wipe造句:Workers wipe oil from marsh grass in St. Tammany Parish, La.在路易斯安那州圣塔马尼教区,工人们正在擦掉沼泽地水草上的污油。
Volatility in the funding currency can wipe out the spread investors count on for their profits.借入货币的汇率波动会抹去投资者赖以盈利的差价。
No matter who he was, every guest must wipe his dirty boots on the mat before entering the theatre.进剧院前,无论他是谁,每一位客人必须在垫子上蹭蹭他的脏靴子。
In the game, players help a group of slingshot-aided-birds wipe out pigs who stole their eggs.在这款游戏里,玩家会依靠弹弓的力量帮助小鸟们打败那些偷走它们鸡蛋的猪。

2023-07-11 广告