大家俗称的钢筋连接通止规,是包含:塞规 和 环规 。

2024-04-10 广告
首先校对塞规建立被校对环规的尺寸。校对塞规也被叫做检验规。检验“check”字样会打在柄部和头部。他们应是修正型(truncated type),既有全形齿,又有修正齿部分。他们的三元素(中径,半角,全角)均需按W级精度制造。W级允许校对环规更接近产品极限的最大值和最小值,使得零件有最大合格比。
1. Thoroughly clean both the ring and the setting plug in a good cleaning solution and jet blow dry ( or clean ultrasonically). Then visually inspect to make sure all foreign material in the thread has been removed and no nicks or burrs are present.
2. Lubricate the setting plug with a thin film of light viscosity oil before inserting into the ring gage.
3. Turn the locking screw counter-clockwise until it is loosened.
4. Turn the adjusting screw clockwise, which opens the ring to a larger pitch diameter than the setting plug.
5. Turn the ring gage onto the setting plug all the way to the back (full form section) so that approximately one thread extends beyond the last thread of the setting plug. (This promotes more uniform wear over the entire thread length of the plug.)
6. Turn the adjusting screw counter-clockwise until there is a slight drag between the ring and setting plug.反向旋转调节螺钉,直到塞环规间有轻轻的拉动
7. Turn the locking screw counter-clockwise until tight. This locks the adjusting screw so that the size of the ring gage remains fixed. There should now be a noticeable drag between ring and setting plug. Operations 6 and 7 may have to be repeated more than once to obtain the proper drag fit.
8. Turn the ring gage from the full form section onto the truncated section of the front. The drag should be approximately the same to both sections, which insures good flank angle contact.
9. Remove the setting plug from the ring.
10. Now turn ring onto the setting plug 1-1/2 to 2 threads at the front. There should be some resistance or drag even at this short engagement. To test for taper or bellmouth, place the ring on its face on the workbench and test for shake or looseness with the setting plugs, being very careful not to damage these end threads
11. Remembering the feel at the 1-1/2 to 2 thread engagements, turn the ring further onto the truncated section. The drag should remain approximately the same although it may be slightly greater at full engagement due to more flank contact.
12. Remove the ring from the setting plug and repeat operations 10 and 11 on the other side of the ring gage.
13. The fit should be approximately the same on both sides of the ring to insure proper straightness.
Remember that if a setting plug is made or worn smaller at the front, it will falsely indicate taper or bellmouth in the ring gage. Setting plugs must be reasonably straight.
14. The minor diameter of a thread ring gage is normally checked with GO and NOT GO plain plug gages. These should be made to the minimum and maximum limits of the minor diameter of the ring gage, and to class X or XX cylindrical gage tolerance. The GO should enter through the ring and the NOT GO should not enter to assure that the minor diameter is correct after the ring is set to the proper pitch diameter.
15. It is then standard practice to cover the adjusting screw and locking screw holes with sealing wax. This helps to prevent unauthorized tampering with the setting of the ring gage. Use green wax on the GO gage and red ax on the LO (NOT GO). This is not mandatory but provides an additional means of quick identification.
Tightness of Fit
There are no established torque values for the degree of drag. Some judgment and common sense must be used. The resistance or drag for a small size gage should be less than for a large size gage. A spin fit is obviously much too loose. Too tight a fit could damage or cause excessive wear on the ring or the setting plug. On properly made gages with accurate lapped threads it takes very little change in size to effect a noticeable difference in drag. Two different setting plugs both within class W tolerance may feel entirely different in the same ring gage. (One could be too tight and the other too loose.)
In addition to pitch diameter variations, there may be slight different in the degree of drag at full engagement versus partial engagements. One should not expect absolute perfection. Within reason these
differences are not serious as both the ring and the setting plug may well be within their tolerances.
Resetting of New Gages
It should be realized that a ring gage set to one setting plug does not necessarily fit another setting plug due to allowable tolerances. When ring gages and setting plugs are ordered together they should be matched properly at the factory before shipping. Sometimes the customer's setting plug is loaned to the manufacturer who matches them properly.
In other cases it may be necessary for the user to remove the sealing wax and reset the ring gage to his own setting plug -- following the recommended procedure outlined above.