ecshop 中修改商品时报错?MySQL server error report:Array
MySQL server error report:Array ( [0] => Array ( [message] => MySQL Query Error ) [1] => Array ( [sql] => UPDATE `sq_junyue`.`ecs_goods` SET goods_name = '中国共产党诞生地-嘉兴南湖一日游', goods_name_style = '+', goods_sn = 'JY000034', cat_id = '18', brand_id = '17', shop_price = '128.00', chil_price = '60',market_price = '153.6', is_promote = '0', promote_price = '0', promote_start_date = '0', suppliers_id = '0', promote_end_date = '0', keywords = '南湖', goods_brief = '建党90周年之际,参观共产党一大会址-南湖红船', seller_note = '', goods_weight = '1',goods_number = '30', warn_number = '0', integral = '1', give_integral = '0', rank_integral = '0', is_best = '1', is_new = '0', is_hot = '1', is_on_sale = '1', is_alone_sale = '1', is_shipping = '0', goods_desc = '....', last_update = '1306737756', goods_type = '10' WHERE goods_id = '35' LIMIT 1 ) [2] => Array ( [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',market_price = '153.6', is_promote = '0', promote_price = '0', promote_start_d' at line 1 ) [3] => Array ( [errno] => 1064 ) )