Practice makes perfect?努力VS天赋·英语写作语料分享
相信你看过很多for example的使用实例。
本文将逐一分析这三种用法的差异,以及不同用法下删掉(忘写)for example带来的影响。
My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic foods. Forexample, last week he went to a restaurant which serves deep-fried rattlesnake.
There are many things a student can do to supplement his learning and second language acquisition. For example, students can attend churches where the target language is spoken.
My father loves going to restaurants which serve exotic foods. For example, last week he went to a restaurant which serves deep-fried rattlesnake.
For example, we've developed a healthy oven which cooks using superheated steam.
For example, if the contest requires an index card, don't send a piece of paper.
For example, the residential garbage collection charge would go from $14 to $15.
Last fall, for example, an iPhone snapshot-sharing app called Instagram debuted.
On one possession, for example, Sydney Johnson misfired from the top of the key.
Many wealthy people take exotic holidays, for example, round-the-world trips on luxurycruise liners.
His early television work, for example his documentary on Elgar, is still feted.
Philips, for example, is the largest customer of its own semiconductor division.
They contend that the earliest years of our lives should be dedicated to play, for example with toys, games and other children.
Teachers spend a lot of time with young people for example in class.
Technical literature is represented, for example, by texts on military strategy.
They would probably only need to come to the city from time to time, for example, to go shopping for larger items or to go to concerts or cinemas, to give two examples of entertainment.
1) For example前边是一个完整的句子,后边也是一个完整的句子;
2) For example后边句子的信息,是对前边句子信息的举例。
注意:删掉以上句子中的For example,前后两句信息就存在缺乏衔接的问题。
1) 我们公司的研发,带来了很多成果;
2) 我们发明了很多健康电器。
这种用法,有一种小变化——将for example放在句中(一般是其他状语之后)。
1) for example后边接了名词性成分(不是句子);
2) for example前边和后边斜体的部分,有举例关系。
注意:删掉以上句子中的for example, 每个句子的2斜体名词无法同时成为主语或者宾语,属于语法错误。
如果是用法2,那么for example后边应该接的是名词性成分,而不能是动词(is); 而且后边必须出现名词,对Philips举例(这不可能),所以不可能是用法2.
该句属于用法1, 将for example放在句中,虽然前面不是状语(而是句子的主语)。