求翻译, 最好快点 谢谢大家了 翻译内容如下 一定要准确!用软件直接翻的就别来了 急!!!
He moves in ever ready for another kill;
She must respond to his musky thrill.
But her mind moves always back to her nurturing den,
her defense of the birthing place, her safe nest.
Here she is driven to share time
With her restless progeny, sustain
Their wondrous burgeoning growth,
Indulge their tumbling learned play,
Begin to teach the foraging ways
But always know the road back home.
For she must watch for the male attack
That would clear for jealous genes
territory for his next tribe of kin.
Meanwhile, the last to mate with her
Sniffs other lands for move glanced meats,
spars with rivals, who greet him with
a snarl, mark their borderland retreat.
but when her youngest ones are weaned
and her body plays again its old game
of dreaming the selection of the next
king of kings, she grows dietracted,
thumbs the magazines for new shows,
or new outfits. Thinks often she might go
shopping, or prepare candle-lit meals.
she’s glad the children can stay
with her mother or sisters now and
thinks mistily of sarong honeymoons
meanwhile he has tossed a few pots
with his brothers in arms, pondered
his predictions for the football pools
and comes home with mounting blood
and appetites well beyond food.
the circle closes itself once again.
This night’s battering of the behead
Had better be good...
往这个邮箱发 先发的先给分 pjmkaoyan@163.com 展开
He moves in ever ready for another kill;
She must respond to his musky thrill.
But her mind moves always back to her nurturing den,
her defense of the birthing place, her safe nest.
Here she is driven to share time
With her restless progeny, sustain
Their wondrous burgeoning growth,
Indulge their tumbling learned play,
Begin to teach the foraging ways
But always know the road back home.
For she must watch for the male attack
That would clear for jealous genes
territory for his next tribe of kin.
Meanwhile, the last to mate with her
Sniffs other lands for move glanced meats,
spars with rivals, who greet him with
a snarl, mark their borderland retreat.
but when her youngest ones are weaned
and her body plays again its old game
of dreaming the selection of the next
king of kings, she grows dietracted,
thumbs the magazines for new shows,
or new outfits. Thinks often she might go
shopping, or prepare candle-lit meals.
she’s glad the children can stay
with her mother or sisters now and
thinks mistily of sarong honeymoons
meanwhile he has tossed a few pots
with his brothers in arms, pondered
his predictions for the football pools
and comes home with mounting blood
and appetites well beyond food.
the circle closes itself once again.
This night’s battering of the behead
Had better be good...
往这个邮箱发 先发的先给分 pjmkaoyan@163.com 展开