she is really smartthat her grade ha
MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?
Chris:First period is math with Mr.Woods.I don’t know how am I going to stay awake?
Nora:I like Mr.Wood.He’s interesting.
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
Nora:Mrs.Jenkins.She’s smart.Students really learn a lot from her.
Chris:She’s tough!You have to work hard in her class,or you’ll probably fail.
Nora:No pain,no gain.
Chris:Nonsense,You could have learned even more with Mr.Sharp.But not many students opt for his class.
Nora:What’s wrong with him?
Chris:Often,the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+,and he usually fails half of the students.
Nora:No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr.Shark.Well,how about PE?What are you doing this semester?
Chris:That’s the worst part.In PE,we’re learning t’ai chi.I’m bored to death.
Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.
Chris:Oh…that figures!This is going to be a terrible semester.
Nora:This is going to be a great semester!
就是第三句He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!怎么翻译好?
Not to rub salt into the wound
还有这句呢 倒数第三句 展开
MODEL2 Which class do you prefer?
Chris:First period is math with Mr.Woods.I don’t know how am I going to stay awake?
Nora:I like Mr.Wood.He’s interesting.
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
Nora:Mrs.Jenkins.She’s smart.Students really learn a lot from her.
Chris:She’s tough!You have to work hard in her class,or you’ll probably fail.
Nora:No pain,no gain.
Chris:Nonsense,You could have learned even more with Mr.Sharp.But not many students opt for his class.
Nora:What’s wrong with him?
Chris:Often,the highest grade he gives on a term paper is C+,and he usually fails half of the students.
Nora:No wonder he’s got the nickname Mr.Shark.Well,how about PE?What are you doing this semester?
Chris:That’s the worst part.In PE,we’re learning t’ai chi.I’m bored to death.
Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.
Chris:Oh…that figures!This is going to be a terrible semester.
Nora:This is going to be a great semester!
就是第三句He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!怎么翻译好?
Not to rub salt into the wound
还有这句呢 倒数第三句 展开
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
“Not to rub salt into the wound”
“rub salt into the wound”字面意思是“在伤口上撒盐”,引申意思为“把事情弄得更糟”.
“Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.”
Chris:He’s boring!He could put the entire basketball team to sleep—during the championship game!Who do you have for economics?
“Not to rub salt into the wound”
“rub salt into the wound”字面意思是“在伤口上撒盐”,引申意思为“把事情弄得更糟”.
“Nora:Ha-ha!Not to rub salt into the wound,but our class is playing your favorite sport:basketball.”

2024-09-19 广告
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