
求大神指导。虚拟语气的用法和总结。本人英语菜鸟。求详细的。还有AANTHE的冠词用法,以及感叹句WHAT和HOW的用法。跪求... 求大神指导。虚拟语气的用法和总结。本人英语菜鸟。求详细的。还有A AN THE的冠词用法,以及感叹句WHAT和HOW的用法。跪求 展开
 我来答

推荐于2018-03-07 · 认真答题,希望能帮到你
一.概念: 动词虚拟语气表示说话人的愿望, 假设, 猜测, 建议, 请求, 意图, 设想等未能或不可能成为事实的情况, 或者在说话人看来实现可能性很小的情况, 而不表示客观存在的现实

二.虚拟语气的表现形式: 通过句中谓语动词的特殊形式来表现. 这些特殊形式与谓语动词的某些时态相同, 但它们只表示语气, 而不表示时态, 但含有一定的时间概念


一.虚拟语气在简单句中的用法: 谓语动词用原形或may +动词原形


a. Long live our country.

b. May you succeed.

c. May you be happy all your life.


a. Everybody leave the room.

二.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的用法: (使用虚拟语气的含条件句的复合句称为真实条件句)

1.表示与现在事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语用动词的过去式 (be动词的过去式多用were, 而不用was), 主句的谓语用should / would / could / might +动词原形 (should多用于第一人称, would多用于二三人称, could / might可用于所有人称)

a. If I had more time, I should study computer better.

b. If he were not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon.

c. If they didn’t take exercises every day, they wouldn’t be so healthy.

d. If you went to bed earlier, you would not be so sleepy in the morning.

e. If she invited me, I should go to the party.

2.表示与过去事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语用had done形式, 主句的谓语用should / would / could / might + have done的形式

a. If she had invited me yesterday, I should have gone to the party.

b. I would have checked my paper again if I had had more time at yesterday’s exam.

c. If you had taken the teacher’s advice, you would not have failed in the exam.

3.表示与将来事实相反的情况时, if从句的谓语形式是: ①.完全动词过去式 (be的过去式通常用were); ②.should +动词原形; ③.were to do. 其中②, ③种情况都含有出乎意料之外之意; 主句的谓语的形式是: should / would / could / might +动词原形

a. If she should invite me tomorrow, I should go to the party.

b. If it rained / should rain / were to rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.

c. If I saw him tomorrow, I would pass your note to him.

d. I might come back if I were to miss the train.


1.条件从句省略if: 在书面语中, 如果条件从句中的谓语中有were, had, should等词, 可将if省略, 而把were, had, should放在句首

a. Were I you (=If I were you ), I would get up early very early.

b. Had you arrived (=If you had arrived ) at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday, you could have caught the train.

2.省略条件从句或主句, 省略部分的含义仍有所体现. 省略主句时, 表示己不能实现的愿望

a. You could have done it yourself (if you had wanted to).

b. I wouldn’t smoke (if I were you).

c. If my old friends were with me! (要是老朋友和我在一起该多好啊)

d. If you could have seen the wonderful film!

3.主从句时间不一致时, 主从句谓语动词的形式取决于要表示的具体时间

a. You would speak English well if you had practised speaking it every day.

b. If she hadn’t trained so hard, she wouldn’t be able to run so fast.

4.假设的条件不以条件从句, 而以其他方式如介词短语、从句等表达出来, 这种句子称为含蓄条件句

a. What would you do with a million dollars?

b. Without music, the world would be a dull place.

c. We could have done better with more money.

d. He would have given you more help, but he has been so busy.

四.虚拟语气在as if / though从句中的用法:

1.表示与现在事实相反或对相在情况有所怀疑, as if / though从句谓语用过去式

a. He speaks English so well as if she had studied English in England.

b. She looked as if she were ill.

2.表示与过去事实相反的情况, as if / though从句谓语用过去完成式

a. The machines operated as if it had been repaired.

五.虚拟语气在含even if / though从句的复合句中的用法:

在此类复合句中, 若表示与事实相反, 可用虚拟语气形式. 主从句的谓语动词形式与非真实条件句相同

a. Even if I were rich, I would work.


如果表示说话人的看法, 想法或意见, 在句型 It is / was + adj. + that从句中, 主语从句中可用虚拟语气. 主语从句中谓语动词用should do表示现在或将来情况, 用should have done表示过去情况

a. It is necessary that you should clean the lab before you left.

b. It is important that you should take the doctor’s advice.

c. It was very strange that he should have left without say goodbye.


1.在wish的宾语从句中, 通常表示不可能实现或没有实现的愿望, 常用虚拟语气

①.wish的宾语从句用过去式, 表示现在或将来没有实现或不可能实现的愿望

a. I wish I knew the result of the match now.

b. I wish it were spring here all the year round.

c. I wish I could help you.

d. I wish I were young.

②.wish的宾语从句用过去完成式, 表示过去没有实现或不可能实现的愿望

a. We wish we had got the film tickets last night.

b. I wish you I had met him yesterday.

③.wish的宾语从句若用would, 则一般表示请求, 对现状不满或希望未来有所改变

a. I wish the prices would come down.

b. I wish you would help me.

c. I wish he would be more careful.

d. We wish you would spend the holiday with us.

2.在动词suggest (建议), advise (建议), demand (要求), require (要求), order (命令), insist (坚持)后的宾语从句中, 谓语动词常用( should )+动词原形的虚拟语气形式

a. I suggested that we should go there at once.

b. I demand that he should answer me at once.

c. The doctor insisted that the patient should stay in bed for two weeks.

d. The officer ordered that the soldiers should stop playing.

与名词suggestion建议 / advice 建议 / demand要求 / request要求 / order命令有关的从句(包括同位语从句和表语从句等)中的谓语也用 ( should ) +动词原形

a. The black people made a strong demand that the government ( should ) take steps to change the unfair situation.

b. Their demand is that the government should take steps to change the unfair situation.

c. I was Bill’s suggestion that everybody should have a map.

d. His suggestion was that everybody should have a map.

八.虚拟语气用在句型: It is time that(该做某事了)中: that从句中的谓语动词用过去式

a. It is time we got up.

九.虚拟语气用在if only引导的感叹句中: 表示但愿, 要是就好了, 其中谓语形式与wish的宾语从句相同

a. If only he didn’t drive so fast! ( =I wish he didn’t drive so fast.)

b. If only he had taken the doctor’s advice. ( =I wish he had taken the doctor’s advice.)

c. If only the rain would stop! ( =I wish the rain would stop.)

十.虚拟语气用在would rather / prefer后的that从句中: 表示现在或将来情况谓语动词用过去时形式, 表示过去情况动词用过去完成时形式

a. I would rather he came next Saturday.

b. I would prefer you had seen the film yesterday.

c. I would rather that he painted the house blue

辉哥说:请记住,语法=语义,语法不同的背后是意思不一样。英语的语法是由意思所决定的,是否使用虚拟语气取决于意思而不取决于有什么短语或者提醒词。如果一句话不是真实的(不存在于真实的世界中),而是你虚拟出来的(只存在于你的脑海中), 这句话就要用虚拟语气来表达。

If I had time,I would go to shanxi to see the 11th National Games.
从句谓语形式:动 词 的 过 去 式 (be 用 were)
If it had not rained so heavily yesterday,we would have watch Mulan.
从句谓语形式:had + 过去分词
If it rained/should rain/were to rain tomorrow,we would change our plan.
从句谓语形式:动 词 的 过 去 式 /should + 动词原形 / were to+ 动词原形
口诀:主过将从should / were to
注意:虚拟语气的世界里没有 was
If I had followed the father’s advice,I would be quite all right now.
I suggested that she(should)visit her parents.
二命令:order, command
三要求:require, request, demand
四建议:suggest, advise, propose, recommend
①as if / as though 仿佛/好像 从句谓语使用虚拟语气,降时态
He talks as if he knew all about it.
②It’s high/about time that+定语从句 从句谓语使用过去式或者should+原形
It’s high time that we discussed/should discuss who to do it.
③even if / even though 尽管 从句谓语使用虚拟语气,降时态
Even though she had been here very soon,she would not catch the plane.
4. wish /if only 如果...就好了
If only I were an adult.如果我是成年人就好了。
I wish she could love me. 如果她爱我就好了。
5.should / would like to have done,was/were to have done,was/were supposed to have done,had better have done,would/had rather have done等结构表示“本想、本该做而未做成”。
I would like to have gone with you,but I have no time.

1.【2015·江苏】It might have saved me some trouble ______ the schedule.
A. did I know B. have I known C. do I know D. had I known
【解析】试题分析:句意:如果我早知道日程安排,可能会省去我一些麻烦。根据题干中might have saved可知主句是对过去的虚拟,从句应用if I had known与主句保持一致。if虚拟条件句中含有had时,可将if省去,同时将had提前构成倒装结构。故选D项。虚拟语气重要做题原则:根据题干中主句或从句中动词形式判断所考查的动词的虚拟时间, 一般要保持一致,但要注意错综时间虚拟语气要根据各自所表示的虚拟时间做出调整。另外,当 if 条件句中含有助动词 had,should 或 were 时, 可以省略 if,而将 had, should 或 were提到句首,从而构成倒装虚拟条件句。

2.【2018·江苏】There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _______ a second chance to become more involved.
A. had B. will have C. would have had D. have had

3.【2018·北京】They might have found a better hotel if they _________ a few more kilometers.
A. drove B. would drive C. were to drive D. had driven
【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果他们多开几公里的话,他们也许会找到一个更好的旅馆。由“they might have found a better hotel”可知,该句是表示对过去的虚拟。if ____ a few more kilometers是条件句部分,表示对过去的虚拟,条件句部分要用过去完成时态,故D选项正确。

4.【2018·天津】If we ___________the flight yesterday, we would be enjoying our holiday on the beach
A. had caught B. caught C. have caught D. would catch

5.【2017·北京卷】34. If the new safety system _______ to use, the accident would never have happened.
A. had been put B. were put C. should be put D. would be put

6.【2015·陕西】Ellen is a fantastic dancer. I wish I as well as her.
A. dance B. will dance C. had danced D. danced
【解析】试题分析:句意:Ellen是一个很棒的舞蹈演员。但愿我能和她跳得一样好。I wish“但愿”后面接宾语从句用虚拟语气,和现在相反用一般过去时,所以选C。

7.【2014·重庆卷】It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I _______ it?
A. had done B. have done C. did D. am doing
【解析】试题分析:题意:John打坏了窗户,为什么跟“我”谈话?好像是“我”打坏了窗户似的。题中broke表明“打坏窗户”发生在“过去”。as if/though后面的从句用had done表示对“过去”的虚拟。故A项正确。

8.【2014·福建卷】 no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.
A. Were there B. Had there been C .If there are D. If there have been
【解析】试题分析:对现在情况的虚拟,条件句中用一般过去时,主句用 would/ should/ might/ could +动词原形。虚拟条件句中有had, should, were时,可以将if去掉,然后把had, should, were提到主语前面。所以选A。句意:如果没有现代的通信,我们将会等上几周的时间才能得到来自世界的新闻。

9.【2014·湖南卷】If Mr. Dewey _____ present, he would have offered any possible assistance to
the people there.
A. were B. had been C. should be D. was
【解析】试题分析:考查虚拟语气用法。本题考查的是if条件从句与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故从句用had +v-ed,主句用would/could/should/might+v-ed。句意:如果Dewey先生在场的话,他会提供那里人们的任何可能的帮助。故B正确。
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