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尽管当今动画艺术门类繁多,表现形式也各具差异,然而叙事性的动画作品始终占据着主流动画的位置,其影响力和产业价值也是最大的。可以说,一部动画的创意和构思是否优秀,成为了一部动画作品成功与否的核心标准。 那么,动画的创意和剧作除了要遵循戏剧电影和文学的通用叙事、写作准则之外,又有哪些结合动画特有的要素需要强化和加强呢?本文将结合具体的动画作品和作者本人的毕业设计,对这一问题展开讨论与阐述。
关 键 词:动画艺术 表演性 技术特效 美术造型 展开
尽管当今动画艺术门类繁多,表现形式也各具差异,然而叙事性的动画作品始终占据着主流动画的位置,其影响力和产业价值也是最大的。可以说,一部动画的创意和构思是否优秀,成为了一部动画作品成功与否的核心标准。 那么,动画的创意和剧作除了要遵循戏剧电影和文学的通用叙事、写作准则之外,又有哪些结合动画特有的要素需要强化和加强呢?本文将结合具体的动画作品和作者本人的毕业设计,对这一问题展开讨论与阐述。
关 键 词:动画艺术 表演性 技术特效 美术造型 展开
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With the progress of human society, more and more new types of cultural activities and art forms appeared, which continually advanced human civilization . Since animation was introduced in the early twentieth, it has been developed rapidly thanks to the tireless efforts and contributions of the generation of animators, which eventually helped animation form its huge art genre that covered many varieties of types of art.
Although there are numerous categories of animation and the forms of expression is different from one to another, the narrative animation is always in the leading position and its influence and commercial value are the highest as well. The creative ideas in the story and the ways of delivering the story are the key criteria to the success of an animation. However, to achieve the two criteria, except for following the rules of making films, the common ways of literature and writing norms, what other unique elements should be enhanced and improved in an animation film? Based on some specific animations and the experience from author's graduation project, this paper will give an answer to the question.
Keywords: animation, proformability, technical special effects, art model
其实所有的全文翻译软件,也都是用google的在线翻译的。 不信,你自己可以去试验试验。
With the progress of human society, more and more new types of cultural activities and art forms appeared, which continually advanced human civilization . Since animation was introduced in the early twentieth, it has been developed rapidly thanks to the tireless efforts and contributions of the generation of animators, which eventually helped animation form its huge art genre that covered many varieties of types of art.
Although there are numerous categories of animation and the forms of expression is different from one to another, the narrative animation is always in the leading position and its influence and commercial value are the highest as well. The creative ideas in the story and the ways of delivering the story are the key criteria to the success of an animation. However, to achieve the two criteria, except for following the rules of making films, the common ways of literature and writing norms, what other unique elements should be enhanced and improved in an animation film? Based on some specific animations and the experience from author's graduation project, this paper will give an answer to the question.
Keywords: animation, proformability, technical special effects, art model
其实所有的全文翻译软件,也都是用google的在线翻译的。 不信,你自己可以去试验试验。