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精品课程建设作为教育部启动的“质量工程”的重要组成部分,在我国尚属探索性的工程,随着精品课程建设的不断深入,怎样才能使精品课程实现真正意义上的“精品”?精品课程的建设应该... 精品课程建设作为教育部启动的“质量工程”的重要组成部分,在我国尚属探索性的工程,随着精品课程建设的不断深入,怎样才能使精品课程实现真正意义上的“精品”?精品课程的建设应该如何继续深入发展?这些问题成为精品课程建设需要认真思考和面对的迫切问题。也是北京市精品课程进一步发展面临的问题。
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2011-05-17 · TA获得超过729个赞
Exquisite course construction as the ministry of education initiated "quality engineering" important constituent, in our country is still in the exploratory project, with the deepening of the high-quality course construction, how to make exquisite course true sense of "high-quality goods"? How should the exquisite course construction of further development? These problems to become exquisite course construction need to ponder earnestly and the urgent problems facing. Beijing is also exquisite course further development the problems faced.

At present, in practical terms of construction exquisite course of study to have a lot of exquisite course construction, the more attention in the concrete construction ways and contents of research, but from nonesuch courses on the policy development and change of nonesuch courses should be how to guide the research Angle is not much. This research focuses on Beijing high-quality course construction policy development context and country comparison of high-quality course construction development, according to the education policy analysis framework of research, analysis of Beijing the further development of construction exquisite course aims at discussing from a macro perspective to Beijing on how to further improve high-quality course construction policy puts forward some thoughts and Suggestions.

In this paper the high-quality course construction policy of Beijing has important theoretical and practical significance. First, exquisite course construction as the country has issued an education policy and the implementation, it is the start and development with the policy of the government regulation as the standard. The macro level of exquisite course construction and national policy is the development direction of closely related. Therefore, from the Angle of education policy study of exquisite course construction, to enrich the theory of course construction, broaden the vision, develop curriculum studies the theoretical basis of nonesuch courses. Secondly, exquisite course construction is itself a kind of practical education phenomenon, it requires universities dependably to encourage and support the course construction, into action in ordinary education of teaching. Through an empirical research, university of nonesuch courses in fairly extent promote the improvement of teaching quality. Therefore, this research to guide the direction of Beijing high-quality course construction, regulate the link of nonesuch courses, thus improve the teaching quality of ascension.
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