我喜欢打篮球的英语:I like playing basketball.重点词汇:1、我:I;2、喜欢:like;love;enjoy;be fond of;3、打篮球:play basketball。
1、Playing basketball is a popular movement.打篮球是家喻户晓的运动。
2、She likes to play basketball and water ski.她喜欢打篮球和滑水。
3、Mary plays basketball very well,the others on the team are good, but she really sticks out.玛丽篮球打得非常棒,队里的其他成员虽然也很好,可她是真正的出类拔萃。
4、John wondered what elisha was thinkingelisha,who was tall and handsome, who played basketball.约翰不知道伊莱沙此时在想些什么他,伊莱沙,高高的个子,面清目秀,会打篮球。
5、Every day that it rained we would play basketball.每逢下雨天,我们都会打篮球。