求任意一篇著名的童话英文版,急 50

求任意一篇著名的童话英文版,如白雪公主、青蛙王子、小红帽等字数不要超过100字,用上and,so,but,andthen,because,first,nest,then,... 求任意一篇著名的童话英文版,如白雪公主、青蛙王子、小红帽等
字数不要超过100字,用上and,so,but,and then,because,first,nest,then,finally.
2007-05-20 · TA获得超过109个赞
After the queen died , the King married another woman, who was in effective terms a witch. She was so jiealous of the beauty of Princess Snow White that she asked someone to take her life.
But the man was unwilling to do that evil. At last ,he took Snow White to a forest and let her escape.
However, one day ,the witch found that Snow White was still alive.She dressed up as a old grandma and come to the cottage where Snow White lived.She gave her a poisonous apple.Poor Snow White knew nothing about it and ate the apple happily.
Unfortunately ,she fell down because of the apple.The seven dwarfs was sad but put her in a coffin.
It was when holding the funeral that the handsome Prince turned up.He was impressed by the beauty.He came down and kissed Snow White.Then, suepringly,Snow White woke up.
Finally ,they got married and stayed happily with each other
Once upon a time there lived a King who had several beautiful daughters, but the youngest was even more beautiful than the rest.

Near the castle of this King was a large and gloomy forest. Just a short walk into the trees was a small clearing. At the far side stood an old lime tree, and beneath its branches splashed a fountain in the middle of a dark, deep pool.

Whenever it was very hot, the King's youngest daughter would run of into this wood and sit by the pool, throwing her golden ball into the air. This was her favourite pastime.

One afternoon when the Princess threw the ball high up in the air, she didn't catch it! It slipped through her fingers onto the grass. Then it rolled past her into the pool and disappeared beneath the water.

The Princess peered into the pool, but her precious ball was gone. Quickly, she plunged her arms into the pool as far as she could reach, but she could feel nothing except weeds and water lilies. Some people said the pool was so deep, it had no bottom. So when the Princess realised her golden ball was gone forever, she began to cry. "Come back to me this minute, golden ball," sobbed the Princess, staring into the water.
Now as a rule, Princesses are used to getting their own way. So after her golden ball didn't magically pop up out of the water, she started to howl even louder. Dear, oh dear! First she stamped her feet and then she threw herself down on the grass in temper.
The Princess was making so much noise that she didn't notice a big green frog stick his head out of the water and jump onto the grass beside her. "Don't cry, beautiful Princess," croaked the frog. " I saw your golden ball fall into the water, and it will be my pleasure to dive down and get it for you, if you will give me something in return.
At this, the Princess cheered up. " I will gladly give you my jewels and pearls, even my golden crown, if you will bring back my golden ball." It is true to say that promises should never be made in a hurry, even by Princesses, because a promise is a thing that must be kept, especially to frogs!"
The frog hopped nearer to the Princess. "Pearls and jewels and golden crowns are no use to me," he went on, "but if you'll love me and be my friend, if you'll let me eat from your golden plate, drink from your golden cup, and sleep on your golden bed, I will dive down and fetch your ball."
So eager was the Princess to see her golden ball once more, that she didn't listen too carefully to what the frog had to say.

"I promise you all you ask, if only you will bring my ball," she said.

Quickly as a flash, the frog jumped into the pool then bobbed up again with the ball in his mouth. Straight away the King's daughter snatched her ball and ran back to the castle.
"Take me with you," cried the frog. "I cannot run as fast as you and I shall be left behind."
But the Princess didn't care about her promise and soon forgot all about the frog. Later that day, when the Princess was sitting at the table, something was heard coming up the marble stairs. Splish, splosh, splish splosh! The sound came nearer and nearer, and a voice cried, "Let me in, youngest daughter of the King."
The Princess jumped up to see who had called her. Now when she caught sight of the frog, she turned very pale.
"What does a frog want with you?" demanded the King, looking rather surprised.
The Princess hung her head. "When I was sitting by the fountain my golden ball fell into the water. This frog fetched it back for me, because I cried so much." The Princess started to cry again. "I promised to love him and let him eat from my golden plate, drink from my golden cup, and sleep on my golden bed."
The King looked at the frog and thought for a while before he spoke. "Then you must keep your promise, my daughter."
The Princess knew she must obey, so she let the frog to come inside. The frog hopped in after her and jumped up into her chair and straight onto the table. "Now push your golden plate near me." said the frog, "so that we may eat together." As she did so, the frog leapt onto her plate and ate up all her dinner, which was just as well, because the Princess didn't feel much like eating.
Next, the frog drank from her little golden cup until it was quite empty. Somehow the Princess didn't feel at all thirsty either! After the frog had finished, he took one great leap and landed on the Princess's knee. "Go away you ugly, cold frog!" she screamed. "I will never let you sleep on my lovely, clean bed!"
The made the King very angry. "This frog helped you when you needed it. Now you must keep your promise to him."
"I am very tired after that wonderful meal," the frog said, "and you did promise that I could go to sleep on your golden bed."
Very unwillingly the Princess picked up the frog and carried him upstairs to her room.
When the frog hopped into the middle of her golden bed, it was just too much for the Princess. She pushed the frog hard and it fell onto the floor.
As he fell he was changed into a handsome Prince. A spell had been cast on him by an evil witch and only the Princess had the power to break it.
The Princess was speechless. She felt very sorry indeed that she had been so unkind to the frog.
After a while, the handsome Prince and the Princess were married, and lived happily ever after.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood. One day, her grandma was ill. Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her. On the way, she met (遇见) a wolf.

That's a good idea.
Little Red Riding Hood, the flowers are so beautiful. Why not pick (采集) some?
The wolf went to her grandma's house and swallowed (吞下) her up whole.
What are you doing, dear grandma?
I'm just waiting to eat you, silly girl.
In grandma's house, Little Red Riding Hood found that grandma's ears, eyes and mouth were all very big.
z~ z~ z~
The wolf jumped up and swallowed up Little Red Riding Hood. And then, he fell into a deep sleep.
Thank you, sir.
A hunter passed (经过、路过) by. He killed the wolf and cut open its stomach. Little Red Riding Hood and her grandma were saved.
2007-05-20 · TA获得超过144个赞
The War of the Wolf and the Fox
The War of the Wolf and the Fox
Once upon a time...
There was once upon a time a man and his wife who had an old cat and an old dog. One day the man, whose name was Simon, said to his wife, whose name was Susan, 'Why should we keep our old cat any longer? She never catches any mice now-a-days, and is so useless that I have made up my mind to drown her.'
But his wife replied, 'Don't do that, for I'm sure she could still catch mice.'
'Rubbish,' said Simon. 'The mice might dance on her and she would never catch one. I've quite made up my mind that the next time I see her, I shall put her in the water.'
Susan was very unhappy when she heard this, and so was the cat, who had been listening to the conversation behind the stove. When Simon went off to his work, the poor cat miawed so pitifully, and looked up so pathetically into Susan's face, that the woman quickly opened the door and said, 'Fly for your life, my poor little beast, and get well away from here before your master returns.'
The cat took her advice, and ran as quickly as her poor old legs would carry her into the wood, and when Simon came home, his wife told him that the cat had vanished.
'So much the better for her,' said Simon. 'And now we have got rid of her, we must consider what we are to do with the old dog. He is quite deaf and blind, and invariably barks when there is no need, and makes no sound when there is. I think the best thing I can do with him is to hang him.'
But soft-hearted Susan replied, 'Please don't do so; he's surely not so useless as all that.'
'Don't be foolish,' said her husband. 'The courtyard might be full of thieves and he'd never discover it. No, the first time I see him, it's all up with him, I can tell you.'
Susan was very unhappy at his words, and so was the dog, who was lying in the corner of the room and had heard everything. As soon as Simon had gone to his work, he stood up and howled so touchingly that Susan quickly opened the door, and said 'Fly for your life, poor beast, before your master gets home.' And the dog ran into the wood with his tail between his legs.
When her husband returned, his wife told him that the dog had disappeared.
'That's lucky for him,' said Simon, but Susan sighed, for she had been very fond of the poor creature.
Now it happened that the cat and dog met each other on their travels, and though they had not been the best of friends at home, they were quite glad to meet among strangers. They sat down under a holly tree and both poured forth their woes.
Presently a fox passed by, and seeing the pair sitting together in a disconsolate fashion, he asked them why they sat there, and what they were grumbling about.
The cat replied, 'I have caught many a mouse in my day, but now that I am old and past work, my master wants to drown me.'
And the dog said, 'Many a night h

ave I watched and guarded my master's house, and now that I am old and deaf, he wants to hang me.'
The fox answered, 'That's the way of the world. But I'll help you to get back into your master's favour, only you must first help me in my own troubles.'
They promised to do their best, and the fox continued, 'The wolf has declared war against me, and is at this moment marching to meet me in company with the bear and the wild boar, and to-morrow there will be a fierce battle between us.'
'All right,' said the dog and the cat, 'we will stand by you, and if we are killed, it is at any rate better to die on the field of battle than to perish ignobly at home,' and they shook paws and concluded the bargain. The fox sent word to the wolf to meet him at a certain place, and the three set forth to encounter him and his friends.
The wolf, the bear, and the wild boar arrived on the spot first, and when they had waited some time for the fox, the dog, and the cat, the bear said, 'I'll climb up into the oak tree, and look if I can see them coming.'
The first time he looked round he said, 'I can see nothing,' and the second time he looked round he said, 'I can still see nothing.' But the third time he said, 'I see a mighty army in the distance, and one of the warriors has the biggest lance you ever saw!'
This was the cat, who was marching along with her tail erect.
And so they laughed and jeered, and it was so hot that the bear said, 'The enemy won't be here at this rate for many hours to come, so I'll just curl myself up in the fork of the tree and have a little sleep.'
And the wolf lay down under the oak, and the wild boar buried himself in some straw, so that nothing was seen of him but one ear.
And while they were lying there, the fox, the cat and the dog arrived. When the cat saw the wild boar's ear, she pounced upon it, thinking it was a mouse in the straw.
The wild boar got up in a dreadful fright, gave one loud grunt and disappeared into the wood. But the cat was even more startled than the boar, and, spitting with terror, she scrambled up into the fork of the tree, and as it happened right into the bear's face. Now it was the bear's turn to be alarmed, and with a mighty growl he jumped down from the oak and fell right on the top of the wolf and killed him as dead as a stone.
On their way home from the war the fox caught score of mice, and when they reached Simon's cottage he put them all on the stove and said to the cat, 'Now go and fetch one mouse after the other, and lay them down before your master.'
'All right,' said the cat, and did exactly as the fox told her.
When Susan saw this she said to her husband, 'Just look, here is our old cat back again, and see what a lot of mice she has caught.'
'Wonders will never cease,' cried Simon. 'I certainly never thought the old cat would ever catch another mouse.'
But Susan answered, 'There, you see, I always said our cat was a most excellent creature--but you men always think you know best.'
In the meantime the fox said to the dog, 'Our friend Simon has just killed a pig; when it gets a little darker, you must go into the courtyard and bark with all your might.'
'All right,' said the dog, and as soon as it grew dusk he began to bark loudly.
Susan, who heard him first, said to her husband, 'Our dog must have come back, for I hear him barking lustily. Do go out and see what's the matter; perhaps thieves may be stealing our sausages.'
But Simon answered, 'The foolish brute is as deaf as a post and is always barking at nothing,' and he refused to get up.
The next morning Susan got up early to go to church at the neighbouring town, and she thought she would take some sausages to her aunt who lived there. But when she went to her larder, she found all the sausages gone, and a great hole in the floor. She called out to her husband, 'I was perfectly right. Thieves have been here last night, and they have not left a single sausage. Oh! if you had only got up when I asked you to!'
Then Simon scratched his head and said, 'I can't understand it at all. I certainly never believed the old dog was so quick at hearing.'
But Susan replied, 'I always told you our old dog was the best dog in the world--but as usual you thought you knew so much better. Men are the same all the world over.'
And the fox scored a point too, for he had carried away the sausages himself!

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella and she had two ugly step sisters who were very unkind who made her do all the hard work. She had to sweep the floors, do all the dishes, while they dressed up in fine clothes and went to lots of parties.

One day a special invitation arrived at Cinderella's house. It was from the royal palace. The king's only son was a truly handsome prince was going to have a grand ball. Three girls were invited to come. Cinderella knew she wouldn't be allowed to go to the ball. But the ugly sisters, ho ho ho, they were excited. They couldn't talk about anything else.

When the day of the ball came, they made such a fuss. Poor Cinderella had to rush about upstairs and downstairs. She fixed their hair in fancy waves and curls. She helped them put on their expensive new dresses. And she arranged their jewels just so. As soon as they had gone, Cinderella sat down by the fire and she said. "Oh I do wish I could go to the ball". The next moment, standing beside her was a lovely old lady with a silver wand in here hand. "Cinderella, she said " I am your fairy godmother and you shall go to the ball. But first you must go into the garden and pick a golden pumpkin, then bring me six mice from the mousetraps, a whiskered rat from the rat trap, and six lizards. You'll find the lizards behind the watering can.

So Cinderella fetched a golden pumpkin, six grey mice, a whiskered rate, six lizards. The fairy godmother touched them with her wand and the pumpkin became a golden coach, the mice became six grey horses, the rat became a coachman with the most enormous moustache, and the lizards became six footmen dressed in green and yellow, then the fairy godmother touched Cinderella with the wand and her old dress became a golden dress sparkling with jewels while on her feet was the prettiest pair of glass slippers ever seen. Remember said the fairy godmother you must leave the ball before the clock strikes twelve because at midnight the magic ends. "Thank you fairy godmother" said Cinderella and she climbed into the coach.

When Cinderella arrived at the ball she looked so beautiful that everyone wondered who she was! Even the ugly sisters. The Prince of course asked here to dance with him and they danced all evening. He would not dance with anyone else. Now Cinderella was enjoying the ball so much that she forgot her fairy godmothers warning until it was almost midnight and the clock began to strike. One. Two. Three. She hurried out of the ballroom. Four. Five. Six. As she ran down the palace steps one of her glass slippers fell off. Seven. Eight. Nine. She ran on toward the golden coach. Ten Eleven Twelve. Then there was Cinderella in her old dress. The golden pumpkin lay in her feet. And scampering down off down the road were six grey mice, a whiskered rat and six green lizards.. So Cinderella had to walk home and by the time the ugly sisters returned home was sitting quietly by the fire.

Now when Cinderella ran from the palace, the prince tried to follow her and he found the glass slipper. He said, "I shall marry the beautiful girl whose foot fits this slipper and only her.
IN the morning the prince went from house to house with the glass slipper and every young lady tried to squeeze her foot into it. But it didn't' fit any of them.

At last the prince came to Cinderella's house. First one ugly sister tried to squash her foot into the slipper. But her foot was too wide and fat. Then the other ugly sister tried but her foot was too long and thin. Please said Cinderella, let me try. "The slipper won't fit you", said the ugly sisters. "You didn't go to the ball!" But Cinderella slipped her foot into the glass slipper and it fit perfectly. The next moment standing beside her was the fairy godmother. She touched Cinderella with the wand and there she was in a golden dress sparkling with jewels and on her feet was the prettiest pair of glass slippers ever seen. The ugly sisters were so surprised that, for once they couldn't think of anything to say. But the Prince knew what to say. He asked Cinderella to marry him.

And then there was a happy wedding. Everyone who had gone to the ball was invited, even the ugly sisters. There was wonderful food, lots of music and dancing. And the Prince of course danced every dance with Cinderella. He would not dance with anyone else.

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Do you know the story of Snow White? Well,she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom!

But a jealous queen wanted to put her in jail to hide her beauty.

So she ran to the forest home of seven little dwarfs

“You’re welcome to hide here at our house!”

They all exclaimed.

But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave

Show White an enchanted apple.

She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep.

The little dwarfs cried because they couldn’t awaken Snow White

So the dwarfs put her in a glass case and prayed for help.

One day,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss.

Snow White was so happy,and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.
回答者:香香果冻 - 试用期 一级 2-26 11:54

The kind and gentle Snow White must flee from her cruel and jealous stepmother, the queen. But where can she go? The friendly forest animals know-to the cottage of the seven dwarfs! There Snow White is surprised to meet Doc, Grumpy, Bashful Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, and Dopey-and they are delighted to have the beautiful young princess as their guest. But can they keep her safe from the evil queen? .
回答者:小蚂蚁LY - 魔法学徒 一级 2-26 11:57

she was the prettiest girl in the kingdom!

But a jealous queen wanted to put her in jail to hide her beauty.

So she ran to the forest home of seven little dwarfs

“You’re welcome to hide here at our house!”

They all exclaimed.

But the ugly queen found her! She dressed up like an old beggar woman and gave

Show White an enchanted apple.

She took one bite and fell into a deep sleep.

The little dwarfs cried because they couldn’t awaken Snow White

So the dwarfs put her in a glass case and prayed for help.

One day,their prayers were answered when a handsome prince cane by and awakened Snow White with a magic kiss.

Snow White was so happy,and all the dwarfs yelled “Hooray!” And she and the prince got married the very next day.
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