For a commuter(通勤者)rushing to catch a train, a minute can mean the difference between dinner with the family and leftovers (剩饭) in the microwave. What most passengers don’t realize is that their minute is already there.
Every commuter train that departs (离开) from New York City — about 900 a day — leaves a minute later than scheduled. If the timetable says 8:14, the train will actually leave at 8:15. In other words, if you think you have only a minute to get that train — well, relax. You have two.
The courtesy minute, in place for decades and published only in private timetables for employees, is meant as a grace period(宽限期)for those who need the extra time to get off the platform and onto the train.
“If everyone knows they get an extra minute, they’re going to waste time doing unimportant things,” explained Marjorie Anders, a spokeswoman for the Metro-North Railroad. Told of this article, Ms. Anders laughed. “Don’t blow our cover!” she said.
Entirely hidden from the riding public, the secret minute is an odd departure from the railroad culture of down-to-the-second accuracy. The railroad industry helped invent the concept of standard time, and time zones were established in the United States in the 1880s, 35 years before they were written into law. And most commuters know their train by the precise minute it departs. The trains quickly make up the minute: at all other stops, the public timetable prevails. The phantom minute does not exist at commuter railroads in Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, or San Francisco. But in New York, the secret minute dates back decades.
“That’s been done forever, from my knowledge,” said Jack Swanberg, 70, an unofficial historian of Metro-North. “I was the trainmaster starting in 1970 and I’m sure it’s been the case since 1870 for all I know.”
不知道在讲什么? 展开
Every commuter train that departs (离开) from New York City — about 900 a day — leaves a minute later than scheduled. If the timetable says 8:14, the train will actually leave at 8:15. In other words, if you think you have only a minute to get that train — well, relax. You have two.
The courtesy minute, in place for decades and published only in private timetables for employees, is meant as a grace period(宽限期)for those who need the extra time to get off the platform and onto the train.
“If everyone knows they get an extra minute, they’re going to waste time doing unimportant things,” explained Marjorie Anders, a spokeswoman for the Metro-North Railroad. Told of this article, Ms. Anders laughed. “Don’t blow our cover!” she said.
Entirely hidden from the riding public, the secret minute is an odd departure from the railroad culture of down-to-the-second accuracy. The railroad industry helped invent the concept of standard time, and time zones were established in the United States in the 1880s, 35 years before they were written into law. And most commuters know their train by the precise minute it departs. The trains quickly make up the minute: at all other stops, the public timetable prevails. The phantom minute does not exist at commuter railroads in Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, or San Francisco. But in New York, the secret minute dates back decades.
“That’s been done forever, from my knowledge,” said Jack Swanberg, 70, an unofficial historian of Metro-North. “I was the trainmaster starting in 1970 and I’m sure it’s been the case since 1870 for all I know.”
不知道在讲什么? 展开
" 假如乘客们知道自己有多一分钟的时间,他们肯定会用来作一些无聊的消遣把它浪费掉."铁路公司的发言人xxx如是说.她还笑着告诉笔者说,"不要揭我们的老底阿"
" 假如乘客们知道自己有多一分钟的时间,他们肯定会用来作一些无聊的消遣把它浪费掉."铁路公司的发言人xxx如是说.她还笑着告诉笔者说,"不要揭我们的老底阿"
“那是永远,从我做,”杰克说Swanberg知识,70岁,一个非官方的历史学家。”是我Metro-North trainmaster开始于1970年结婚,我肯定是这样的案例为我所知道的一切从1870年起。”
“那是永远,从我做,”杰克说Swanberg知识,70岁,一个非官方的历史学家。”是我Metro-North trainmaster开始于1970年结婚,我肯定是这样的案例为我所知道的一切从1870年起。”