英语短文写作 根据自己的爱好,编写一个卡通故事,描写一下相关的卡通人物和性
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Toby is a little poodle in the zoo kingdom. He has a beautiful brown coat and cute little face. He only weighs three kilograms but he somehow considers himself very tough. Every morning Toby goes out to check his territory and makes marks to alert other invaders. This morning, Toby goes out again as usual. While he is hopping around, he hears some noises in the woods. Toby goes into the woods with care. Here comes a little cat who got injured. Toby's initial reaction is bugging at the cat and cat gets scared. The cat is too weak to run fast so it takes no time for Toby catches the cat. The cat lays on the ground looking at Toby. Toby goes up to the cat and sniff at the cat. Not long before Toby realizes the cat is wooded. So, Toby starts liking the cat until the cat stops bleeding. The cat lifts his front pam to pat Toby's head. These two little beautiful creatures now become very good friends.