近几年,在红掌生产过程中危害最大的病害是根腐病。被根腐病病原菌侵染的植株,初期营养根先出现腐烂,茎叶部分生长不良,叶片失去光泽,边缘通常会变黄且表现为下垂状,而根则呈褐色。潮湿条件下,病斑表面出现白色霉层。故如何防治根腐病是红掌生产工作中的重点。随着人们对环境和健康的关注,在防治植物有害生物的过程中也应寻求更加安全、有效的方法。生物防治的防效是持久、稳定、全面的。本文通过对红掌根腐病生防细菌的筛选,找寻对红掌根腐病病原菌有抑制作用的生防细菌,并对该生防细菌的生物学特性进行初步的研究。 展开
近几年,在红掌生产过程中危害最大的病害是根腐病。被根腐病病原菌侵染的植株,初期营养根先出现腐烂,茎叶部分生长不良,叶片失去光泽,边缘通常会变黄且表现为下垂状,而根则呈褐色。潮湿条件下,病斑表面出现白色霉层。故如何防治根腐病是红掌生产工作中的重点。随着人们对环境和健康的关注,在防治植物有害生物的过程中也应寻求更加安全、有效的方法。生物防治的防效是持久、稳定、全面的。本文通过对红掌根腐病生防细菌的筛选,找寻对红掌根腐病病原菌有抑制作用的生防细菌,并对该生防细菌的生物学特性进行初步的研究。 展开
In recent years, Anthurium production process is the most damaging root rot disease. Root rot pathogen infection of plants by the initial nutrient root rot first appears, shoot some poor growth, dull blade, the edge will usually turn yellow and sagging performance of shape, but the root is brown. Humid conditions, the lesion surface layer of white mold. Therefore, how to control root rot is the focus of the work of Anthurium production. With environmental and health concerns, prevention and control of plant pests in the process should also seek more secure and effective method. Biological control effect is lasting, stable and comprehensive. Based on the anthurium root rot screening biocontrol bacteria, looking for root rot pathogens of Anthurium inhibit biocontrol bacteria, and the bacterial strain of a preliminary study on biological characteristics.