1. Beginning class 开始上课
l Stand up, please. 起立!
l Sit down, please. 请坐下!
l Let‘s start now. / Let’s begin our class / lesson. 让我们开始上课。
l Let‘s start a new lesson / Lesson 1. 我们开始上新课 / 第一课。
l Let‘s get ready for class. 准备上课。
l Have you got everything ready for class? 你(们)做好上课的准备了吗?
2. Greetings 问候
l Hello, boys and girls / children. 同学们好!
l Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls. 早上好 / 下午好,同学们。
l How are you today? 你(们)今天好吗?
3. Checking attendance 考勤
l Is everyone / everybody here / present? 所有人都到齐了吗?
l Is anyone / anybody away / absent? 有人缺席吗?
l Who‘s absent / away? 谁缺席了?
l Why is he / she absent today? 他 / 她为什么缺席?
l Try to be on time. / Don‘t be late next time. 下次别迟到。
4. Asking the student on duty 向值日生提问
l Who‘s on duty today? Who’s helping this morning / today? 今天(早上)谁值日?
l Could you clean the blackboard, please? 请你擦一下黑板,好吗?
l What‘s the date today? 今天是几号?
l What day is it today? 今天星期几?
5. Reviewing the lesson 复习功课
l Let‘s review our lessons. 让我们开始复习。
l What did we learn last lesson? 上一课我们学了什么?
l What did we talk about last time? 上一次我们讨论了什么问题?
l Who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么?
l What did you learn today? 今天你们学了些什么?
l Stand up, please. 起立!
l Sit down, please. 请坐下!
l Let‘s start now. / Let’s begin our class / lesson. 让我们开始上课。
l Let‘s start a new lesson / Lesson 1. 我们开始上新课 / 第一课。
l Let‘s get ready for class. 准备上课。
l Have you got everything ready for class? 你(们)做好上课的准备了吗?
2. Greetings 问候
l Hello, boys and girls / children. 同学们好!
l Good morning / afternoon, class / everyone / boys and girls. 早上好 / 下午好,同学们。
l How are you today? 你(们)今天好吗?
3. Checking attendance 考勤
l Is everyone / everybody here / present? 所有人都到齐了吗?
l Is anyone / anybody away / absent? 有人缺席吗?
l Who‘s absent / away? 谁缺席了?
l Why is he / she absent today? 他 / 她为什么缺席?
l Try to be on time. / Don‘t be late next time. 下次别迟到。
4. Asking the student on duty 向值日生提问
l Who‘s on duty today? Who’s helping this morning / today? 今天(早上)谁值日?
l Could you clean the blackboard, please? 请你擦一下黑板,好吗?
l What‘s the date today? 今天是几号?
l What day is it today? 今天星期几?
5. Reviewing the lesson 复习功课
l Let‘s review our lessons. 让我们开始复习。
l What did we learn last lesson? 上一课我们学了什么?
l What did we talk about last time? 上一次我们讨论了什么问题?
l Who can tell me what we learnt today? 谁能告诉我,今天我们都学了些什么?
l What did you learn today? 今天你们学了些什么?
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