Important message
We're sorry for the inconvenience, but in order to maintain a safe trading environment, there's a limit on the number of times individual sellers can list certain items in a period of 30 consecutive days.
You've reached the 30-day selling limit for the type of item you're trying to list. This isn't a reflection on your account or selling activity. These limits apply to all accounts. But it does mean you won't be able to complete this listing right now. (You can still list other kinds of items, though.)
Items that are subject to selling limits can change, so we can’t be specific about which listings fall under these protective limits.
Long-time sellers with proven track records and other positive account attributes may be eligible for higher selling limits. If you believe that you would qualify, please review our selling limits page for more information.
我在ebay上架时出来这段话 什么意识 展开
We're sorry for the inconvenience, but in order to maintain a safe trading environment, there's a limit on the number of times individual sellers can list certain items in a period of 30 consecutive days.
You've reached the 30-day selling limit for the type of item you're trying to list. This isn't a reflection on your account or selling activity. These limits apply to all accounts. But it does mean you won't be able to complete this listing right now. (You can still list other kinds of items, though.)
Items that are subject to selling limits can change, so we can’t be specific about which listings fall under these protective limits.
Long-time sellers with proven track records and other positive account attributes may be eligible for higher selling limits. If you believe that you would qualify, please review our selling limits page for more information.
我在ebay上架时出来这段话 什么意识 展开
ebay的老销售商如果可以提供有效地历史销售记录或其他积极地账户属性(应该是用户评价一类的),将有资格申请更高的上架次数限制。 如果您认为自己符合标准,请查看我们的销售限制页面获取更多信息。
ebay的老销售商如果可以提供有效地历史销售记录或其他积极地账户属性(应该是用户评价一类的),将有资格申请更高的上架次数限制。 如果您认为自己符合标准,请查看我们的销售限制页面获取更多信息。