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幸福是什么英语作文
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英文:
what
is
happiness?
you
know
what
is
happiness?
happiness
is
brushed
by
mother
warm
arms
of
warmth.
happiness
is
on
the
shoulders
of
lover
broad
sweet,
happiness
is
tender
caress
skin
lovingkindness;
children
happiness
is
watching
parents
vicissitudes
face
of
homage.
中文:
幸福是什么?
你们知道幸福是什么吗?
幸福,是偎依在妈妈温暖怀抱里的温馨;
幸福,是依靠在恋人宽阔肩膀上的甜蜜;
幸福,是抚摸儿女细嫩皮肤的慈爱;
幸福,是注视父母沧桑面庞的敬意。
what
is
happiness?
you
know
what
is
happiness?
happiness
is
brushed
by
mother
warm
arms
of
warmth.
happiness
is
on
the
shoulders
of
lover
broad
sweet,
happiness
is
tender
caress
skin
lovingkindness;
children
happiness
is
watching
parents
vicissitudes
face
of
homage.
中文:
幸福是什么?
你们知道幸福是什么吗?
幸福,是偎依在妈妈温暖怀抱里的温馨;
幸福,是依靠在恋人宽阔肩膀上的甜蜜;
幸福,是抚摸儿女细嫩皮肤的慈爱;
幸福,是注视父母沧桑面庞的敬意。
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