在次本文进行了海参热泵干燥的特性试验研究。试验结果发现试验箱体内的相对湿度越大,海参的干燥时间越长;试验箱体内的风速越大,海参的干燥时间越短;海参的个体越小,海参的干燥时间越短。同时本文也对海参的收缩率和复水比进行了计算分析,分析结果发现海参的终了含水率了直接影响到海参收缩率的大小。通过复水比曲线我们可以看出在前几分钟内曲线成上升趋势,随着时间的增加海参吸水量逐渐减少,曲线成平稳下降趋势。 展开
在次本文进行了海参热泵干燥的特性试验研究。试验结果发现试验箱体内的相对湿度越大,海参的干燥时间越长;试验箱体内的风速越大,海参的干燥时间越短;海参的个体越小,海参的干燥时间越短。同时本文也对海参的收缩率和复水比进行了计算分析,分析结果发现海参的终了含水率了直接影响到海参收缩率的大小。通过复水比曲线我们可以看出在前几分钟内曲线成上升趋势,随着时间的增加海参吸水量逐渐减少,曲线成平稳下降趋势。 展开
Nutrient-rich sea cucumbers to be good therapeutic regarded as a two-horn, as well as foreign consumers love. Practice has proved : dry heat pump drying products, not only can save energy by nearly 5O%. it can greatly improve their quality and value. The topics to be used dry heat pump technology to sea cucumbers for processing, experimental study to determine the sea cucumber heat pump drying pretreatment methods and drying process. This paper first heat pump drying technology and drying seafood at home and abroad of a detailed progress report. Determine the content and research methods. The second section describes the heat pump drying system working principle, the preliminary establishment of a heat pump test platform. In the second paper of the sea cucumber heat pump drying characteristics of the pilot study. Test results found that the hardness greater relative humidity, sea cucumbers to the longer drying time; Test the speed of greater hardness, Vladivostok's drying time is shorter; The smaller the individual sea cucumbers, sea cucumbers drying time is shorter. Meanwhile, this paper on sea cucumbers and the shrinkage rate than the water used in the calculation, Analysis of the results found sea cucumbers ended moisture had a direct impact on the rate of sea cucumbers the size of contraction. Through the water than the curve, we can see the first few minutes into a curve upward trend With the increase in sea cucumbers water decreased gradually, as a smooth curve downward trend.