Nowadays more and more college students choose to have a part time job in their spare times; this has lead to a vigorous argument about whether college students should take part in part time jobs. Some of them think college students can gain benefit from doing part-time job, while others regard it a waste of time. Actually taking part time jobs can practice what they have learnt, make money, and master their interpersonal skills.
First, doing part-time jobs enhances students’ ability to practice what they have learnt and helps students acquire experiences. In schools, students learn a lot but they do not have chances to practice what they have learnt. By doing part-time jobs, students can not only practice their major knowledge, but also develop their personality or character. They can also acquire a lot of experiences at the same time, which broaden the students’ horizon. Last year, I, as an English major student, worked as a tutor. Through that job, I practiced my English. And thanks to that job, I realized that my English was not good enough and I had to improve it. Only by doing that, improving my English, can I have a better job after graduation. That job became a special experience to me.
Second, by taking part time jobs students can make money and relieve the burden of their parents. With the money, some students can pay their tuition, others can use it freely, such as purchase something that they really like but couldn’t afford before, or buy their parents gifts. They can also accumulate the money for later use. Meanwhile, making money on one’s own also helps students to know how hard it is to be rich and they will cherish the money more, and not waste it. Therefore, taking part time jobs really benefits students a lot on financial issue.
Third, taking part time jobs can help students master their interpersonal skills. That is to say they can enhance the ability of working with other people, participate in groups and share information. Nowadays, in this modern world, the interpersonal skill has become more and more important. Nobody can live in isolation from one another. At work, students are likely to approach people from all walks of life and widen their social connection. Establishing a relation with colleagues or clients will also contribute to their future job hunting. It is necessary for students to make a lot of friends who can help them overcome the difficulties. In short, part time jobs can provide students with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills.
To sum up, as college students they should try to contact with the society, taking part-time job is a good choice. It can develop students’ ability to work, relieve their parents’ burden, and help them enhance the ability of working others.
First, doing part-time jobs enhances students’ ability to practice what they have learnt and helps students acquire experiences. In schools, students learn a lot but they do not have chances to practice what they have learnt. By doing part-time jobs, students can not only practice their major knowledge, but also develop their personality or character. They can also acquire a lot of experiences at the same time, which broaden the students’ horizon. Last year, I, as an English major student, worked as a tutor. Through that job, I practiced my English. And thanks to that job, I realized that my English was not good enough and I had to improve it. Only by doing that, improving my English, can I have a better job after graduation. That job became a special experience to me.
Second, by taking part time jobs students can make money and relieve the burden of their parents. With the money, some students can pay their tuition, others can use it freely, such as purchase something that they really like but couldn’t afford before, or buy their parents gifts. They can also accumulate the money for later use. Meanwhile, making money on one’s own also helps students to know how hard it is to be rich and they will cherish the money more, and not waste it. Therefore, taking part time jobs really benefits students a lot on financial issue.
Third, taking part time jobs can help students master their interpersonal skills. That is to say they can enhance the ability of working with other people, participate in groups and share information. Nowadays, in this modern world, the interpersonal skill has become more and more important. Nobody can live in isolation from one another. At work, students are likely to approach people from all walks of life and widen their social connection. Establishing a relation with colleagues or clients will also contribute to their future job hunting. It is necessary for students to make a lot of friends who can help them overcome the difficulties. In short, part time jobs can provide students with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills.
To sum up, as college students they should try to contact with the society, taking part-time job is a good choice. It can develop students’ ability to work, relieve their parents’ burden, and help them enhance the ability of working others.