This survey questionnaire was sent to 82 freshers who graduated from different Indian universities. Approximately 10% of the recipients were alumni of the University of Delhi. The remaining recipients were contacts made at conferences, seminars and through visits to IT companies. The questionnaire was answered by 46 freshers. The survey comprised five sections. Section A collected the background information of the freshers, such as their educational background (e.g., degree, graduation date and school) and their software engineering education (e.g., software engineering courses, projects and topics emphasized). Section B gathered data about their company (e.g., ownership status and level of involvement in IT offshore outsourcing) and their working experience (e.g., job history, and choice and time at the company). Section C asked respondents to characterize the nature of the training they went through when hired (e.g., type, model and duration) and to describe the topics covered in technical, behavioral and IT offshore outsourcing-related training (if any), the emphasis of these topics and the duration of each training phase. Section D asked respondents to comment on how well academia prepared them for the IT industry. The last section of the survey was for open comments.
这份调查问卷被发放给了印度不同大学的82位新生。大约有10%的参与者是来自德里大学的。其余的参与者是通过会议,研讨会或者直接去IT公司挑选出来的。 其中46为新生回答了调查问卷。这份调查问卷由5部分组成。 A部分是关于新生的背景信息,例如他们的教育背景(如学位,毕业日期和院校)和他们的软件工程教育(如软件工程科目,项目和重点研究课题)。B部分是关于他们公司的一些数据的收集(如所有权和IT外包的程度)和他们的工作经验(如工作历史,选择方向和在公司的任职的时间)。C部分询问了关于调查者在最初被雇佣时的培训性质(如,培训类型,模式和持续时间)并且描述(如果涉及过)有关的曾经涉及到的关于技术,性能和IT 外包的主题,主要是在每个培训阶段这些主题的侧重点和持续时间。D部分要求被调查者评论一下学术环境对他们投身于IT行业所起的先期作用。调查问卷的最后一部分是一个自由评论部分。