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2022-11-15 · TA获得超过5451个赞
The interior of car was not cold
but the trees which bent in the harsh wind. (两个 verbs
was 和 bent
它们都是 past tense) The interior of car was not cold
but the trees bending in the harsh wind. (只有一个 main verb
是was. “standing” 是 present participle.) 两句子意思相同
一个使用 relative pronoun
一个用 present participle. but 在这句是 preposition
不是 conjunction “bending in the harsh wind” is an active participle phrase. Participle phrase is an efficient way of giving more information about a noun (trees) and can often replace a defining relative clause. Standing 在这句不是 gerund . standing 不当 noun 用 Gerund is the –ing form used like a noun. He gave up *** oking. Sailing is fun. ( *** oking 和 sailing 都是 gerund) Consider the following example: The student is very noisy. The student lives upstairs. (~ o separate sentences) The student who lives upstairs is very noisy. (~ “who lives upstairs” is a relative clause) The student living upstairs is very noisy. (“living upstairs” ~ active participle phrase) She had not got around to placing it yet. to 在这句子是 preposition
不是作 to-infinitive
所以用 –ing “To” can be a preposition
or it can be part of a to-infinitive. I am looking forward to seeing you. (look forward to + gerund) I hope to see you. (hope + to-infinitive) After a preposition “to”
we can put a noun phrase instead of a gerund. I am looking forward to next weekend. We cannot do this with a to-infinitive. You cannot say “I want to dinner”
so you do not say “I want to eating.” You do say “I want to eat.” 题外 你最好记住: get round to
admit to
confess to
object to
resort to
be accustomed to
be close to
be dedicated to
resign oneself to
devote oneself to …. e 都是用 gerund 特别小心: used to-infinitive 过去经常 e.g. I used to drive in London. (It refer to habits or states which happened or were true in the past but are no longer the case) be used to + gerund 习惯于 e.g. I am/was used to driving in London. (It refers to how familiar something is for someone; it can occur in different tense forms.) 2012-11-19 10:53:40 补充: Sorry
写错了 standing Correction: bending 在这句不是 gerund . bending 不当 noun 用 Gerund is the –ing form used like a noun.
参考: Longman English Dictionary
问得好... The interior of car was not cold
but the trees bending in the harsh wind. 这句作者运用了一句式或平行分句一种不常用的技巧(由于不知句的由来,如果是小说或者是故事描述而不是正规的学科或文法书例子的话),让我大胆地讲前后的两句是冋用一个was动词,因此but后面那句作者特登skip(漏)了唔写...因为再写多 一次读者便不会产生一种对比的和唔对称或者像你感到不安的感觉,从而叫人跳过文法的框框而注意多一点内容的形容... 其实要修正便是: The interior of car was not cold
but the trees were bending in the harsh wind. 便平平稳稳对对称称又文法正确又句式完整,不过就是少了那凹凸不平的位以突出but前后两个情景的对比(留意对比的描写也不是not cold对cold/chill/freeze而是not cold 对windy(harsh wind)加上用吹到弯著的树来图像化的表达。 2012-11-19 16:16:37 补充: She had not got around to placing it yet. 当中got around to是一种prepositional phrase连住一起作为一个片语意思,所以接着的verb便不用infinitive而是改为gerund. 楼上Godfrey已解得透彻。
The interior of car was not cold
but the trees (bending in the harsh wind.) 点解 trees 后用 bending???五系 bend?? 甘个 verb 系边?? 呢d系gerund?? ##其实括住bending in the harsh wind系verb adjective形容trees. 另外
She had not got around to placing it yet. 点解 to 后 用 ing???五系咩都五转得咩? ##其实to后面之所以用ing系因为get around to 系一个phrase意思系”抽出时间来做”平日任何preposition (for example: to
参考: myself
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