
1.2文化禁忌的特点(一)原始性在原始社会里,由于社会生产力发展水平低下,导致人们认识水平的局限性,禁忌文化的产生总是同一个民族的物质水平相适应的,作为原始文化的主题-禁... 1.2 文化禁忌的特点
(一)原始性 在原始社会里,由于社会生产力发展水平低下,导致人们认识水平的局限性,禁忌文化的产生总是同一个民族的物质水平相适应的,作为原始文化的主题-禁忌这一认识结果往往带有主观片面性甚至愚昧落后性,具有浓郁的非理性的神秘色彩,因而是盲目的,这种盲目性十分突出并普遍地反映在各国的禁忌文化之中,无论是图腾崇拜,还是神灵崇拜或是祖先崇拜,当人们在面对神秘伟大而又对它一无所知和无能为力的大自然的时候,他们就陷入原始的盲目崇拜中。
(二)神秘性 禁忌从一开始就以一种非理性的神秘面目出现于蒙昧的原始社会,这种神秘性源自于人们对种种自然现象的不可理解,而根据自己的想像加以神秘化、神圣化,禁忌文化发展到今天,由于其演变过程中的“秘而不宣”和“敬而远之”更使得禁忌文化的原始本源变得扑朔迷离,人们也不需要对禁忌刨根问底,它是人们心理上阴影,谈论禁忌话题本身已经成了禁忌,但也正是禁忌文化的神秘性,使得禁忌本身对人类社会产生了强大的约束力和整合力。
(三)传承性 禁忌源于原始文化,但并未随着原始社会的解体而销声匿迹,相反,它源远流长地存在着,禁忌文化往往被认为是一种不能登大雅之堂的“下里巴人”的文化,但它却广泛存在于社会心理和人们的精神之中,具有传承性。可以说,正是禁忌的盲目性和神秘性为禁忌的传承性提供了前提和基础,禁忌文化的传承性也不是一成不变的,一部分发展演变成宗教信仰,一部分发展成为各民族的风俗习惯,另一些则依然以原始的自发状态在人类生产与生活中自然流传,形成广泛的规范和众多的禁忌,除此之外,现代社会的禁忌文化还包括禁忌意义发生改变的和新产生的禁忌。
(四)约束性 有人说禁忌是“民俗法律’,它像法律一样在人们内心深处树起了一道不可逾越的屏障,以一种无声的命令指挥着人们的一言一行。现代的禁忌文化内容从某种意义上说,已经成为社会心理或集体心理,从而产生出一种心理约束力,一旦有人触犯了它,就会有一种不可名状的恐惧,这种尚未明确界定的感觉,常使他自警触犯禁忌将会带来怎样的后果。在最初,破坏禁忌所遭受的惩罚由精神上的或当事人自发的内心力量来实行,后来则由团体负起了惩罚破坏者的责任,因为触禁不但危及本人而且危及他人,这种潜移默化的约束力往往是宗教、道德、法律都无法达到的。
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2007-05-19 · TA获得超过3576个赞
1.2 features cultural taboos (1) original in a primitive society, as a result of social development level of productivity is low, to the level of awareness of the limitations of the cultural taboos have always been associated with a nation's material standard compatible with the as a primitive culture theme-taboo this understanding are often one-sided even with the subjective, ignorant, backward, with the accompaniment of irrational mysteries, and therefore is blind, This blindness is very prominent and generally reflected in the cultural taboos, both totemism, or worship God or ancestor worship. When people in the face of great mystery and knew nothing about it and do nothing to nature, They blindly into primitive worship. (2) taboo mystery from the start with a mysterious non-rational ignorance in the face of the primitive society, This mystery comes from the people of various natural phenomena can not understand it, and according to their own imagination to be mysterious, sacred and cultural taboos development today, Because of its evolutionary process of "secret" and "cold" cultural taboos make more of the original source becomes confusing People do not need to taboo temptation, it is psychological shadow of people talk about taboo topic itself has become taboo. it is precisely the mystery cultural taboos, making taboo of human society itself into a powerful binding force and integration. (C) Inheritance from the original cultural taboos, but not with the disintegration of a primitive society, and disappeared, on the contrary, It goes back to ancient times exist, Cultural taboos are often not considered a frivolous "level" of culture, But it exists in social psychology and human spirit, with inheritance. It can be said that the blindness is taboo for taboo and mystery of inheritance provides the prerequisite and foundation for the taboos cultural inheritance is not static, as part of the evolution of religion, become part of the national customs, others were still in the original state in the spontaneous production of human life and the natural world, forming a broad norms and the many taboos, in addition, Modern social taboos and cultural taboos, including the significance of change and the new taboo. (4) Some people say restrictive taboos "folk law ' the same as it is legal in people deep in the heart of the Foster an insurmountable barrier in a silent order of command people's words. Modern culture as a taboo in a sense, has become a psycho-social or collective psychology, which resulted in a psychological binding once it has been committed. would have the indescribable fear, which has not yet been clearly defined sense He often breaking taboos police will bring what the consequences. Initially, taboo-breaking penalties suffered by the party spirit or spontaneous inner strength to implement. Later, from organizations assume the responsibility to punish the saboteurs, because not only contravene the ban endanger himself and endanger others, This is often the root of the binding of religion, ethics, law can be met.
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