Shipping pnes use shipping agent to sell their freight space in a particular port
远洋班轮公司通过船务代理在 指定港口 销售舱位。
Shipping pnes use shipping agent to sell their freight space in a particular port
远洋班轮公司通过船务代理在 指定港口 销售舱位。
Price includes cost , insurance , freight to a named port of destination in the buyer ' s country
到岸价格。包括成本、保险费以及运费,要求运到卖方 指定港口 。
( price includes cost , insurance , freight to a named port of destination in the buyer ' s country
到岸价格。包括成本、保险闹友费以及运费,要求运到卖方 指定港口 。
Cip ? price includes cost of goods , carriage ( freight ) , and insurance paid by container to a named destination in the buyer ' s country
到岸价格。包括成本、保险费以及运费,要求运到卖方 指定港口 。
Reasonable quantity of duty - paid fuel placed in the fuel tank of any pleasure vessel of more than 60 tons register and for use by that vessel in reaching an identified port outside hksar ; and
存放于任何注册净重量为60吨以上之游船燃料缸内,以供该游船前往香港特信宴别行政区液坦槐以外 指定港口 之合理数量的已完税燃料;及
2024-09-10 广告