Elena and Jeremy fled into the house, but having already been invited inside, Kol kicked open the door and stormed the home. He called Klaus, believing his brother was part of the scheme and despite Klaus' denial, Kol promised to go after him once he was finished with the Gilberts. Elena shot Kol with an arrow in the leg before fleeing upstairs and Kol pursued, smashing through doors and walls in a rage. Jeremy fired stakes at Kol but he easily caught them, but was surprised by Elena firing wooden bullets that only stunned him briefly. He overpowered Elena, impaling her into a wall before grabbing Jeremy and bringing him into the kitchen. He again explained how he didn't want to fall victim to the Hunter's Curse by killing Jeremy so he was just going to cut off his tattooed arm with a knife.
Not knowing which arm it was on, though, and being unable to see it, he decided to just chop off both arms, but Elena intervened. She jabbed his knife into him and pinned him to the counter, using all of her strength just to hold him at bay for a moment while Jeremy used the nozzle in the sink to spray vervain-laced water onto Kol. Elena took this chance to snatch the White Oak Stake from Kol's jacket pocket and throw it to Jeremy who impaled Kol with it. Kol was set ablaze, running through the house in a last ditch effort of survival before collapsing and dying, his brother Klaus in the doorway, who was stunned and devastated by his younger sibling's death, but unable to enter the house to help him.
Not knowing which arm it was on, though, and being unable to see it, he decided to just chop off both arms, but Elena intervened. She jabbed his knife into him and pinned him to the counter, using all of her strength just to hold him at bay for a moment while Jeremy used the nozzle in the sink to spray vervain-laced water onto Kol. Elena took this chance to snatch the White Oak Stake from Kol's jacket pocket and throw it to Jeremy who impaled Kol with it. Kol was set ablaze, running through the house in a last ditch effort of survival before collapsing and dying, his brother Klaus in the doorway, who was stunned and devastated by his younger sibling's death, but unable to enter the house to help him.

Elena 和Jermy 进屋后发现科尔在里面,于是elena用装有马鞭草的水喷科尔,科尔竭尽全力想杀Jermy.但是Jermy是吸血鬼猎人,有杀吸血鬼的本领,elena抛给Jermy一根木棍,jermy用木棍把他展示杀死了。但科尔后面复活了,他准备杀Jermy 的时候被elena从背后一剑射死了,这一次永久的死了。恩就这样,望采纳。
Elena 和Jermy 进屋后发现科尔在里面,于是elena用装有马鞭草的水喷科尔,科尔竭尽全力想杀Jermy.但是Jermy是吸血鬼猎人,有杀吸血鬼的本领,elena抛给Jermy一根木棍,jermy用木棍把他展示杀死了。但科尔后面复活了,他准备杀Jermy 的时候被elena从背后一剑射死了,这一次永久的死了。恩就这样,望采纳。
没有永久死亡 科尔其实死了二次但是复活了 最后结局是跟女朋友戴维娜在一起了 (戴维娜是一个很厉害的小巫师比邦尼狠多了很能惹祸一直想杀克劳斯但是一直被克劳斯虐 最后把克劳斯的血脉链接打断了 差点害死克劳斯)可以去看看初代吸血鬼 只有大哥芬恩和妈妈 爸爸 大姨妈 克劳斯的亲生父亲 永久死亡