved version suitable for printing and the development of a vertical - horizontal, Fangfangzhengzheng printing font-italicized. Along with the development of culture for centuries, the italicized word is derived on the basis of the long-Song Chen and Soong, the Dunchuang and other variants. These new characters are to be engraved printing and traditional needs of the old traditions of the birth. Modern Western printing came after characters in the West under the influence, which led to the bold, artistic fonts, and other new characters. However, as the italicized word that is engraved version suitable for printing, suitable for people in the visual reading, has been in use ever since, Publishing is the main character.